PureMichigan 341 8:07 8:08
LTown Throwdown 7:05 8:04 8:09
Peach Alliance 7:10 8:01 8:10
Team Flippin' The Greatest 7:15 7:58 8:11
Schrodinger's Cat 7:20 7:55 8:12
Falcon 7:25 7:52 8:13
The Breakfast Company 7:30 7:49 8:14
Prestige Taco 7:35 7:46 8:15
Team Hindsight 7:40 7:43 8:16
25 87 203 204 223 225 265 272
316 321 423 484 708 709 816
896 1089 1640 1647 1791 1807 1923 2180
2191 2495 2559 2590 2600 2729 3151 3167
3607 3929 4454 4460 4575 4750 5113
25 please.
PureMichigan 341 8:07 8:08
LTown Throwdown 25 8:04 8:09
Peach Alliance 2590 8:01 8:10
Team Flippin' The Greatest 7:15 7:58 8:11
Schrodinger's Cat 7:20 7:55 8:12
Falcon 7:25 7:52 8:13
The Breakfast Company 7:30 7:49 8:14
Prestige Taco 7:35 7:46 8:15
Team Hindsight 7:40 7:43 8:16
87 203 204 223 225 265 272
316 321 423 484 708 709 816
896 1089 1640 1647 1791 1807 1923 2180
2191 2495 2559 2600 2729 3151 3167
3607 3929 4454 4460 4575 4750 5113
Btw, in the other thread, Schrodinger said they are taking randoms again, I assume the same for this draft.
No they sent me a list
PureMichigan 341 8:07 8:08
LTown Throwdown 25 8:04 8:09
Peach Alliance 2590 8:01 8:10
Team Flippin' The Greatest 1640 7:58 8:11
Schrodinger's Cat 4454 7:55 8:12
Falcon 7:25 7:52 8:13
The Breakfast Company 7:30 7:49 8:14
Prestige Taco 7:35 7:46 8:15
Team Hindsight 7:40 7:43 8:16
87 203 204 223 225 265 272
316 321 423 484 708 709 816
896 1089 1647 1791 1807 1923 2180
2191 2495 2559 2600 2729 3151 3167
3607 3929 4460 4575 4750 5113
1923 for Falcon.
PureMichigan 341 8:07 8:08
LTown Throwdown 25 8:04 8:09
Peach Alliance 2590 8:01 8:10
Team Flippin' The Greatest 1640 7:58 8:11
Schrodinger's Cat 4454 7:55 8:12
Falcon 1923 7:52 8:13
The Breakfast Company 2729 7:49 8:14
Prestige Taco 7:35 7:46 8:15
Team Hindsight 7:40 7:43 8:16
87 203 204 223 225 265 272
316 321 423 484 708 709 816
896 1089 1647 1791 1807 2180
2191 2495 2559 2600 3151 3167
3607 3929 4460 4575 4750 5113
PureMichigan 341 8:07 8:08
LTown Throwdown 25 8:04 8:09
Peach Alliance 2590 8:01 8:10
Team Flippin' The Greatest 1640 7:58 8:11
Schrodinger's Cat 4454 7:55 8:12
Falcon 1923 7:52 8:13
The Breakfast Company 2729 4575 8:14
Prestige Taco 709 708 8:15
Team Hindsight 316 225 8:16
87 203 204 223 265 272
321 423 484 816
896 1089 1647 1791 1807 2180
2191 2495 2559 2600 3151 3167
3607 3929 4460 4750 5113
PureMichigan 341 1089 816
LTown Throwdown 25 2600 321
Peach Alliance 2590 272 2559
Team Flippin' The Greatest 1640 1647 8:11
Schrodinger's Cat 4454 1791 8:12
Falcon 1923 3929 8:13
The Breakfast Company 2729 4575 8:14
Prestige Taco 709 708 8:15
Team Hindsight 316 225 8:16
87 203 204 223 265
423 484
896 1807 2180
2191 2495 2600 3151 3167
3607 4460 4750 5113
Swap last for 5113
PureMichigan 341 1089 816
LTown Throwdown 25 2600 321
Peach Alliance 2590 272 5113
Team Flippin' The Greatest 1640 1647 87
Schrodinger's Cat 4454 1791 896
Falcon 1923 3929 4460
The Breakfast Company 2729 4575 2559
Prestige Taco 709 708 2191
Team Hindsight 316 225 2495
203 204 223 265
423 484
1807 2180
2600 3151 3167
3607 4750
A Fantasy Alliance so nice, it was picked twice.
Re: [FF]: 2014 Hatboro-Horsham MAR District Tier 1
Peach Alliance…2590……….272……….5113
Curiosity…2729………. 2539… …….1495
Schrodinger’s Cats …341 ……….4342……….1647
Pure Michigan…1218……….1391…… ….87
Prestige Taco…2016…… ….357……….5181
Team Spark …816………. 486……….1168
Team 3…103……….2607… …….708
Team RUSH27…433……….3974……….1807
The Phantom Zone…25……….4954……… 4637
The Fighting Calculators…1640……303……….3151Re: [FF]: 2014 Lenape-Seneca MAR District Tier 1
PureMichigan 341 1089 816
LTown Throwdown 25 2600 321
Peach Alliance 2590 272 5113
Team Flippin’ The Greatest 1640 1647 87
Schrodinger’s Cat 4454 1791 896
Falcon 1923 3929 4460
The Breakfast Company 2729 4575 2559
Prestige Taco 709 708 2191
Team Hindsight 316 225 2495
Swap my last for 484.
PureMichigan 341 1089 816
LTown Throwdown 25 2600 321
Peach Alliance 2590 272 5113
Team Flippin' The Greatest 1640 1647 484
Schrodinger's Cat 4454 1791 896
Falcon 1923 3929 4460
The Breakfast Company 2729 4575 2559
Prestige Taco 709 708 2191
Team Hindsight 316 225 2495
203 204 223 265
423 87
1807 2180
2600 3151 3167
3607 4750
PureMichigan 341 1089 816
LTown Throwdown 25 2600 321
Peach Alliance 2590 272 5113
Team Flippin' The Greatest 1640 1647 484
Schrodinger's Cat 4454 1791 896
Falcon 1923 3929 4460
The Breakfast Company 2729 4575 2559
Prestige Taco 709 708 2191
Team Hindsight 316 225 2495
PureMichigan 341 1089 816 = 55
LTown Throwdown 25 2600 321 = 16
Peach Alliance 2590 272 5113 = 141
Team Flippin' The Greatest 1640 1647 484 = 120
Schrodinger's Cat 4454 1791 896 = -24
Falcon 1923 3929 4460 = 48
The Breakfast Company 2729 4575 2559 = 87
Prestige Taco 709 708 2191 = 12
Team Hindsight 316 225 2495 = 89