Team Flippin’ The Greatest…7:00…7:40…7:42
The Fighting Calculators…7:10…7:36…7:44
LTown Throwdown…7:15…7:34…7:45
Koko’s X-Cats…7:20…7:32…7:46
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…469…7:40…7:42
Curiosity…7:05…7:38… .7:43
The Fighting Calculators…7:10…7:36…7:44
LTown Throwdown…7:15…7:34…7:45
Koko’s X-Cats…7:20…7:32…7:46
Falcon…7:25…7:30… .7:47
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…469…7:40…7:42
Curiosity…67…7:38… .7:43
The Fighting Calculators…27…3656…7:44
LTown Throwdown…2612…2611…7:45
Koko’s X-Cats…4216…308…7:46
Falcon…548…245… .7:47
I picked 3656 (I clicked submit a few seconds before my actual time) then you assigned them to the fighting calculators. By the time I realized this and changed…
I’ll take 3688 and 216
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…469…910…226
Curiosity…67…3688… .216
The Fighting Calculators…27…3656…244
LTown Throwdown…2612…2611…7:45
Koko’s X-Cats…4216…308…7:46
Falcon…548…245… .7:47
To be technical, there is a rule used by the draft runners–somewhat loosely enforced–but if two picks come in at the same time, and neither is a list, first one in by timestamp (or thread position if the timestamp is the same) gets the team, given an open slot, which there was every reason to believe that the slot was open. Valid pick by FTG. Unfortunate that the (random?) list took the prior pick out, triggering an edit–but that’s the slot open provision for ya.
There is also a rule that allows trades of any team in a player’s alliance to any other player, or to the pool, for any other team, provided all parties are willing. Good call by Akash to utilize that rule in a tricky situation.