Electrical Connection
Connect the e-box’s (seperate component VAVE-…) to each end of the valve as shown in the picture below. After this connection is secured connect the supplied cables to the connectors. Attached one end of each cable to a +24VDC signal and the other to a 0VDC signal.
When the valve is switched on the LED will turn on.
Is the connector for the festo supplied? I can’t seem to find it if it is. What is the recommended way for wiring it using KOP parts?
If you all are around tomorrow i can talk to our electrical engineer and have him give u a call or if you are available swing by for help… As I would not follow any of my wiring advice :yikes:
They do have a connector for wiring them it is nice actually screws into the body so it cant be dislodged…
A quick check of the KOP dosent have that valve you linked to. A re-check says the same thing. The only valve I can find in the KOP is a 24v double valve with built-in leads. If you really want to us the valve, you could try to solder wires to the terminals.
We just got our festo KOP valve - it came late as a replacement part - and we seem to be missing the VAVE connectors that snap on to the sides of the valve. We got the connectors with the wires but there is no way to connect them to the valve.
Should I be looking somewhere else in the kit for those connectors, or should they come in the festo valve bag (marked vuvg-asy)?
I have the Festo solenoid built using KoP, but how do I wire it to the breakout? I think both leads have to be twisted into a single connector, but I might be wrong.
The leads don’t twist together.
You use code to turn one side off as it’s opposite is turned on and vice versa.
The two wires (1-red & 1-black) from one side of the Festo go to a 2-pin connector and plug into the Solenoid Breakout, on say position 1. The Solenoid Breakout pins are marked as to (+) & (-), the black wire goes on the (-) pin.
The two wires (1-red & 1-black) from the opposite side of the Festo go to a 2-pin connector and plug into the Solenoid Breakout, on say position 2.
I may be a bit slower than the rest - isn’t the new Festo valve 24v and the breakout 12v??? Or does the double connection to the valve give it the 24v it needs?