[FF]: 2014 FLR Tier 2

Team Flippin’ The Greatest…7:03……….8:04……….8:06
Peach Alliance…7:13……….8pm……….8:08
Automated Scoring…7:18……….7:58……….8:09
Koko’s X-Cats…7:23……….7:56……….8:10
LTown Throwdown…7:28……….7:54……….8:11
Team Awesome Blossom…7:38……….7:50……….8:13
Prestige Taco…7:43……….7:48……….8:14

TEAMS: 20 73 174 191 250 334 340 378
578 639 801 1126 1155 1405 1450 1493 1507
1511 1518 1551 1559 1585 1591 1592 1765 2228
2265 2340 2791 2809 3003 3015 3017 3044 3157 3173
3181 3799 3838 3951 4023 4093 4508 4930 494
5240 5254

Team Flippin’ The Greatest…20……….8:04……….8:06
Peach Alliance…7:13……….8pm……….8:08
Automated Scoring…7:18……….7:58……….8:09
Koko’s X-Cats…7:23……….7:56……….8:10
LTown Throwdown…7:28……….7:54……….8:11
Team Awesome Blossom…7:38……….7:50……….8:13
Prestige Taco…7:43……….7:48……….8:14

TEAMS: 73 174 191 250 334 340 378
578 639 801 1126 1155 1405 1450 1493
1511 1518 1551 1559 1585 1591 1592 1765 2228
2265 2340 2791 2809 3003 3015 3017 3044 3157 3173
3181 3799 3838 3951 4023 4093 4508 4930 494
5240 5254

Sorry, deleted previous post while the team had a discussion to confirm.

20 is a keeper, we’ll send a list for the rest.

Automated Scoring will be doing the draft live.

Should be 4948

Team Flippin’ The Greatest…20……….8:04……….8:06
Peach Alliance…7:13……….8pm……….8:08
Automated Scoring…7:18……….7:58……….8:09
Koko’s X-Cats…7:23……….7:56……….8:10
LTown Throwdown…7:28……….7:54……….8:11
Team Awesome Blossom…7:38……….7:50……….8:13
Prestige Taco…7:43……….7:48……….8:14

TEAMS: 73 174 191 250 334 340 378
578 639 801 1126 1155 1405 1450 1493
1511 1518 1551 1559 1585 1591 1592 1765 2228
2265 2340 2791 2809 3003 3015 3017 3044 3157 3173
3181 3799 3838 3951 4023 4093 4508 4930 4948
5240 5254

  1. Rest of list sent via PM.

]Team Flippin’ The Greatest…20……….8:04……….8:06
Peach Alliance… 3015……….8pm……….8:08
Automated Scoring…7:18……….7:58……….8:09
Koko’s X-Cats…7:23……….7:56……….8:10
LTown Throwdown…7:28……….7:54……….8:11
Team Awesome Blossom…7:38……….7:50……….8:13
Prestige Taco…7:43……….7:48……….8:14

TEAMS: 73 174 191 250 334 340 378
578 639 801 1126 1155 1405 1450 1493
1511 1518 1551 1559 1585 1591 1592 1765 2228
2265 2340 2791 2809 3003 3017 3044 3157 3173
3181 3799 3838 3951 4023 4093 4508 4930 4948
5240 5254


Team Flippin’ The Greatest…20……….8:04……….8:06
Peach Alliance… 3015……….8pm……….8:08
Automated Scoring…340……….7:58……….8:09
Koko’s X-Cats…1511……….7:56……….8:10
LTown Throwdown…7:28……….7:54……….8:11
Team Awesome Blossom…7:38……….7:50……….8:13
Prestige Taco…7:43……….7:48……….8:14

TEAMS: 73 174 191 250 334 378
578 639 801 1126 1155 1405 1450 1493
1518 1551 1559 1585 1591 1592 1765 2228
2265 2340 2791 2809 3003 3017 3044 3157 3173
3181 3799 3838 3951 4023 4093 4508 4930 4948
5240 5254

LTown selects 3173.

]Team Flippin’ The Greatest…20……….8:04……….8:06
Peach Alliance… 3015……….8pm……….8:08
Automated Scoring…340……….7:58……….8:09
Koko’s X-Cats…1511……….7:56……….8:10
LTown Throwdown…3173……….7:54……….8:11
Team Awesome Blossom…7:38……….7:50……….8:13
Prestige Taco…7:43……….7:48……….8:14

TEAMS: 73 174 191 250 334 378
578 639 801 1126 1155 1405 1450 1493
1518 1551 1559 1585 1591 1592 1765 2228
2265 2340 2809 3003 3017 3044 3157
3181 3799 3838 3951 4023 4093 4508 4930 4948
5240 5254

Tough pick, but Awesome Blossom would like 191.

Team Flippin’ The Greatest…20……….8:04……….8:06
Peach Alliance… 3015……….8pm……….8:08
Automated Scoring…340……….7:58……….8:09
Koko’s X-Cats…1511……….7:56……….8:10
LTown Throwdown…3173……….7:54……….8:11
Team Awesome Blossom…191……….7:50……….8:13
Prestige Taco…7:43……….7:48……….8:14

TEAMS: 73 174 250 334 378
578 639 801 1126 1155 1405 1450 1493
1518 1551 1559 1585 1591 1592 1765 2228
2265 2340 2809 3003 3017 3044 3157
3181 3799 3838 3951 4023 4093 4508 4930 4948
5240 5254

Team Flippin’ The Greatest…20……….8:04……….8:06
Peach Alliance… 3015……….8pm……….8:08
Automated Scoring…340……….7:58……….8:09
Koko’s X-Cats…1511……….7:56……….8:10
LTown Throwdown…3173……….7:54……….8:11
Team Awesome Blossom…191……….7:50……….8:13
Prestige Taco…2809……….174……….8:14

TEAMS: 73 250 334 378
578 639 801 1126 1155 1405 1450 1493
1518 1551 1559 1585 1591 1592 1765 2228
2265 2340 3003 3017 3044 3157
3181 3799 3838 3951 4023 4093 4508 4930 4948
5240 5254

Awesome Blossom would like Team 2809!

No you won’t.

Team Flippin’ The Greatest…20……….8:04……….8:06
Peach Alliance… 3015……….8pm……….8:08
Automated Scoring…340……….7:58……….8:09
Koko’s X-Cats…1511……….7:56……….8:10
LTown Throwdown…3173……….7:54……….8:11
Team Awesome Blossom…191……….1450……….8:13
Prestige Taco…2809……….174……….8:14

TEAMS: 73 250 334 378
578 639 801 1126 1155 1405 1493
1518 1551 1559 1585 1591 1592 1765 2228
2265 2340 3003 3017 3157
3181 3799 3838 3951 4023 4093 4508 4930 4948
5240 5254

Oh, wow. Sorry Ed. Must’ve misread the pool. Can we have 3003 then?
