[FF]: 2014 Arkansas Tier 2

LTown Throwdown…7:03……….8:11……….8:13
Curiosity…7:08……….8:09… …….8:14
The Breakfast Company… 7:13……….8:0 7……….8:15
Sour Patch Nerds…7:18……….8:05…… ….8:16
Prestige Taco…7:23…… ….8:03……….8:17
The Fighting Calculators …7:28………. 8:01……….8:18
Automated Scoring…7:33……….7:59… …….8:19
Team Awesome Blossom…7:38……….7:57……….8:20
Team 3…7:43……….7:55……….8: 21
Falcon…7:48……….7:53……….8: 22

TEAMS: 16 45 418 832 935 1209 1466 1706 1810
1939 1985 2352 2359 2388 2992 3160 3179 3350 3516 3593
3666 3783 3784 3937 3961 3991 4090 4092 4490 4522 4532
4535 4745 4843 4849 5006 5037 5120 5153 5178 5195 5206

Do you have a list for us?

EDIT: Unless we sent a list that says different, we’ll take 16

LTown Throwdown…16……….8:11……….8:13
Curiosity…1939……….8:09… …….8:14
The Breakfast Company… 7:13……….8:0 7……….8:15
Sour Patch Nerds…7:18……….8:05…… ….8:16
Prestige Taco…7:23…… ….8:03……….8:17
The Fighting Calculators …7:28………. 8:01……….8:18
Automated Scoring…7:33……….7:59… …….8:19
Team Awesome Blossom…7:38……….7:57……….8:20
Team 3…7:43……….7:55……….8: 21
Falcon…7:48……….7:53……….8: 22

TEAMS: 45 418 832 935 1209 1466 1706 1810
1985 2352 2359 2388 2992 3160 3179 3350 3516 3593
3666 3783 3784 3937 3961 3991 4090 4092 4490 4522 4532
4535 4745 4843 4849 5006 5037 5120 5153 5178 5195 5206

Don’t see one.

LTown Throwdown…16……….8:11……….8:13
Curiosity…1939……….8:09… …….8:14
The Breakfast Company… 935……….8:0 7……….8:15
Sour Patch Nerds…7:18……….8:05…… ….8:16
Prestige Taco…7:23…… ….8:03……….8:17
The Fighting Calculators …7:28………. 8:01……….8:18
Automated Scoring…7:33……….7:59… …….8:19
Team Awesome Blossom…7:38……….7:57……….8:20
Team 3…7:43……….7:55……….8: 21
Falcon…7:48……….7:53……….8: 22

TEAMS: 45 418 832 1209 1466 1706 1810
1985 2352 2359 2388 2992 3160 3179 3350 3516 3593
3666 3783 3784 3937 3961 3991 4090 4092 4490 4522 4532
4535 4745 4843 4849 5006 5037 5120 5153 5178 5195 5206

1985 for Sour Patch Nerds

Prestige Taco will be taking 1706.

LTown Throwdown…16……….8:11……….8:13
Curiosity…1939……….8:09… …….8:14
The Breakfast Company… 935……….8:0 7……….8:15
Sour Patch Nerds…1985……….8:05…… ….8:16
Prestige Taco…1706…… ….8:03……….8:17
The Fighting Calculators …7:28………. 8:01……….8:18
Automated Scoring…7:33……….7:59… …….8:19
Team Awesome Blossom…7:38……….7:57……….8:20
Team 3…7:43……….7:55……….8: 21
Falcon…7:48……….7:53……….8: 22

TEAMS: 45 418 832 1209 1466 1810
2352 2359 2388 2992 3160 3179 3350 3516 3593
3666 3783 3784 3937 3961 3991 4090 4092 4490 4522 4532
4535 4745 4843 4849 5006 5037 5120 5153 5178 5195 5206

]LTown Throwdown…16……….8:11……….8:13
Curiosity…1939……….8:09… …….8:14
The Breakfast Company… 935……….8:0 7……….8:15
Sour Patch Nerds…1985……….8:05…… ….8:16
Prestige Taco…1706…… ….8:03……….8:17
The Fighting Calculators …832………. 8:01……….8:18
Automated Scoring… 2992……….7:59… …….8:19
Team Awesome Blossom…45……….7:57……….8:20
Team 3… 2359……….7:55……….8: 21
Falcon…3160……….3593……….8: 22

TEAMS: 418 1209 1466 1810
2352 2388 3179 3350 3516
3666 3783 3784 3937 3961 3991 4090 4092 4490 4522 4532
4535 4745 4843 4849 5006 5037 5120 5153 5178 5195 5206

LTown Throwdown…16……….8:11……….8:13
Curiosity…1939……….8:09… …….8:14
The Breakfast Company… 935……….8:0 7……….8:15
Sour Patch Nerds…1985……….8:05…… ….8:16
Prestige Taco…1706…… ….8:03……….8:17
The Fighting Calculators …832………. 3784……….8:18
Automated Scoring… 2992……….1810… …….8:19
Team Awesome Blossom…45………418……….8:20
Team 3… 2359………2352……….8: 21
Falcon…3160……….3593……….8: 22

TEAMS: 1209 1466
2388 3179 3350 3516
3666 3783 3937 3961 3991 4090 4092 4490 4522 4532
4535 4745 4843 4849 5006 5037 5120 5153 5178 5195 5206

Prestige Taco will take 5006 as the next pick and autodraft on the last pick.

]LTown Throwdown…16……….8:11……….8:13
Curiosity…1939……….8:09… …….8:14
The Breakfast Company… 935……….8:0 7……….8:15
Sour Patch Nerds…1985……….8:05…… ….8:16
Prestige Taco…1706…… …5006……….8:17
The Fighting Calculators …832………. 3784……….8:18
Automated Scoring… 2992……….1810… …….8:19
Team Awesome Blossom…45………418……….8:20
Team 3… 2359………2352……….8: 21
Falcon…3160……….3593……….8: 22

TEAMS: 1209 1466
2388 3179 3350 3516
3666 3783 3937 3961 3991 4090 4092 4490 4522 4532
4535 4745 4843 4849 5037 5120 5153 5178 5195 5206

3937 for Sour Patch Nerds

LTown Throwdown…16……….8:11……….8:13
Curiosity…1939……….8:09… …….8:14
The Breakfast Company… 935……….8:0 7……….8:15
Sour Patch Nerds…1985……….3937…… ….8:16
Prestige Taco…1706…… …5006……….8:17
The Fighting Calculators …832………. 3784……….8:18
Automated Scoring… 2992……….1810… …….8:19
Team Awesome Blossom…45………418……….8:20
Team 3… 2359………2352……….8: 21
Falcon…3160……….3593……….8: 22

TEAMS: 1209 1466
2388 3179 3350 3516
3666 3783 3961 3991 4090 4092 4490 4522 4532
4535 4745 4843 4849 5037 5120 5153 5178 5195 5206

LTown Throwdown…16……….8:11……….8:13
Curiosity…1939……….4092… …….8:14
The Breakfast Company… 935………. 3783……….8:15
Sour Patch Nerds…1985……….3937…… ….8:16
Prestige Taco…1706…… …5006……….8:17
The Fighting Calculators …832………. 3784……….8:18
Automated Scoring… 2992……….1810… …….8:19
Team Awesome Blossom…45………418……….8:20
Team 3… 2359………2352……….8: 21
Falcon…3160……….3593……….8: 22

TEAMS: 1209 1466
2388 3179 3350 3516
3666 3961 3991 4090 4490 4522 4532
4535 4745 4843 4849 5037 5120 5153 5178 5195 5206

According to our list we should have 1466…

EDIT I guess you must not have it… didn’t catch earlier cause 935 would have been our actual pick…

I don’t have a list.

LTown Throwdown…16……….8:11……….8:13
Curiosity…1939……….4092… …….8:14
The Breakfast Company… 935……….1466 ……….8:15
Sour Patch Nerds…1985……….3937…… ….8:16
Prestige Taco…1706…… …5006……….8:17
The Fighting Calculators …832………. 3784……….8:18
Automated Scoring… 2992……….1810… …….8:19
Team Awesome Blossom…45………418……….8:20
Team 3… 2359………2352……….8: 21
Falcon…3160……….3593……….8: 22

TEAMS: 1209
2388 3179 3350 3516
3666 3783 3961 3991 4090 4490 4522 4532
4535 4745 4843 4849 5037 5120 5153 5178 5195 5206

]LTown Throwdown…16………3783……….4522
Curiosity…1939……….4092… ……5037
The Breakfast Company… 935……….1466 ……….8:15
Sour Patch Nerds…1985……….3937…… ….8:16
Prestige Taco…1706…… …5006……….8:17
The Fighting Calculators …832………. 3784……….8:18
Automated Scoring… 2992……….1810… …….8:19
Team Awesome Blossom…45………418……….8:20
Team 3… 2359………2352……….8: 21
Falcon…3160……….3593……….8: 22

TEAMS: 1209
2388 3179 3350 3516
3666 3961 3991 4090 4490 4532
4535 4745 4843 4849 5120 5153 5178 5195 5206

LTown Throwdown…16………3783……….4522
Curiosity…1939……….4092… ……5037
The Breakfast Company… 935……….1466 ………3991
Sour Patch Nerds…1985……….3937…… ….8:16
Prestige Taco…1706…… …5006……….8:17
The Fighting Calculators …832………. 3784……….8:18
Automated Scoring… 2992……….1810… …….8:19
Team Awesome Blossom…45………418……….8:20
Team 3… 2359………2352……….8: 21
Falcon…3160……….3593……….8: 22

TEAMS: 1209
2388 3179 3350 3516
3666 3961 4090 4490 4532
4535 4745 4843 4849 5120 5153 5178 5195 5206