[FF]: 2014 Howell Tier 3

Team Flippin’ The Greatest…7:00…7:40…7:42
The Fighting Calculators…7:10…7:36…7:44
LTown Throwdown…7:15…7:34…7:45
Koko’s X-Cats…7:20…7:32…7:46

27 67 201 216 226 244 245 288 302 308 469 548 910 1188 1504 2611 2612 3536 3548 3570 3603 3655 3656 3668 3688 3707 4216 4362 4776

Randoms for me please.

469 for us please.

Team Flippin’ The Greatest…469…7:40…7:42
Curiosity…7:05…7:38… .7:43
The Fighting Calculators…7:10…7:36…7:44
LTown Throwdown…7:15…7:34…7:45
Koko’s X-Cats…7:20…7:32…7:46
Falcon…7:25…7:30… .7:47

27 67 201 216 226 244 245 288 302 308 548 910 1188 1504 2611 2612 3536 3548 3570 3603 3655 3656 3668 3688 3707 4216 4362 4776

67 for Curiosity.

Team Flippin’ The Greatest…469…7:40…7:42
Curiosity…67…7:38… .7:43
The Fighting Calculators…27…3656…7:44
LTown Throwdown…2612…2611…7:45
Koko’s X-Cats…4216…308…7:46
Falcon…548…245… .7:47

201 216 226 244 288 302 910 1188 1504 3536 3548 3570 3603 3655 3668 3688 3707 4362 4776

910 and 226

you edited your post after Akash made his. Please pick a different team.

I picked 3656 (I clicked submit a few seconds before my actual time) then you assigned them to the fighting calculators. By the time I realized this and changed…
I’ll take 3688 and 216

Team Flippin’ The Greatest…469…910…226
Curiosity…67…3688… .216
The Fighting Calculators…27…3656…244
LTown Throwdown…2612…2611…7:45
Koko’s X-Cats…4216…308…7:46
Falcon…548…245… .7:47

201 288 302 910 1188 1504 3536 3548 3570 3603 3655 3668 3707 4362 4776

Pretty sure you should get 226.

Thank you =]. Its hard to run 3 drafts when people don’t show up and you have to wait for them.

I saw what happened. I’d consider a trade if you really want to.

Since theres no official rule on this I’ll let you guys work it out. Everyone else is list or Random so you’ve got some time.

Alright, trade 226 for 3688 or 216?

Seems fair to me. He can take 226. I’ll swap in 1504. He has to decide who he wants to drop.

Drop 216.

To be technical, there is a rule used by the draft runners–somewhat loosely enforced–but if two picks come in at the same time, and neither is a list, first one in by timestamp (or thread position if the timestamp is the same) gets the team, given an open slot, which there was every reason to believe that the slot was open. Valid pick by FTG. Unfortunate that the (random?) list took the prior pick out, triggering an edit–but that’s the slot open provision for ya.

There is also a rule that allows trades of any team in a player’s alliance to any other player, or to the pool, for any other team, provided all parties are willing. Good call by Akash to utilize that rule in a tricky situation.

Back to your regularly scheduled draft.

Ah cool, if that’s the case, I’m good with an even trade 226 for 216. Forget about 1504 Joseph.
