RMiller …7… 8:15… 8:17
Sunbun …7:05… 8:13… 8:18
Barry Bonzack . …7:10… 8:11… 8:19
Jamie Kalb …7:15… 8:09… 8:20
bobwrit …7:20… 8:07… 8:21
XaulZan11 …7:25… 8:05… 8:22
Koko Ed …7:30… 8:03… 8:23
dodar …7:35… 8:01… 8:24
rtfgonw …7:40… 7:59… 8:25
Akash …7:45… 7:57… 8:26
Chris is me …7:50… 7:55… 8:27
TEAMS: 1714 2022 2052 2062 2169 2177 2181 2194 2227 2232 2264 2450 2470 2480 2491 2498 2500 2501 2502 2503 2508 2509 2511 2513 2515 2518 2525 2532 2538 2545 2606 2704 2705 2817 2825 2826 2845 2846 2847 2855 2861 2879 2957 2987 2989 3007 3038 3081 3082 3184 3212 3227 3244 3261 3276 3278 3297 3299 3300 3312 3313 3407
I’ll give this tactic another try.
XaulZan11, I’d like to offer you a trade of draft positions in today’s two drafts (North Star and 1000 Lakes). This would mean we would swap positions on both of the picking charts for those drafts - you’d move up from sixth to fourth at 1000 Lakes and I’d move up from second to first at North Star. Just like this trade: http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/showpost.php?p=887712&postcount=2
Does that sound good to you?
P.S. I’ve put this post in the thread for both drafts.
January 3, 2010, 4:30pm
I’ll give this tactic another try.
XaulZan11, I’d like to offer you a trade of draft positions in today’s two drafts (North Star and 1000 Lakes). This would mean we would swap positions on both of the picking charts for those drafts - you’d move up from sixth to fourth at 1000 Lakes and I’d move up from second to first at North Star. Just like this trade: http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/showpost.php?p=887712&postcount=2
Does that sound good to you?
P.S. I’ve put this post in the thread for both drafts.
Read as: Jamie wants to pick 71
I can’t say I’m too happy with the randomizer right now.
The Randomizer rules all but favors none.
You got me. Was I that obvious?
I don’t know. It has a thing for giving me top 4 picks. Not complaining!
January 3, 2010, 6:18pm
Disfavors some, though. (OK, so I did get decent picks from near the bottom of half the drafts…)
RMiller …7… .8:15… 8:17
Sunbun …7:05… 8:13… 8:18
Barry Bonzack . …7:10… 8:11… 8:19
Jamie Kalb …7:15… 8:09… 8:20
bobwrit …7:20… 8:07… 8:21
XaulZan11 …7:25… 8:05… 8:22
Koko Ed …7:30… 8:03… 8:23
dodar …7:35… 8:01… 8:24
rtfgonw …7:40… 7:59… 8:25
Akash …7:45… 7:57… 8:26
Chris is me …7:50… 7:55… 8:27
TEAMS: 1714 2022 2052 2062 2169 2177 2181 2194 2227 2232 2264 2450 2470 2480 2491 2498 2500 2501 2502 2503 2508 2509 2511 2513 2515 2518 2525 2532 2538 2545 2606 2704 2705 2817 2825 2826 2845 2846 2847 2855 2861 2879 2957 2987 2989 3007 3038 3081 3082 3184 3212 3227 3244 3261 3276 3278 3297 3299 3300 3312 3313 3407
Man what’s the average team number for this regional? Haha.
2714.032258 according to Excel
RMiller …2169… 8:15… 8:17
Sunbun …1714… 8:13… 8:18
Barry Bonzack . …2826… 8:11… 8:19
Jamie Kalb …2502… 8:09… 8:20
bobwrit …2177… 8:07… 8:21
XaulZan11 …2062… 8:05… 8:22
Koko Ed …3407… 8:03… 8:23
dodar …2194… 8:01… 8:24
rtfgonw …2470… 7:59… 8:25
Akash …7:45… 7:57… 8:26
Chris is me …7:50… 7:55… 8:27
TEAMS: 2022 2052 2181 2227 2232 2264 2450 2480 2491 2498 2500 2501 2503 2508 2509 2511 2513 2515 2518 2525 2532 2538 2545 2606 2704 2705 2817 2825 2845 2846 2847 2855 2861 2879 2957 2987 2989 3007 3038 3081 3082 3184 3212 3227 3244 3261 3276 3278 3297 3299 3300 3312 3313
RMiller …2169… 8:15… 8:17
Sunbun …1714… 8:13… 8:18
Barry Bonzack . …2826… 8:11… 8:19
Jamie Kalb …2502… 8:09… 8:20
bobwrit …2177… 8:07… 8:21
XaulZan11 …2062… 8:05… 8:22
Koko Ed …3407… 8:03… 8:23
dodar …2194… 8:01… 8:24
rtfgonw …2470… 7:59… 8:25
Akash …2022… 7:57… 8:26
Chris is me …2704… 2825… 8:27
TEAMS: 2052 2181 2227 2232 2264 2450 2480 2491 2498 2500 2501 2503 2508 2509 2511 2513 2515 2518 2525 2532 2538 2545 2606 2705 2817 2845 2846 2847 2855 2861 2879 2957 2987 2989 3007 3038 3081 3082 3184 3212 3227 3244 3261 3276 3278 3297 3299 3300 3312 3313
RMiller …2169… 8:15… 8:17
Sunbun …1714… 8:13… 8:18
Barry Bonzack . …2826… 8:11… 8:19
Jamie Kalb …2502… 8:09… 8:20
bobwrit …2177… 8:07… 8:21
XaulZan11 …2062… 8:05… 8:22
Koko Ed …3407… 8:03… 8:23
dodar …2194… 8:01… 8:24
rtfgonw …2470… 7:59… 8:25
Akash …2022… 7:57… 8:26
Chris is me …2704… 2264… 8:27
TEAMS: 2052 2181 2227 2232 2450 2480 2491 2498 2500 2501 2503 2508 2509 2511 2513 2515 2518 2525 2532 2538 2545 2606 2705 2817 2825 2845 2846 2847 2855 2861 2879 2957 2987 2989 3007 3038 3081 3082 3184 3212 3227 3244 3261 3276 3278 3297 3299 3300 3312 3313
Well, geez, with fourteen rookies, no wonder!
Oddly enough, both times I’ve tried to trade for a #1 pick, my offer’s been rejected, but I got the team I wanted anyway!
RMiller …2169… 2450…3184
Sunbun …1714…3007… 3297
Barry Bonzack . …2826… 2846…2515
Jamie Kalb …2502…3227… 2847
bobwrit …2177… 2817… 3212
XaulZan11 …2062… 2052… 2606
Koko Ed …3407… 3313… 3312
dodar …2194… 2480… 2518
rtfgonw …2470… 2825… 2879
Akash …2022… 2500… 8:26
Chris is me …2704… 2264… 8:27
TEAMS: 2181 2227 2232 2491 2498 2501 2503 2508 2509 2511 2513 2525 2532 2538 2545 2705 2845 2855 2861 2957 2987 2989 3038 3081 3082 3244 3261 3276 3278 3299 3300
RMiller …2169… 2450…3184
Sunbun …1714…3007… 3297
Barry Bonzack . …2826… 2846…2515
Jamie Kalb …2502…3227… 2847
bobwrit …2177… 2817… 3212
XaulZan11 …2062… 2052… 2606
Koko Ed …3407… 3313… 3312
dodar …2194… 2480… 2518
rtfgonw …2470… 2825… 2879
Akash …2022… 2500… 2861
Chris is me …2704… 2264… 2498
TEAMS: 2181 2227 2232 2491 2501 2503 2508 2509 2511 2513 2525 2532 2538 2545 2705 2845 2855 2957 2987 2989 3038 3081 3082 3244 3276 3278 3299 3300