[FF]: 2014 Kettering District Tier 2

Sour Patch Nerds…2337…8:11…8:13
Team 3…4382…8:09…8:14
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…2604…8:07…8:15
Team Awesome Blossom…70…8:05…8:16
Prestige Taco…1684…8:03…8:17
The Breakfast Company…2619…7:59…8:19
LTown Throwdown…326…7:57…8:20
Schrodinger’s Cat…7:48…7:53…8:22

313 314 322 468 703 894 1243 1322 1506 3415 3534 3535 3568 3767 3770 3886 4994 4998 5017 5046 5081 5084 5114 5150 5155 5156 5166 5167 5193 5201 5203

Hey Joe, please check our list again. I don’t believe you gave us the right team. We should have 2604.

Edit: thanks for the quick fix

Notepad decided to scroll itself down, I was fixing it right when you posted that. Apologies.

Sour Patch Nerds…2337…8:11…8:13
Team 3…4382…8:09…8:14
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…2604…3770…8:15
Team Awesome Blossom…70…3886…8:16
Prestige Taco…1684…3535…8:17
The Breakfast Company…2619…468…8:19
LTown Throwdown…326…3568…8:20
Schrodinger’s Cat…1322…703…8:22

313 322 894 1506 3415 3534 3767 4994 4998 5017 5046 5081 5084 5114 5150 5155 5156 5166 5167 5193 5201 5203

Give us 3770 for the second pick, keep the first

3770 has already been picked.

Then 3568

Also been picked.

Sour Patch Nerds…2337…1506…313
Team 3…4382…5155…8:14
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…2604…3770…8:15
Team Awesome Blossom…70…3886…8:16
Prestige Taco…1684…3535…8:17
Falcon…314…322…8:1 8
The Breakfast Company…2619…468…8:19
LTown Throwdown…326…3568…8:20
Curiosity…1243…4819. …8:21
Schrodinger’s Cat…1322…703…8:22

894 3415 3534 3767 4994 4998 5017 5046 5081 5084 5114 5150 5156 5166 5167 5193 5201 5203

I was just testing you. 3534 and 894

Sour Patch Nerds…2337…1506…313
Team 3…4382…3534…894
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…2604…3770…3767
Team Awesome Blossom…70…3886…4994
Prestige Taco…1684…3535…4998
The Breakfast Company…2619…468…5046
LTown Throwdown…326…3568…3415
Curiosity…1243…4819. …5166
Schrodinger’s Cat…1322…703…5081

5084 5114 5150 5155 5156 5167 5193 5201 5203

Drop 894 for 503

Ooh just beat me to it.

Just like you beat me to 27! I guess it balanced out

Sour Patch Nerds…2337…1506…313
Team 3…4382…3534…503
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…2604…3770…3767
Team Awesome Blossom…70…3886…4994
Prestige Taco…1684…3535…4998
The Breakfast Company…2619…468…5046
LTown Throwdown…326…3568…3415
Curiosity…1243…4819. …5166
Schrodinger’s Cat…1322…703…5081

894 5084 5114 5150 5155 5156 5167 5193 5201 5203

Sour Patch Nerds…2337…1506…313 = 118
Team 3…4382…3534…503 = 90
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…2604…3770…3767 = 22
Team Awesome Blossom…70…3886…4994 = 44
Prestige Taco…1684…3535…4998 = 45
Falcon…314…322…501 7 = 65
The Breakfast Company…2619…468…5046 = 31
LTown Throwdown…326…3568…3415 = 9
Curiosity…1243…4819. …5166 = 30
Schrodinger’s Cat…1322…703…5081 = 61