[FF]: 2014 [MI] West Michigan Tier 1

Koko’s X-Cats…7:00…8:01…8:03
Team Spark…7:10…7:57…8:05
Automated Scoring…7:15…7:55…8:06
Prestige Taco…7:20…7:73…8:07
Team Hindsight…7:30…7:49…8:09
Team 3…7:35…7:47…8:10
The Fighting Calculators…7:40…7:45…8:11

70 74 85 107 141 247 326 494 858 904 1506 1677 1918 2054 2075 2405 2767 2771 3234 3357 3458 3546 3572 3875 4003 4004 4327 4337 4368 4453 4482 4483 4855 4956 4967 5069 5161 5162 5255 5316

Koko’s X-Cats…2054…8:01…8:03
Team Spark…7:10…7:57…8:05
Automated Scoring…7:15…7:55…8:06
Prestige Taco…7:20…7:73…8:07
Team Hindsight…7:30…7:49…8:09
Team 3…7:35…7:47…8:10
The Fighting Calculators…7:40…7:45…8:11

70 74 85 107 141 247 326 494 858 904 1506 1677 1918 2075 2405 2767 2771 3234 3357 3458 3546 3572 3875 4003 4004 4327 4337 4368 4453 4482 4483 4855 4956 4967 5069 5161 5162 5255 5316

Randoms the rest of the way.

Koko’s X-Cats…2054…5162…4368
Team Spark…2075…4482…4967
Automated Scoring…141…326…3357
Prestige Taco…70…858…3875
Team Hindsight…85…247…5069
Team 3…2771…3572…74
The Fighting Calculators…904…2767…1677

2405 3458 3546 4004 4327 4337 4453 4483 4855 4956 5069 5161 5255 5316

785 should be 74 on the available teams list.

Koko’s X-Cats…2054…5162…4368
Team Spark…2075…4482…4967
Automated Scoring…141…326…3357
Prestige Taco…70…858…3875
Team Hindsight…85…247…5069
Team 3…2771…3572…74
The Fighting Calculators…904…2767…1677

2405 3458 3546 4004 4327 4337 4453 4483 4855 4956 5069 5161 5255 5316

Koko’s X-Cats…2054…5162…4368
Team Spark…2075…4482…4967
Automated Scoring…141…326…3357
Prestige Taco…70…858…3875
Team Hindsight…85…247…5069
Team 3…2771…3572…74
The Fighting Calculators…904…2767…1677

Koko’s X-Cats…2054…5162…4368 = 55
Curiosity…1918…107…4003 = 79
Team Spark…2075…4482…4967 = 89
Automated Scoring…141…4327*…3357 = 20
Prestige Taco…70…858…3875 = 41
PureMichigan…494…3234…1506 = 131
Team Hindsight…85…247…5069 = -13
Team 3…2771…3572…74 = 125
The Fighting Calculators…904…2767…1677 = 25