There are a few thread active on feedforward gains for Arms. They all have great information. To attempt to not snipe the thread or get lost here is a new on stemmed from what I believe I learned.
There is no periodic method in a PIDSubsystem (When using a PID controller on the RoboRio to call this function. Maybe the returnPIDInput() method could call this calculateFF() before returning the input.
If using the a TalonSRX the command that set the setpoint could call this calculateFF() in its execute() method untill its complete setting the kf value of the affected motor controller.
@cpapplefamily, I’m currently working on the same problem. This is what I intend to do. I’d be interested if anyone else has comments on this approach.
Use a default command for the arm subsystem so that the execute function is called periodically.
Store the current mode in a variable (Percent-Out or Motion-Magic or Position Closed Loop, etc…) in your subsystem along with the set-point.
Depending on the mode, give the Talon the correct output including the calculated AFF value.
It appears to be OK to set the Motion-Magic target multiple times. This should answer your main question.
Create a command which sets the MM set-point of the subsystem and switches modes.
Check for joy-stick input periodically and switch to percent-out if any is read as a manual override.
Check for the end of your closed-loop motion by comparing the current position against your set point. Switch back to percent-out when close enough, or no motion for some N tics.
If returning to your starting position, consider resetting your encoder to zero after ending the closed-loop mode.
So a standard Subsystem with a PIDController would be best thanks I will look at that.
Will my issues of using a potentiometer like on my elevator with the 10turn pot creep into this being to low of a resolution? Or since in this case I would be using ~100 deg of a 170deg pot be ok. The Elevator was the first time we used a pot on the TalonSRX as feedback and it was not a great experience.
We are starting into the Black Magic of controls. I thought I understood but after creating a Subsystem with my Motor, Pot and a PIDController I began to poke into the PIDController.class. I don’t see a calculateFeedForward function.
So do I need to create my own PIDController that extends PIDBase … Basically copy and rename the WPILib PIDController?
public class myPIDController extends PIDBase implements Controller {
//Copy all the code of the WPILibs PIDControlller
// and add
public double calculateFeedForward(double currentAngle){
double armLenght = 10.0; //inches
double armWeight = 10.0; //lbs
//Redline motor
double mortorOhms = .112; //internal Resistance
double motorTorqe = 5.55; //Inch*lbs
double motorStallCurrent = 106.9; //amps
//Total Gear Reduction
double gearBox = 200;
double Kt = (motorTorqe/motorStallCurrent);
return ( (armLenght*armWeight*mortorOhms) / (Kt*gearBox) ) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(currentAngle));
All so I can expose and utilize the function? Seems like a lot of work but even then the TalonSRX option I have not seen much about how that works either.
Any issues with using an analog potentiometer here for feed back? I ask because of the issue I had using one on our elevator and not having enough resolution to smooth the motion Profile.