PureMichigan 7:30 8:45 8:46
The Fighting Calculators 7:35 8:42 8:47
Deus X 7:40 8:39 8:48
Team Spark 7:45 8:36 8:49
Falcon 7:50 8:33 8:50
Schrodinger's Cat 7:55 8:30 8:51
The Phantom Zone 8:00 8:27 8:52
LTown Throwdown 8:05 8:24 8:53
Koko's X-Cats 8:10 8:21 8:54
Team Awesome Blossom 8:15 8:18 8:55
58 88 133 166 172 319 348 467
663 1027 1071 1307 1721 1786 1831 2342
2648 3451 3461 3585 3597 3609 3927 3930
4041 4042 4473 4546 4555 4564 4793 4906
4925 5122 5265 5286
The thread needs a Tier #, just to avoid potential confusion with waivers later.
Randoms for me please.
Phantom Zone list sent via PM.
PureMichigan 5265 8:45 8:46
The Fighting Calculators 2648 8:42 8:47
Deus X 4555 8:39 8:48
Team Spark 4041 8:36 8:49
Falcon 1071 8:33 8:50
Schrodinger's Cat 4564 8:30 8:51
The Phantom Zone 172 8:27 8:52
LTown Throwdown 8:05 8:24 8:53
Koko's X-Cats 8:10 8:21 8:54
Team Awesome Blossom 8:15 8:18 8:55
58 88 133 166 319 348 467
663 1027 1307 1721 1786 1831 2342
3451 3461 3585 3597 3609 3927 3930
4042 4473 4546 4793 4906
4925 5122 5286
58 for LTown please.
PureMichigan 5265 8:45 8:46
The Fighting Calculators 2648 8:42 8:47
Deus X 4555 8:39 8:48
Team Spark 4041 8:36 8:49
Falcon 1071 8:33 8:50
Schrodinger's Cat 4564 8:30 8:51
The Phantom Zone 172 8:27 8:52
LTown Throwdown 58 8:24 8:53
Koko's X-Cats 2342 4473 8:54
Team Awesome Blossom 88 467 8:55
133 166 319 348
663 1027 1307 1721 1786 1831
3451 3461 3585 3597 3609 3927 3930
4042 4546 4793 4906 4925 5122 5286
133 please.
PureMichigan 5265 8:45 8:46
The Fighting Calculators 2648 8:42 8:47
Deus X 4555 8:39 8:48
Team Spark 4041 8:36 8:49
Falcon 1071 166 8:50
Schrodinger's Cat 4564 348 8:51
The Phantom Zone 172 3609 8:52
LTown Throwdown 58 133 8:53
Koko's X-Cats 2342 4473 8:54
Team Awesome Blossom 88 467 8:55
319 663 1027 1307 1721 1786 1831
3451 3461 3585 3597 3927 3930
4042 4546 4793 4906 4925 5122 5286
LTown will take a random rookie with our last pick (assuming there is one left)
PureMichigan 5265 3930 3585
The Fighting Calculators 2648 1831 3451
Deus X 4555 5122 663
Team Spark 4041 1721 1786
Falcon 1071 166 5286
Schrodinger's Cat 4564 348 319
The Phantom Zone 172 3609 4925
LTown Throwdown 58 133 3461
Koko's X-Cats 2342 4473 3597
Team Awesome Blossom 88 467 4042
1027 1307
3585 3927
4546 4793 4906
Pure MI was a bit suprised. We will keep 3930. I would like to exchange the other 2 teams (5265 and 3585) for 1027 and 4906.
I noticed. I think a lot of people were caught off guard when the switch happened–but a lot of folks also like to monitor the drafts.
PureMichigan 1027 3930 4906
The Fighting Calculators 2648 1831 3451
Deus X 4555 5122 663
Team Spark 4041 1721 1786
Falcon 1071 166 5286
Schrodinger's Cat 4564 348 319
The Phantom Zone 172 3609 4925
LTown Throwdown 58 133 3461
Koko's X-Cats 2342 4473 3597
Team Awesome Blossom 88 467 4042
1307 3585 3927
4546 4793 5265
Pure Michigan dropping 1027 and picking up 125
PureMichigan 125 3930 4906
The Fighting Calculators 2648 1831 3451
Deus X 4555 5122 663
Team Spark 4041 1721 1786
Falcon 1071 166 5286
Schrodinger's Cat 4564 348 319
The Phantom Zone 172 3609 4925
LTown Throwdown 58 133 3461
Koko's X-Cats 2342 4473 3597
Team Awesome Blossom 88 467 4042
*Missing Team Replacement