[FF]: 2013 Troy District Tier 1

Canadian Bacon +1 + Joe…7:00…8:01…8:03
The Fellowship of the Fez…7:05…7:59…8:04
Team 2…7:15…7:55…8:06
Peach Alliance…7:20…7:53…8:07
Team Paradise…7:25…7:51…8:08
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…7:30…7:49…8:09
rusty bucket o bolts…7:35…7:47…8:10

1 67 216 217 226 244 245 288 453 469
519 815 1188 2224 2337 2851 2960 3302
3398 3539 3548 3619 3632 3655 4044
4130 4294 4377 4743 4779 4810 4811

67 Please and thank you.

Canadian Bacon +1 + Joe…67…8:01…8: 03
The Fellowship of the Fez…469…7:59…8: 04
Falcon…7:1 0…7:57…8:05
Team 2…7:15… …7:55…8:06
Peach Alliance…7:20… …7:53…8:07
Team Paradise…7:25… …7:51…8:08
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…7:30…7:49… 8:09
rusty bucket o bolts…7:35…7:47… …8:10
TeamRUSH…7:40… …7:45…8:11

1 216 217 226 244 245 288 453
519 815 1188 2224 2337 2851 2960 3302
3398 3539 3548 3619 3632 3655 4044
4130 4294 4377 4743 4779 4810 4811

Falcon will take the ThunderChickens, all 217 of them (and as many more as they care to bring along!)

We’ll select my own alma mater, 2337.

Canadian Bacon +1 + Joe…67…8:01…8: 03
The Fellowship of the Fez…469…7:59…8: 04
Team 2…2337… …7:55…8:06
Peach Alliance…3539… …7:53…8:07
Team Paradise…245… …7:51…8:08
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…7:30…7:49… 8:09
rusty bucket o bolts…7:35…7:47… …8:10
TeamRUSH…7:40… …7:45…8:11

1 216 217 226 244 288 453
519 815 1188 2224 2851 2960 3302
3398 3548 3619 3632 3655 4044
4130 4294 4377 4743 4779 4810 4811

Canadian Bacon +1 + Joe…67…8:01…8: 03
The Fellowship of the Fez…469…7:59…8: 04
Falcon…217 …7:57…8:05
Team 2…2337… …7:55…8:06
Peach Alliance…3539… …7:53…8:07
Team Paradise…245… …7:51…8:08
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…815…7:49… 8:09
rusty bucket o bolts…226…7:47… …8:10
TeamRUSH…3302… …453…8:11

1 216 244 288
519 1188 2224 2851 2960
3398 3548 3619 3632 3655 4044
4130 4294 4377 4743 4779 4810 4811

Take 2851, please

Canadian Bacon +1 + Joe…67…8:01…8: 03
The Fellowship of the Fez…469…7:59…8: 04
Falcon…217 …7:57…8:05
Team 2…2337… …7:55…8:06
Peach Alliance…3539… …4743…8:07
Team Paradise…245… …4294…8:08
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…815…519… 8:09
rusty bucket o bolts…226…2851… …8:10
TeamRUSH…3302… …453…8:11

1 216 244 288 1188 2224 2960
3398 3548 3619 3632 3655 4044
4130 4377 4779 4810 4811

3302 was picked twice.

216, please.

Team #1 for Falcon.

Canadian Bacon +1 + Joe…67…3632…244
The Fellowship of the Fez…469…3548…3655
Falcon…217 …1…288
Team 2…2337… …216…8:06
Peach Alliance…3539… …4743…8:07
Team Paradise…245… …4294…8:08
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…815…519… 8:09
rusty bucket o bolts…226…2851… …8:10
TeamRUSH…3302… …453…8:11

1188 2224 2960
3398 3548 3619 4044
4130 4377 4779 4810 4811

288 for Falcon’s final pick.


Canadian Bacon +1 + Joe…67…3632…244
The Fellowship of the Fez…469…3548…365 5
Falcon…217 …1…288
Team 2…2337… …216…2224
Peach Alliance…3539… …4743…4779
Team Paradise…245… …4294…4810
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…815…519… 3619
rusty bucket o bolts…226…2851… …4377
TeamRUSH…3302… …453…2960

3398 3548 4044
4130 4811

…somehow I forgot to mark 453 off earlier. 2960 please.

RUSH took them.

Yeah, I posted and you edited at the same time. No biggie. 4811, please.

Canadian Bacon +1 + Joe…67…3632…244
The Fellowship of the Fez…469…3548…365 5
Falcon…217 …1…288
Team 2…2337… …216…4811
Peach Alliance…3539… …4743…4779
Team Paradise…245… …4294…4810
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…815…519… 3619
rusty bucket o bolts…226…2851… …4377
TeamRUSH…3302… …453…2960

1188 2224
3398 3548 4044