[FF]: 2013 Peachtree

rusty bucket o bolts…7:05…9:02…9:07
Team 2…7:10…9:00…9:08
The Fellowship of the Fez…7:15…8:58…9:09
The Yellow Alliance…7:20…8:56…9:10
Team Pascack…7:25…8:54…9:11
Peach Alliance…7:30…8:52…9:12
Canadian Bacon +1 + Joe…7:45…8:46…9:15
Team Awesome Blossom …7:50…8:44…9:16
The Machine…8:00…8:40…9:18
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…8:10…8:36…9:20
Team Paradise…8:15…8:34…9:21
Beastly As My Fajitas…8:20…8:32…9:22
Exploding Bacon…8:25…8:30…9:23

TEAMS: 281 590 832 1002 1127 1261 1319 1379 1414 1466
1648 1683 1746 1795 1877 2415 2918 2973 2974 3091 3139
3224 3265 3318 3329 3344 3489 3573 3581 3600 3635 3651
3694 3815 4026 4080 4112 4148 4149 4163 4188 4189 4193
4195 4235 4452 4459 4468 4509 4510 4516 4566 4621 4701
4730 4749

1771 isn’t competing this year?? Wow bummer.

TeamRUSH will take 2415

We’ll take 281

1771 had some issues with school support. It’s really a shame, since they have been one of the most consistently good teams in the South.

rusty bucket o bolts…281…9:02…9:07
Team 2…7:10…9:00…9:08
The Fellowship of the Fez…7:15…8:58…9:09
The Yellow Alliance…7:20…8:56…9:10
Team Pascack…7:25…8:54…9:11
Peach Alliance…7:30…8:52…9:12
Canadian Bacon +1 + Joe…7:45…8:46…9:15
Team Awesome Blossom …7:50…8:44…9:16
The Machine…8:00…8:40…9:18
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…8:10…8:36…9:20
Team Paradise…8:15…8:34…9:21
Beastly As My Fajitas…8:20…8:32…9:22
Exploding Bacon…8:25…8:30…9:23

TEAMS: 590 832 1002 1127 1261 1319 1379 1414 1466
1648 1683 1746 1795 1877 2918 2973 2974 3091 3139
3224 3265 3318 3329 3344 3489 3573 3581 3600 3635 3651
3694 3815 4026 4080 4112 4148 4149 4163 4188 4189 4193
4195 4235 4452 4459 4468 4509 4510 4516 4566 4621 4701
4730 4749

We’ll select 1261.

rusty bucket o bolts…281…9:02…9:07
Team 2…1261…9:00…9:08
The Fellowship of the Fez…1319…8:58…9:09
The Yellow Alliance…7:20…8:56…9:10
Team Pascack…7:25…8:54…9:11
Peach Alliance…7:30…8:52…9:12
Canadian Bacon +1 + Joe…7:45…8:46…9:15
Team Awesome Blossom …7:50…8:44…9:16
The Machine…8:00…8:40…9:18
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…8:10…8:36…9:20
Team Paradise…8:15…8:34…9:21
Beastly As My Fajitas…8:20…8:32…9:22
Exploding Bacon…8:25…8:30…9:23

TEAMS: 590 832 1002 1127 1379 1414 1466
1648 1683 1746 1795 1877 2918 2973 2974 3091 3139
3224 3265 3318 3329 3344 3489 3573 3581 3600 3635 3651
3694 3815 4026 4080 4112 4148 4149 4163 4188 4189 4193
4195 4235 4452 4459 4468 4509 4510 4516 4566 4621 4701
4730 4749

TYA take 1683.

rusty bucket o bolts…281…9:02…9:07
Team 2…1261…9:00…9:08
The Fellowship of the Fez…1319…8:58…9:09
The Yellow Alliance… 1683…8:56…9:10
Team Pascack…7:25…8:54…9:11
Peach Alliance…7:30…8:52…9:12
Canadian Bacon +1 + Joe…7:45…8:46…9:15
Team Awesome Blossom …7:50…8:44…9:16
The Machine…8:00…8:40…9:18
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…8:10…8:36…9:20
Team Paradise…8:15…8:34…9:21
Beastly As My Fajitas…8:20…8:32…9:22
Exploding Bacon…8:25…8:30…9:23

TEAMS: 590 832 1002 1127 1379 1414 1466
1648 1746 1795 1877 2918 2973 2974 3091 3139
3224 3265 3318 3329 3344 3489 3573 3581 3600 3635 3651
3694 3815 4026 4080 4112 4148 4149 4163 4188 4189 4193
4195 4235 4452 4459 4468 4509 4510 4516 4566 4621 4701
4730 4749

pascack will take 1648 then random the rest

rusty bucket o bolts…281…9:02…9:07
Team 2…1261…9:00…9:08
The Fellowship of the Fez…1319…8:58…9:09
The Yellow Alliance… 1683…8:56…9:10
Team Pascack…1648 …8:54…9:11
Peach Alliance… 4080…8:52…9:12
Canadian Bacon +1 + Joe…7:45…8:46…9:15
Team Awesome Blossom …7:50…8:44…9:16
The Machine…8:00…8:40…9:18
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…8:10…8:36…9:20
Team Paradise…8:15…8:34…9:21
Beastly As My Fajitas…8:20…8:32…9:22
Exploding Bacon…8:25…8:30…9:23

TEAMS: 590 1127 1379 1414 1466
1746 1795 1877 2918 2973 2974 3091 3139
3224 3265 3318 3329 3344 3489 3573 3581 3600 3635 3651
3694 3815 4026 4112 4148 4149 4163 4188 4189 4193
4195 4235 4452 4459 4468 4509 4510 4516 4566 4621 4701
4730 4749

rusty bucket o bolts…281…9:02…9:07
Team 2…1261…9:00…9:08
The Fellowship of the Fez…1319…8:58…9:09
The Yellow Alliance… 1683…8:56…9:10
Team Pascack…1648 …8:54…9:11
Peach Alliance… 4080…8:52…9:12
Canadian Bacon +1 + Joe… 1746…8:46…9:15
Team Awesome Blossom …7:50…8:44…9:16
The Machine…8:00…8:40…9:18
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…8:10…8:36…9:20
Team Paradise…8:15…8:34…9:21
Beastly As My Fajitas…8:20…8:32…9:22
Exploding Bacon…8:25…8:30…9:23

TEAMS: 590 1127 1379 1414 1466
1795 1877 2918 2973 2974 3091 3139
3224 3265 3318 3329 3344 3489 3573 3581 3600 3635 3651
3694 3815 4026 4112 4148 4149 4163 4188 4189 4193
4195 4235 4452 4459 4468 4509 4510 4516 4566 4621 4701
4730 4749

rusty bucket o bolts…281…9:02…9:07
Team 2…1261…9:00…9:08
The Fellowship of the Fez…1319…8:58…9:09
The Yellow Alliance… 1683…8:56…9:10
Team Pascack…1648 …8:54…9:11
Peach Alliance… 4080…8:52…9:12
Canadian Bacon +1 + Joe… 1746…8:46…9:15
Team Awesome Blossom …3815…8:44…9:16
LTownThrowdown… 2974…8:42…9:17
The Machine…8:00…8:40…9:18
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…8:10…8:36…9:20
Team Paradise…8:15…8:34…9:21
Beastly As My Fajitas…8:20…8:32…9:22
Exploding Bacon…8:25…8:30…9:23

TEAMS: 590 1127 1379 1414 1466
1795 1877 2918 2973 3091 3139
3224 3265 3318 3329 3344 3489 3573 3581 3600 3635 3651
3694 4026 4112 4148 4149 4163 4188 4189 4193
4195 4235 4452 4459 4468 4509 4510 4516 4566 4621 4701
4730 4749

Hey Ed, FTG will take randoms with random rookies first. Thanks!

rusty bucket o bolts…281…9:02…9:07
Team 2…1261…9:00…9:08
The Fellowship of the Fez…1319…8:58…9:09
The Yellow Alliance… 1683…8:56…9:10
Team Pascack…1648 …8:54…9:11
Peach Alliance… 4080…8:52…9:12
Canadian Bacon +1 + Joe… 1746…8:46…9:15
Team Awesome Blossom …3815…8:44…9:16
LTownThrowdown… 2974…8:42…9:17
The Machine…3600 …8:40…9:18
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…8:10…8:36…9:20
Team Paradise…8:15…8:34…9:21
Beastly As My Fajitas…8:20…8:32…9:22
Exploding Bacon…8:25…8:30…9:23

TEAMS: 590 1127 1379 1414 1466
1795 1877 2918 2973 3091 3139
3224 3265 3318 3329 3344 3489 3573 3581 3635 3651
3694 4026 4112 4148 4149 4163 4188 4189 4193
4195 4235 4452 4459 4468 4509 4510 4516 4566 4621 4701
4730 4749

Falcon claims 1127.

rusty bucket o bolts…281…9:02…9:07
Team 2…1261…9:00…9:08
The Fellowship of the Fez…1319…8:58…9:09
The Yellow Alliance… 1683…8:56…9:10
Team Pascack…1648 …8:54…9:11
Peach Alliance… 4080…8:52…9:12
Canadian Bacon +1 + Joe… 1746…8:46…9:15
Team Awesome Blossom …3815…8:44…9:16
LTownThrowdown… 2974…8:42…9:17
The Machine…3600 …8:40…9:18
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…4566…8:36…9:20
Team Paradise…3489…8:34…9:21
Beastly As My Fajitas…8:20…8:32…9:22
Exploding Bacon…8:25…8:30…9:23

TEAMS: 590 1379 1414 1466
1795 1877 2918 2973 3091 3139
3224 3265 3318 3329 3344 3573 3581 3635 3651
3694 4026 4112 4148 4149 4163 4188 4189 4193
4195 4235 4452 4459 4468 4509 4510 4516 4621 4701
4730 4749

Randomize rest with rookie priority, please.

rusty bucket o bolts…281…9:02…9:07
Team 2…1261…9:00…9:08
The Fellowship of the Fez…1319…8:58…9:09
The Yellow Alliance… 1683…8:56…9:10
Team Pascack…1648 …8:54…9:11
Peach Alliance… 4080…8:52…9:12
Canadian Bacon +1 + Joe… 1746…8:46…9:15
Team Awesome Blossom …3815…8:44…9:16
LTownThrowdown… 2974…8:42…9:17
The Machine…3600 …8:40…9:18
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…4566…8:36…9:20
Team Paradise…3489…8:34…9:21
Beastly As My Fajitas… 3635…8:32…9:22
Exploding Bacon…8:25…8:30…9:23

TEAMS: 590 1379 1414 1466
1795 1877 2918 2973 3091 3139
3224 3265 3318 3329 3344 3573 3581 3651
3694 4026 4112 4148 4149 4163 4188 4189 4193
4195 4235 4452 4459 4468 4509 4510 4516 4621 4701
4730 4749