[FF]: 2014 FLR Tier 1

The Phantom Zone…7pm……….8:01……….8:03
The Fighting Calculators…7:05……….7:59……….8:04
Team Spark…7:10……….7:57……….8:05
The Breakfast Company…7:20……….7:53……….8:07
Sour Patch Nerds…7:25………7:51……….8:08
Team Hindsight…7:30……….7:49……….8:09
Team 3…7:35……….7:47……….8:10
Schrodinger’s Cat…7:40……….7:45……….8:11

TEAMS: 20 73 174 191 250 334 340 378
578 639 801 1126 1155 1405 1450 1493 1507
1511 1518 1551 1559 1585 1591 1592 1765 2228
2265 2340 2791 2809 3003 3015 3017 3044 3157 3173
3181 3799 3838 3951 4023 4093 4508 4930 494
5240 5254

The Phantom Zone…340……….8:01……….8:03
The Fighting Calculators…639 ……….7:59……….8:04
Team Spark…3003……….7:57……….8:05
The Breakfast Company…7:20……….7:53……….8:07
Sour Patch Nerds…7:25………7:51……….8:08
Team Hindsight…7:30……….7:49……….8:09
Team 3…7:35……….7:47……….8:10
Schrodinger’s Cat…7:40……….7:45……….8:11

TEAMS: 20 73 174 191 250 334 378
578 801 1126 1155 1405 1450 1493 1507
1511 1518 1551 1559 1585 1591 1592 1765 2228
2265 2340 2791 3015 3017 3044 3157 3173
3181 3799 3838 3951 4023 4093 4508 4930 494
5240 5254

20 please will draft rest live

The Phantom Zone…340……….8:01……….8:03
The Fighting Calculators…639 ……….7:59……….8:04
Team Spark…3003……….7:57……….8:05
The Breakfast Company…20……….7:53……….8:07
Sour Patch Nerds…7:25………7:51……….8:08
Team Hindsight…7:30……….7:49……….8:09
Team 3…7:35……….7:47……….8:10
Schrodinger’s Cat…7:40……….7:45……….8:11

TEAMS: 73 174 191 250 334 378
578 801 1126 1155 1405 1450 1493 1507
1511 1518 1551 1559 1585 1591 1592 1765 2228
2265 2340 2791 3015 3017 3044 3157 3173
3181 3799 3838 3951 4023 4093 4508 4930 494
5240 5254

The Phantom Zone…340……….8:01……….8:03
The Fighting Calculators…639 ……….7:59……….8:04
Team Spark…3003……….7:57……….8:05
The Breakfast Company…20……….7:53……….8:07
Sour Patch Nerds…174………7:51……….8:08
Team Hindsight…4930……….1126……….8:09
Team 3…3173……….191……….8:10
Schrodinger’s Cat…2791……….1511……….8:11

TEAMS: 73 250 334 378
578 801 1155 1405 1450 1493 1507
1518 1551 1559 1585 1591 1592 1765 2228
2265 2340 3015 3017 3044 3157
3181 3799 3838 3951 4023 4093 4508 4948
5240 5254


The Phantom Zone…340……….3044……….3015
The Fighting Calculators…639 ……….1592………801
Team Spark…3003……….1559………1518
Falcon…2809……….1405 ………. 4508
The Breakfast Company…20……….1507 ……….8:07
Sour Patch Nerds…174………1450……….8:08
Team Hindsight…4930……….1126……….8:09
Team 3…3173……….191……….8:10
Schrodinger’s Cat…2791……….1511……….8:11

TEAMS: 73 250 334 378
578 1155 1493
1551 1585 1591 1765 2228
2265 2340 3017 3157
3181 3799 3838 3951 4023 4093 4948
5240 5254


The Phantom Zone…340……….3044……….3015
The Fighting Calculators…639 ……….1592………801
Team Spark…3003……….1559………1518
Falcon…2809……….1405 ………. 4508
The Breakfast Company…20……….1507 ………378
Sour Patch Nerds…174………1450………1591
Team Hindsight…4930……….1126………250
Team 3…3173……….191……….578
Schrodinger’s Cat…2791……….1511………2228

TEAMS: 73 334
1155 1493
1551 1585 1765
2265 2340 3017 3157
3181 3799 3838 3951 4023 4093 4948
5240 5254

Word to the wise:
I talked to Glen Pearson who is on the Planning Committee for FLR @ the FTC Qualifier. They’re bringing one more team off the waitlist and they’re a doozy (they would have been the number one pick if they were listed).
Keep an eye on the waiver wire.

Ed, can ya keep an eye out for that team and let me know when they’re in?

Miss Daisy just got in today and we’re very excited to play in a new area! See you up there!

Daisy got in and somebody dropped out.

They’re in.

4948 dropped out.

I’m assuming 341 will not be included on waivers since it closed before 341 got off the list, but is it safe to assume the possibility?

last last for 1551, 2nd for 1155.

Trade 4930 for 250. We want them back. They were tough in finals of TVR :smiley:
Team Hindsight here.

This game was made for 250!

The Phantom Zone…340……….3044……….3015
The Fighting Calculators…639 ……….1592………801
Team Spark…3003……….1559………1518
Falcon…2809……….1405 ………. 4508
The Breakfast Company…20……….1507 ………378
Sour Patch Nerds…174………1155………1551
Team Hindsight…250……….1126………341
Team 3…3173……….191……….578
Schrodinger’s Cat…2791……….1511………2228