FedEx Unable to Ship FRC Team 1155 and Team 2265

I am from the FIRST FRC Team 2265, the FeMaidens from Bronx, New York. FedEx is refusing to ship our crate, as well as our brother team 1155 (the Sciborgs)'s crate.

FedEx was scheduled to pick up our crate from between 1 to 3 pm today, however, at 5 pm, when we contacted them, FedEx informed us that a private contractor would come to pick up our crate latest 8 pm.At this point we contacted Ana Martinez, head of FIRST in NYC. She advised us to call the Manchester headquarters, at which we left a message at approximately 6:55 pm. However, no one picked up at the private contractor at 8:30 pm. When we finally did reach someone, a Mr. Phil Braun, we were told that the contractor would not pick up any more crates tonight. Although we explained that the crates absolutely had to be picked up today, they were adamant that the crate could only be picked up tomorrow.

We have taken pictures of our crates and have left in view of our school security camera. We cannot stay at the school any longer and will be calling FedEx again to pick up our crate first thing tomorrow morning.

We have sent this email to [email protected] and hopefully they will get back to us soon about this problem.

ok, you’ve done what you can. Now, relax :slight_smile:

This happened to us last year. The robot didn’t get picked up until ~1pm on Wednesday. All we had to do to be legal was send an email to FIRST saying the robot is packed and we aren’t going to open it (this is likely different this year). FIRST knows this sort of thing happens and they have ways of dealing with it. You’ve done everything you can do. Let them deal with the rest.

Judging from other threads, it looks like you’re in a similar boat to a lot of teams. FIRST’s standard response for this seems to involve a letter from the principal on letterhead vouching for the integrity of the crate (and those who might be tempted to re-open it). Wait on official guidance from them.

That said, a tip of the hat for your thoroughness!

Ours wasn’t picked up today either. We were told by Fed X that there were about 30 teams in the Houston area that were not going to picked up today. They said they will be by in the morning.

Did this get resolved?