FCS issue

Hello everybody. Firstly, i wanna say sorry for my English. I have several questions and hope that you will help me.
Not so far ago, we had a competition in Moscow and faced with a big problem.
The field was freezing and lagging ( you press the button or stick , and after many seconds robot starts mooving). The main judge said, that it is our problem because our Teleop programms are not multithreads. But when we had a competition in our region with a simple D-link router, everything was fine.
Now i’m afraid , that in the nearest competition in Moscow we will have that problem again .That’ s why , i’m not so sure that he is right about multitasking?
And 1 question more.
With a d-link router our robot were disconnected from the field seems that power supply were switching off time to time. Could it be because of static electricity? (Cuz we were always shocked by it , when were touching it)

Several teams had lagging controls in last year’s competition, particularly when connected to the field (and not seen when they were tethered or using only the Dlink). Sounds like your problem.

In some cases, the camera was overloading the communications channel on the field. Try disconnecting your camera to see what happens.

In other cases, the cRio was hitting 100% utilization. This is a problem with your code. There is a way (but I don’t know it) to check the CPU utilization of the cRio. Find out how and do that.

Moscow? I did not know FRC was active there.

I suppose i have posted it in the wrong place (english is difficult for me) , and i’m really sorry :ahh:
I was talking about FTC competition and Field Control system for it.
Sorry again i will post my message in the different place:)
Thanks anyway