[FF]: 2014 Hartford District Event Tier 2

The Breakfast Company 		228	8:37	8:38			
Team Awesome Blossom 		7:35	8:34	8:39			
The Fighting Calculators 	7:40	8:31	8:40			
Team Flippin' The Greatest 	7:45	8:28	8:41			
Automated Scoring 		7:50	8:25	8:42			
Team 3 				7:55	8:22	8:43			
Prestige Taco 			8:00	8:19	8:44			
PureMichigan 			8:05	8:16	8:45			
Schrodinger's Cat 		8:10	8:13	8:46				
95	173	175	176	177	181	236
238	571	716	839	999	1124	1687	1740
1991	2067	2104	2170	2785	3104	3146	3182
3464	3525	3555	3566	4055	4097	4410	4557
4572	4628	4958	5129	5142		

List sent for Prestige Taco.

The Breakfast Company 		228	8:37	8:38			
Team Awesome Blossom 		177	8:34	8:39			
The Fighting Calculators 	2067	8:31	8:40			
Team Flippin' The Greatest 	7:45	8:28	8:41			
Automated Scoring 		7:50	8:25	8:42			
Team 3 				7:55	8:22	8:43			
Prestige Taco 			8:00	8:19	8:44			
PureMichigan 			8:05	8:16	8:45			
Schrodinger's Cat 		8:10	8:13	8:46				
95	173	175	176	181	236
238	571	716	839	999	1124	1687	1740
1991		2104	2170	2785	3104	3146	3182
3464	3525	3555	3566	4055	4097	4410	4557
4572	4628	4958	5129	5142		

Sorry for being late, can Awesome Blossom swap our first pick for 177?

Steven, did you not get our list?

I did, my complete apologies; I’ll fix everything right now.

No worries, I re-sent it anyway.

Thanks for running drafts! :slight_smile:

The Breakfast Company 		228	8:37	8:38			
Team Awesome Blossom 		177	8:34	8:39			
The Fighting Calculators 	2067	1740	8:40			
Team Flippin' The Greatest 	175	1687	8:41			
Automated Scoring 		176	3182	8:42			
Team 3 				236	839	8:43			
Prestige Taco 			716	1991	8:44			
PureMichigan 			95	181	8:45			
Schrodinger's Cat 		3464	2170	8:46				
238	571			999	1124	
		2104		2785	3104	3146	
	3525	3555	3566	4055	4097	4410	4557
4572	4628	4958	5129	5142		


The Breakfast Company 		228	5129	5142		
Team Awesome Blossom 		177	4958	8:39			
The Fighting Calculators 	2067	1740	8:40			
Team Flippin' The Greatest 	175	1687	8:41			
Automated Scoring 		176	3182	8:42			
Team 3 				236	839	8:43			
Prestige Taco 			716	1991	8:44			
PureMichigan 			95	181	8:45			
Schrodinger's Cat 		3464	2170	8:46				
238	571			999	1124	
		2104		2785	3104	3146	
	3525	3555	3566	4055	4097	4410	4557
4572	4628			
The Breakfast Company 		228	5129	5142		
Team Awesome Blossom 		177	4958	238		
The Fighting Calculators 	2067	1740	3104			
Team Flippin' The Greatest 	175	1687	571		
Automated Scoring 		176	3182	173		
Team 3 				236	839	3525			
Prestige Taco 			716	1991	3566			
PureMichigan 			95	181	4055		
Schrodinger's Cat 		3464	2170	4557				
				999	1124	
		2104		2785		3146	
	3555			4097	4410	
4572	4628			

Automated Scoring will drop 3182 and 173 for 230 and 558.

We will drop 5142 for 173

The Breakfast Company 		228	5129	173	
Team Awesome Blossom 		177	4958	238		
The Fighting Calculators 	2067	1740	3104			
Team Flippin' The Greatest 	175	1687	571		
Automated Scoring 		176	230	558
Team 3 				236	839	3525			
Prestige Taco 			716	1991	3566			
PureMichigan 			95	181	4055		
Schrodinger's Cat 		3464	2170	4557				

The Breakfast Company 		228	5129	173 = 51
Team Awesome Blossom 		177	4958	238 = 84
The Fighting Calculators 	2067	1740	3104 = 18
Team Flippin' The Greatest 	175	1687	571 = 47
Automated Scoring 		176	230	558 = 131
Team 3 				236	839	3525 = 47	
Prestige Taco 			716	1991	3566 = 38	
PureMichigan 			95	181	4055 = 75	
Schrodinger's Cat 		3464	2170	4557 = -2		

The Breakfast Company 		228	5129	173 = 51
Team Awesome Blossom 		177	4958	238 = 84
The Fighting Calculators 	2067	1740	3104 = 18
Team Flippin' The Greatest 	175	1687	571 = 47
Automated Scoring 		176	230	558 = 157
Team 3 				236	839	3525 = 47	
Prestige Taco 			716	1991	3566 = 44
PureMichigan 			95	181	4055 = 75	
Schrodinger's Cat 		3464	2170	4557 = -2