[FF]: 2011 WPI Tier 2 Redraft

Bethany Mc........................7:00....7:40....7:42
Josh Fox..........................7:05....7:38....7:43
Chris is me.......................7:10....7:36....7:44

40 121 177 190 195 228 230 236 358 467 
571 839 1100 1665 1687 1735 1884 1991 2067 2104 
2168 2370 2437 2648 2791 2876 2877 3044 3125 3205 
3273 3280 3499 3780 

Anyway I won’t autopick from your old list but if I don’t get a new one in time I will defer to it.

is this draft still going?

If we can wake Chris up…

If I were you, I’d get a list in.

already did, just curious to see if i was on and if i could manually pick.

I thought people manually picked once their turn was up.


We don’t know which teams are gone or not.

Bethany Mc........................2370....7:40....7:42
Josh Fox..........................7:05....7:38....7:43
Chris is me.......................7:10....7:36....7:44

40 121 177 190 195 228 230 236 358 467 
571 839 1100 1665 1687 1735 1884 1991 2067 2104 
2168 2437 2648 2791 2876 2877 3044 3125 3205 
3273 3280 3499 3780

No list from Josh but it’d be unfair to random him if I wasn’t here to random Bethany… What should I do?

It’s safe to say that if i was the only one to say something, then most likely if they didnt have a list in, they were going random anyways.

Bethany Mc........................2370....2104....1991
Josh Fox............................40....1100....2168
Chris is me........................230.....839....2791

571 1665 1687 1735 1884 2067  
2648 2876 2877 3044 3125 3205 
3273 3280 3499 3780

I guess Josh hasn’t been on since 3… Sorry that I screwed this up so much :confused:

Thanks for everyone who submitted lists to make this draft look like less of a total screw up than it actually was.

Yep. He’s had far longer than his time in here, and a long time in Long Island, and hasn’t made a pick.

Wait a sec, why did Bethany not get 230? She picked publicly in the original draft, and received them as her first pick. why wouldn’t she get them as her first pick in the redraft?

No idea, but I’ll just go ahead and trade for them since this whole thing’s a mess anyway.

Bethany Mc.........................230....2104....1991
Josh Fox............................40....1100....2168
Chris is me.......................2370.....839....2791

571 1665 1687 1735 1884 2067  
2648 2876 2877 3044 3125 3205 
3273 3280 3499 3780
Bethany Mc.........................230....2104....1991
Josh Fox............................40....1100....2168
Chris is me.......................2370.....839....2791

467 571 1665 1687 1735 1884 2067  
2648 2876 2877 3044 3125 3205 
3273 3280 3499 3780

Waiver until 1/2: 1973

Bethany Mc.........................230....2104....1991
Josh Fox............................40....1100....2168
Chris is me.......................2370.....839....2791

467 571 1665 1687 1735 1884 1973 2067  
2648 2876 2877 3044 3125 3205 
3273 3280 3499 3780