- Koko Ed
- Vikesrock
- rtfgnow
- Barry Bonzack
- Chris is me
- Akash Rastogi
- dodar
- hill
- Clinton Bolinger
- EricH (who will take on the draft-running and scoring again–error-checking too. )
Good idea: If you are intending to be an active participant, subscribe to this thread and set it for updates every week or so. Reminders in your email and all that.
Obligatory scoring reminders:
Coopertition Bonus, 2 points ( Win)
Tie, 1 point
No bonus, 0 points (Loss)
Win, 30 points
Finalist, 20 points
Semifinalist, 10 points
Quarterfinalist, 4 points
1st seed, 20 points
2nd-3rd seed, 12 points
4th-8th seed, 6 points
9th-12th seed, 3 points
13th-16th seed, 2 points
WFFA, 8 points
RCA, 42 points
EI, 36 points
RAS, 20 points
Rookie Inspiration, 15 points
Coopertition Award, 10 points
Highest Rookie Seed, 5 points
High score, 5 points
Judges Award, 5 points
Robot-based award (Delphi, Xerox, GM, Rockwell), 15 points
Dean’s List, 4 points
Any award not previously mentioned, 2 points
And by the way, Ed is not kidding when he says he’ll kick you out. If it’s the last draft of the main drafting window, and you haven’t responded to that PM about missing 5 drafts in a row, every other player will be grabbing your good teams at the end of that draft day!
Other miscellaneous (for first-timers): drafts are 3-team drafts, run serpentine style 1-n, n-1, 1-n, at varying time intervals. For drafts where there are not enough teams for all players to get 3, players will be broken into as many tiers as needed to get everyone three teams.
stops talking about the fine details and starts checking over secret weapon of graciously professional FF doom