[FF]: 2014 Glacier Peak Tier 1

The Breakfast Company…488…8:08…8:10
Team 3…7:05…8:06…8:11
Koko’s X-Cats…7:10…8:04…8:12
The Phantom Zone…7:15…8:02…8:13
Team Awesome Blossom…7:20…8:00…8:14
Deus X…7:25…7:58…8:15
Team Hindsight…7:30…7:56…8:16
The Fighting Calculators…7:35…7:54…8:17
Automated Scoring…7:40…7:52…8:18
Schrodinger’s Cat…7:45…7:50…8:19

492 949 1318 1899 2412 2522 2660 2910 2928 2930 2976 3223 3237 3268 3681 3684 3787 3826 4030 4038 4077 4205 4309 4542 4654 4681 4682 4683 4911 4915 4918

Randoms for me.

The Breakfast Company…488…8:08…8:10
Team 3…1899…8:06…8:11
Koko’s X-Cats…492…8:04…8:12
The Phantom Zone…1318…8:02…8:13
Team Awesome Blossom…7:20…8:00…8:14
Deus X…7:25…7:58…8:15
Team Hindsight…7:30…7:56…8:16
The Fighting Calculators…7:35…7:54…8:17
Automated Scoring…7:40…7:52…8:18
Schrodinger’s Cat…7:45…7:50…8:19

949 2412 2522 2660 2910 2928 2930 2976 3223 3237 3268 3681 3684 3787 3826 4030 4038 4077 4205 4309 4542 4654 4681 4682 4683 4911 4915 4918

Awesome Blossom would like 2522.

Random rookie (and then random) for our last two picks, please.

The Breakfast Company…488…949…3787
Team 3…1899…4205…3826
Koko’s X-Cats…492…3223…2660
The Phantom Zone…1318…2976…4918
Team Awesome Blossom…2522…4911…4542
Deus X…3268…4683…4654
Team Hindsight…2930…4682…4030
The Fighting Calculators…2928…2910…3681
Automated Scoring…2412…4915…4077
Schrodinger’s Cat…4681…3684…4038

3237 4077 4309

The Breakfast Company…488…949…3787
Team 3…1899…4205…3826
Koko’s X-Cats…492…3223…2660
The Phantom Zone…1318…2976…4918
Team Awesome Blossom…2522…4911…4542
Team Hindsight…2930…4682…4030
The Fighting Calculators…2928…2910…3681
Automated Scoring…2412…4915…4077
Schrodinger’s Cat…4681…3684…4038

3237 3268 4077
4309 4654 4683

Automated Scoring will drop last pick for 4512.

The Breakfast Company…488…949…3787
Team 3…1899…4205…3826
Koko’s X-Cats…492…3223…2660
The Phantom Zone…1318…2976…4918
Team Awesome Blossom…2522…4911…4542
Team Hindsight…2930…4682…4030
The Fighting Calculators…2928…2910…3681
Automated Scoring…2412…4915…4512
Schrodinger’s Cat…4681…3684…4038

3237 3268 4077
4309 4654 4683

The Breakfast Company…488…949…3787 = 71
Team 3…1899…4205…3826 = 22
Koko’s X-Cats…492…3223…2660 = 66
The Phantom Zone…1318…2976…4918 = 59
Team Awesome Blossom…2522…4911…4542 = 181
Team Hindsight…2930…4682…4030 = 10
The Fighting Calculators…2928…2910…3681 = -28
Automated Scoring…2412…4915…4512 = 93
Schrodinger’s Cat…4681…3684…4038 = 79