DFrostU 7:00 8:02 8:04
Questionable Decisionmakers 7:03 8:00 8:06
First Pick 7:06 7:58 8:08
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 7:09 7:56 8:10
The Lunch Company 7:12 7:54 8:12
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 7:15 7:52 8:14
TSIMFD 7:18 7:50 8:16
Blucifer 7:21 7:48 8:18
The Breakfast Company 7:24 7:46 8:20
Falcon 7:27 7:44 8:22
Cup Of Joe 7:30 7:42 8:24
NASUH 7:33 7:40 8:26
Hammerheads 7:36 7:38 8:28
233 1816 2052 2181 2232 2239 2450 2470
2480 2498 2500 2501 2502 2508 2509 2513
2515 2518 2529 2532 2823 2825 2846 2847
2879 3018 3023 3026 3038 3058 3081 3102
3184 3244 3278 3298 3299 3407 3454 3630
3745 3751 3839 4207 4229 4536 4549 4607
4626 4664 5172 5434 5637 5913 5996 6709
7038 7068 7180
I have lists for:
- Falcon
- Blucifer
- First Pick
- DFrostU
Err, isn’t that for North Star?
2451 got caught out in the cold and didn’t appear on the roster. What’s your pick?
They’re at North Star, this is 10K lakes
DFrostU 233 8:02 8:04
Questionable Decisionmakers 7:03 8:00 8:06
First Pick 7:06 7:58 8:08
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 7:09 7:56 8:10
The Lunch Company 7:12 7:54 8:12
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 7:15 7:52 8:14
TSIMFD 7:18 7:50 8:16
Blucifer 7:21 7:48 8:18
The Breakfast Company 7:24 7:46 8:20
Falcon 7:27 7:44 8:22
Cup Of Joe 7:30 7:42 8:24
NASUH 7:33 7:40 8:26
Hammerheads 7:36 7:38 8:28
1816 2052 2181 2232 2239 2450 2470
2480 2498 2500 2501 2502 2508 2509 2513
2515 2518 2529 2532 2823 2825 2846 2847
2879 3018 3023 3026 3038 3058 3081 3102
3184 3244 3278 3298 3299 3407 3454 3630
3745 3751 3839 4207 4229 4536 4549 4607
4626 4664 5172 5434 5637 5913 5996 6709
7038 7068 7180
QD, stay warm out there
Happy to select FRC 5172 with our pick.
I’d daresay the Gators are caught out of their element in Minnesota,
but they don’t seem to mind.
DFrostU 233 8:02 8:04
Questionable Decisionmakers 5172 8:00 8:06
First Pick 1816 7:58 8:08
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 2502 7:56 8:10
The Lunch Company 2052 7:54 8:12
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 2509 7:52 8:14
TSIMFD 4536 7:50 8:16
Blucifer 2500 7:48 8:18
The Breakfast Company 7:24 7:46 8:20
Falcon 7:27 7:44 8:22
Cup Of Joe 7:30 7:42 8:24
NASUH 7:33 7:40 8:26
Hammerheads 7:36 7:38 8:28
2181 2232 2239 2450 2470
2480 2498 2501 2508 2513
2515 2518 2529 2532 2823 2825 2846 2847
2879 3018 3023 3026 3038 3058 3081 3102
3184 3244 3278 3298 3299 3407 3454 3630
3745 3751 3839 4207 4229 4549 4607
4626 4664 5434 5637 5913 5996 6709
7038 7068 7180
DFrostU 233 8:02 8:04
Questionable Decisionmakers 5172 8:00 8:06
First Pick 1816 7:58 8:08
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 2502 7:56 8:10
The Lunch Company 2052 7:54 8:12
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 2509 7:52 8:14
TSIMFD 4536 7:50 8:16
Blucifer 2500 7:48 8:18
The Breakfast Company 2823 7:46 8:20
Falcon 2846 7:44 8:22
Cup Of Joe 7:30 7:42 8:24
NASUH 7:33 7:40 8:26
Hammerheads 7:36 7:38 8:28
2181 2232 2239 2450 2470
2480 2498 2501 2508 2513
2515 2518 2529 2532 2825 2847
2879 3018 3023 3026 3038 3058 3081 3102
3184 3244 3278 3298 3299 3407 3454 3630
3745 3751 3839 4207 4229 4549 4607
4626 4664 5434 5637 5913 5996 6709
7038 7068 7180
Cup O’ Joe, you’re just in time for the weather.
DFrostU 233 8:02 8:04
Questionable Decisionmakers 5172 8:00 8:06
First Pick 1816 7:58 8:08
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 2502 7:56 8:10
The Lunch Company 2052 7:54 8:12
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 2509 7:52 8:14
TSIMFD 4536 7:50 8:16
Blucifer 2500 7:48 8:18
The Breakfast Company 2823 7:46 8:20
Falcon 2846 7:44 8:22
Cup Of Joe 6709 7:42 8:24
NASUH 5434 7:40 8:26
Hammerheads 7:36 7:38 8:28
2181 2232 2239 2450 2470
2480 2498 2501 2508 2513
2515 2518 2529 2532 2825 2847
2879 3018 3023 3026 3038 3058 3081 3102
3184 3244 3278 3298 3299 3407 3454 3630
3745 3751 3839 4207 4229 4549 4607
4626 4664 5637 5913 5996
7038 7068 7180
Hammerheads, I hope the water’s warm enough to swim.
DFrostU 233 8:02 8:04
Questionable Decisionmakers 5172 8:00 8:06
First Pick 1816 7:58 8:08
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 2502 7:56 8:10
The Lunch Company 2052 7:54 8:12
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 2509 7:52 8:14
TSIMFD 4536 7:50 8:16
Blucifer 2500 7:48 8:18
The Breakfast Company 2823 7:46 8:20
Falcon 2846 7:44 8:22
Cup Of Joe 6709 7:42 8:24
NASUH 5434 2181 8:26
Hammerheads 7068 7180 8:28
2232 2239 2450 2470
2480 2498 2501 2508 2513
2515 2518 2529 2532 2825 2847
2879 3018 3023 3026 3038 3058 3081 3102
3184 3244 3278 3298 3299 3407 3454 3630
3745 3751 3839 4207 4229 4549 4607
4626 4664 5637 5913 5996
Hey Joe, Guess What?
DFrostU 233 8:02 8:04
Questionable Decisionmakers 5172 8:00 8:06
First Pick 1816 3102 8:08
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 2502 3026 8:10
The Lunch Company 2052 3630 8:12
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 2509 3244 8:14
TSIMFD 4536 4607 8:16
Blucifer 2500 5913 8:18
The Breakfast Company 2823 3184 8:20
Falcon 2846 2232 8:22
Cup Of Joe 6709 7038 8:24
NASUH 5434 2181 8:26
Hammerheads 7068 7180 8:28
2239 2450 2470
2480 2498 2501 2508 2513
2515 2518 2529 2532 2825 2847
2879 3018 3023 3038 3058 3081
3278 3298 3299 3407 3454
3745 3751 3839 4207 4229 4549
4626 4664 5637 5996
Back to you QD
DFrostU 233 2529 4229
Questionable Decisionmakers 5172 2501 8:06
First Pick 1816 3102 8:08
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 2502 3026 8:10
The Lunch Company 2052 3630 8:12
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 2509 3244 8:14
TSIMFD 4536 4607 8:16
Blucifer 2500 5913 8:18
The Breakfast Company 2823 3184 8:20
Falcon 2846 2232 8:22
Cup Of Joe 6709 7038 8:24
NASUH 5434 2181 8:26
Hammerheads 7068 7180 8:28
2239 2450 2470
2480 2498 2508 2513
2515 2518 2532 2825 2847
2879 3018 3023 3038 3058 3081
3278 3298 3299 3407 3454
3745 3751 3839 4207 4549
4626 4664 5637 5996
Back to you, Mr. Hill.
DFrostU 233 2529 4229
Questionable Decisionmakers 5172 2501 3299
First Pick 1816 3102 2498
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 2502 3026 4207
The Lunch Company 2052 3630 5996
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 2509 3244 3751
TSIMFD 4536 4607 2518
Blucifer 2500 5913 3018
The Breakfast Company 2823 3184 2239
Falcon 2846 2232 4626
Cup Of Joe 6709 7038 8:24
NASUH 5434 2181 8:26
Hammerheads 7068 7180 8:28
2450 2470
2480 2508 2513
2515 2532 2825 2847
2879 3023 3038 3058 3081
3278 3298 3407 3454
3745 3839 4549
4664 5637
Cup O’ Joe, finish it