[FF]: 2011 Seaon Long Fantasy FIRST

With the end of IRI it’s time to start signing up for season four. Sign on up. Before you do a disclaimer:

Please make sure you have the time to devote to 50+ drafts within a one month period while I’m not going to require 50+ lists because I don’t even know what weeks the regionals are on but what I will do is if you miss five drafts in a row (that means if you don’t make one pick or have sent me a list) you will receive a PM from me. If I don’t receive a timely response (24 hours) you are booted from the league! Trust me I’m very serious about this. Every year I have booted 25 to 40% of the league every year due to delinquency. I put alot of my own personal time into this and I can’t stand having it wasted so if you really can’t find the time don’t bother signing up. Seriously.

  1. Koko Ed

I’m definitely in and will likely be able to help with drafts and scoring again

  1. Koko Ed
  2. Vikesrock
  1. Koko Ed
  2. Vikesrock
  3. rtfgnow

I’m ready. Kevin, did you finish the changes to your program?

I was wondering when this would get started up so I could join again. I should update my scouting base before the drafts roll around.

  1. Koko Ed
  2. Vikesrock
  3. rtfgnow
  4. Barry Bonzack

I don’t want to clog up this thread with discussion on that so I’ll respond here:

I’m in again. Should be a bit more better at it.


Me too

  1. Koko Ed
  2. Vikesrock
  3. rtfgnow
  4. Barry Bonzack
  5. Chris is me
  6. Akash Rastogi
  7. dodar

Sign me up!

  1. Koko Ed
  2. Vikesrock
  3. rtfgnow
  4. Barry Bonzack
  5. Chris is me
  6. Akash Rastogi
  7. dodar
  8. hill

I’m game, after taking a year off from FF.

  1. Koko Ed
  2. Vikesrock
  3. rtfgnow
  4. Barry Bonzack
  5. Chris is me
  6. Akash Rastogi
  7. dodar
  8. hill
  9. Clinton Bolinger

Idea: A week before the first draft can we have everyone who signed up post again to confirm their participation?

Lemme know if you need help running a draft.

Confirm, or send a pick list for at least one event.

  1. Koko Ed
  2. Vikesrock
  3. rtfgnow
  4. Barry Bonzack
  5. Chris is me
  6. Akash Rastogi
  7. dodar
  8. hill
  9. Clinton Bolinger
  10. EricH (who will take on the draft-running and scoring again–error-checking too. :slight_smile: )

Good idea: If you are intending to be an active participant, subscribe to this thread and set it for updates every week or so. Reminders in your email and all that.

Obligatory scoring reminders:

Coopertition Bonus, 2 points ( Win)
Tie, 1 point
No bonus, 0 points (Loss)

Win, 30 points
Finalist, 20 points
Semifinalist, 10 points
Quarterfinalist, 4 points

1st seed, 20 points
2nd-3rd seed, 12 points
4th-8th seed, 6 points
9th-12th seed, 3 points
13th-16th seed, 2 points

WFFA, 8 points
RCA, 42 points
EI, 36 points
RAS, 20 points
Rookie Inspiration, 15 points
Coopertition Award, 10 points

Highest Rookie Seed, 5 points
High score, 5 points
Judges Award, 5 points
Robot-based award (Delphi, Xerox, GM, Rockwell), 15 points
Dean’s List, 4 points

Any award not previously mentioned, 2 points

And by the way, Ed is not kidding when he says he’ll kick you out. If it’s the last draft of the main drafting window, and you haven’t responded to that PM about missing 5 drafts in a row, every other player will be grabbing your good teams at the end of that draft day!

Other miscellaneous (for first-timers): drafts are 3-team drafts, run serpentine style 1-n, n-1, 1-n, at varying time intervals. For drafts where there are not enough teams for all players to get 3, players will be broken into as many tiers as needed to get everyone three teams.

stops talking about the fine details and starts checking over secret weapon of graciously professional FF doom

I will take my first shot at this.

Thanks Ed,


I can help with running drafts if you need a body

Is there a deadline to sign up? I want to do it, but I’m not sure I’ll have the time to create all the lists. If possible, I would like to sign up a couple of days before the first draft, once I have several of the lists done.

I also have one suggestion. One thing that kinda annoyed me last year was the mad rush to pick up booted people’s teams. I think those people get WAY too much of an advantage just because they posted first. Perhaps, we can make it that you must drop the team from that round or the following round. So, if you pick up the drops persons 1st round pick, you must drop either you first or second round pick (depending on the rule). This way you have to give up some value for an elite team, instead of just your last pick.

I’d prefer this rule - if a team is picked from the randomizer, any other player can pick that team as if they weren’t assigned to that player. If a player picks a team previously randomly assigned, the player getting the random team picks up the next one.

Basically, I see no reason to reward sheer dumb luck.

The deadline is the day before the first draft.

As for picking randomly assigned teams…

In order to allow random teams to be picked after being assigned, the fact that it was a random pick needs to be noted. Sometimes, the next team on a player’s list is also the next team on the random list, or the player requests a random pick. Either of the latter two cases would naturally bar the team from being picked again, as the second is effectively saying, “my list from here on is the random list”. If truly random picks are designated with an “R” or something, it would make tracking that easier. It would also allow for tracking who has not made a pick that particular day.

As for dealing with a mad rush, that’s going to happen anyway.

Here are my suggestions:

After a draft concludes, a 24-hour wait (until the next day’s drafts end) is imposed before any changes can be made in that draft. During that time, random picks may be confirmed by the player, and errors are checked for. Trades posted during that time are counted as provisional; i.e., assuming that nobody confirms random teams. After the hold expires, all provisional trades are confirmed. Confirming a random team counts as making a pick, with the provision that simply confirming some X random alliances (>= 5) is dealt with the same as missing 5 drafts.

In the case of someone being booted, there is a hold imposed until the beginning of the next day’s draft(s). This allows the runners to clean up the drafts involved, and all other players to plan for what teams they want. As soon as the next day’s drafts officially begin at 7 EST (or other designated time), it’s first-come-first-served. PMs may be sent to proxies if a player will not be online at the time of the draft beginning; if the proxy can get there before the other players, so much the better.

Just some suggestions.

One idea: Don’t assign random picks on the spot, but after the draft has concluded. That way the first guy who didn’t send in a list doesn’t randomly pick up 111 or whomever, and it still allows lazy people like me to make incomplete lists.