[FF]: 2014 Mount Olive MAR District Tier 1

The Phantom Zone …7:10…8:18…8:20
LTown Throwdown …7:15…8:16…8:21
TeamRUSH27 …7:20…8:14…8:22
The Fighting Calculators …7:25…8:12…8:23
Team Hindsight …7:30…8:10…8:24
Prestige Taco …7:35…8:08…8:25
Team Awesome Blossom …7:40…8:06…8:26
Automated Scoring …7:45…8:04…8:27
Team Spark …7:50…8:02…8:28
Kokos X-Cats …7:55…8:00…8:29

11 41 56 75 102 193 219 222 223 224
265 555 613 1228 1279 1302 1370 1403 1676 1811
1923 2070 2458 2554 2559 2577 2600 3142 3314 3340
3515 3637 4035 4281 4285 4361 4650 4653

Randoms for me please.

The Phantom Zone …1676…8:18…8:20
LTown Throwdown …7:15…8:16…8:21
TeamRUSH27 …7:20…8:14…8:22
The Fighting Calculators …7:25…8:12…8:23
Team Hindsight …7:30…8:10…8:24
Prestige Taco …7:35…8:08…8:25
Team Awesome Blossom …7:40…8:06…8:26
Automated Scoring …7:45…8:04…8:27
Team Spark …7:50…8:02…8:28
Kokos X-Cats …7:55…8:00…8:29

11 41 56 75 102 193 219 222 223 224
265 555 613 1228 1279 1302 1370 1403 1811
1923 2070 2458 2554 2559 2577 2600 3142 3314 3340
3515 3637 4035 4281 4285 4361 4650 4653

The Phantom Zone …1676…8:18…8:20
LTown Throwdown …3637…8:16…8:21
TeamRUSH27 …11…8:14…8:22
The Fighting Calculators …75…8:12…8:23
Team Hindsight …1923…8:10…8:24
Prestige Taco …7:35…8:08…8:25
Team Awesome Blossom …7:40…8:06…8:26
Automated Scoring …7:45…8:04…8:27
Team Spark …7:50…8:02…8:28
Kokos X-Cats …7:55…8:00…8:29

41 56 102 193 219 222 223 224
265 555 613 1228 1279 1302 1370 1403 1811
2070 2458 2554 2559 2577 2600 3142 3314 3340
3515 4035 4281 4285 4361 4650 4653

222 please

The Phantom Zone …1676…8:18…8:20
LTown Throwdown …3637…8:16…8:21
TeamRUSH27 …11…8:14…8:22
The Fighting Calculators …75…8:12…8:23
Team Hindsight …1923…8:10…8:24
Prestige Taco …222…8:08…8:25
Team Awesome Blossom …1403…1279…8:26
Automated Scoring …193…1370…8:27
Team Spark …3314…1228…8:28
Kokos X-Cats …4361…223…8:29

41 56 102 219 224
265 555 613 1302 1811
2070 2458 2554 2559 2577 2600 3142 3340
3515 4035 4281 4285 4650 4653

56 please

The Phantom Zone …1676…8:18…8:20
LTown Throwdown …3637…8:16…8:21
TeamRUSH27 …11…224…8:22
The Fighting Calculators …75…3142…8:23
Team Hindsight …1923…4285…8:24
Prestige Taco …222…56…8:25
Team Awesome Blossom …1403…1279…8:26
Automated Scoring …193…1370…8:27
Team Spark …3314…1228…8:28
Kokos X-Cats …4361…223…8:29

41 102 219
265 555 613 1302 1811
2070 2458 2554 2559 2577 2600 3340
3515 4035 4281 4650 4653

The Phantom Zone …1676…3340…4653
LTown Throwdown …3637…41…8:21
TeamRUSH27 …11…224…8:22
The Fighting Calculators …75…3142…8:23
Team Hindsight …1923…4285…8:24
Prestige Taco …222…56…8:25
Team Awesome Blossom …1403…1279…8:26
Automated Scoring …193…1370…8:27
Team Spark …3314…1228…8:28
Kokos X-Cats …4361…223…8:29

102 219
265 555 613 1302 1811
2070 2458 2554 2559 2577 2600
3515 4035 4281 4650

The Phantom Zone …1676…3340…4653
LTown Throwdown …3637…41…2070
TeamRUSH27 …11…224…2559
The Fighting Calculators …75…3142…613
Team Hindsight …1923…4285…4650
Prestige Taco …222…56…102
Team Awesome Blossom …1403…1279…1302
Automated Scoring …193…1370…4281
Team Spark …3314…1228…4035
Kokos X-Cats …4361…223…2577

219 265 555 1811
2458 2554 2600
3515 4281

Swap 102 for 555

The Phantom Zone …1676…3340…4653
LTown Throwdown …3637…41…2070
TeamRUSH27 …11…224…2559
The Fighting Calculators …75…3142…613
Team Hindsight …1923…4285…4650
Prestige Taco …222…56…555
Team Awesome Blossom …1403…1279…1302
Automated Scoring …193…1370…4281
Team Spark …3314…1228…4035
Kokos X-Cats …4361…223…2577

102 219 265 1811
2458 2554 2600
3515 4281

The Phantom Zone …1676…3340…4653
LTown Throwdown …3637…41…2070
The Fighting Calculators …75…3142…11
Team Hindsight …1923…4285…4650
Prestige Taco …222…56…555
Team Awesome Blossom …1403…1279…1302
Automated Scoring …193…1370…4281
Team Spark …3314…1228…4035
Kokos X-Cats …4361…223…2577

102 219 224 265 1811
2458 2554 2559 2600
3515 4281


Automated Scoring will drop 4281 in favor of 224.

The Phantom Zone …1676…3340…4653
LTown Throwdown …3637…41…2070
The Fighting Calculators …75…3142…11
Team Hindsight …1923…4285…4650
Prestige Taco …222…56…555
Team Awesome Blossom …1403…1279…1302
Automated Scoring …193…1370…224
Team Spark …3314…1228…4035
Kokos X-Cats …4361…223…2577

102 219 265 613 1811
2458 2554 2559 2600
3515 4281

The Phantom Zone …1676…3340…4653= 102
LTown Throwdown …3637…41…2070= -10
The Fighting Calculators …75…3142…11= 134
Team Hindsight …1923…4285…4650= 69
Prestige Taco …222…56…555= 90
Team Awesome Blossom …1403…1279…1302= 85
Automated Scoring …193…1370…224= 5
Team Spark …3314…1228…4035= 36
Kokos X-Cats …4361…223…2577= 32