[FF]: 2014 Southfield Tier 3

Team Spark…7:00…7:47…7:49
Schrodinger’s Cat…7:05…7:45…7:50
Koko’s X-Cats…7:10…7:43…7:51
Team Awesome Blossom.7:15…7:41…7:52
The Fighting Calculators.7:20…7:39…7:53
The Breakfast Company…7:25…7:37…7:54
Prestige Taco…7:30…7:35…7:55

1 51 94 107 201 247 470 573 835 862 1023 1188 1250 1504 1701 2145 2224 2834 2960 3098 3548 3604 4380 4384 4405 4680 4840 4854 5008 5053 5086

Team Spark…2834…7:47…7:49
Schrodinger’s Cat…7:05…7:45…7:50
Koko’s X-Cats…7:10…7:43…7:51
Team Awesome Blossom.7:15…7:41…7:52
The Fighting Calculators.7:20…7:39…7:53
The Breakfast Company…7:25…7:37…7:54
Prestige Taco…7:30…7:35…7:55

1 51 94 107 201 247 470 573 835 862 1023 1188 1250 1504 1701 2145 2224 2960 3098 3548 3604 4380 4384 4405 4680 4840 4854 5008 5053 5086

Just gimmie randoms.


Team Spark…2834…7:47…7:49
Schrodinger’s Cat…107…7:45…7:50
Koko’s X-Cats…2224…7:43…7:51
Team Awesome Blossom.7:15…7:41…7:52
The Fighting Calculators.7:20…7:39…7:53
The Breakfast Company…7:25…7:37…7:54
Prestige Taco…7:30…7:35…7:55

1 51 94 201 247 470 573 835 862 1023 1188 1250 1504 1701 2145 2960 3098 3548 3604 4380 4384 4405 4680 4840 4854 5008 5053 5086

1023 for Team Awesome Blossom

Team Spark…2834…7:47…7:49
Schrodinger’s Cat…107…7:45…7:50
Koko’s X-Cats…2224…7:43…7:51
Team Awesome Blossom.1023…7:41…7:52
The Fighting Calculators.862…7:39…7:53
The Breakfast Company…7:25…7:37…7:54
Prestige Taco…7:30…7:35…7:55

1 51 94 201 247 470 573 835 1188 1250 1504 1701 2145 2960 3098 3548 3604 4380 4384 4405 4680 4840 4854 5008 5053 5086

We would like 862 instead, sorry last minute change to our list

Breakfast company will take 3098, rest of the list is now sent to you.

Team Spark…2834…7:47…7:49
Schrodinger’s Cat…107…7:45…7:50
Koko’s X-Cats…2224…7:43…7:51
Team Awesome Blossom.1023…7:41…7:52
The Fighting Calculators.862…7:39…7:53
The Breakfast Company…3098…7:37…7:54
Prestige Taco…7:30…7:35…7:55

1 51 94 201 247 470 573 835 1188 1250 1504 1701 2145 2960 3548 3604 4380 4384 4405 4680 4840 4854 5008 5053 5086

573, 4384 for Prestige Taco.

Team Spark…2834…7:47…7:49
Schrodinger’s Cat…107…7:45…7:50
Koko’s X-Cats…2224…4680…7:51
Team Awesome Blossom.1023…1…7:52
The Fighting Calculators.862…247…7:53
The Breakfast Company…3098…51…7:54
Prestige Taco…573…4384…7:55

94 201 470 835 1188 1250 1504 1701 2145 2960 3548 3604 4380 4405 4840 5008 5053 5086


Team Spark…2834…1701…3548
Schrodinger’s Cat…107…1250…7:50
Koko’s X-Cats…2224…4680…7:51
Team Awesome Blossom.1023…1…7:52
The Fighting Calculators.862…247…7:53
The Breakfast Company…3098…51…7:54
Prestige Taco…573…4384…7:55

94 201 470 835 1188 1504 2145 2960 3548 3604 4380 4405 4840 5008 5053 5086


Team Spark…2834…1701…3548
Schrodinger’s Cat…107…1250…1504
Koko’s X-Cats…2224…4680…4405
Team Awesome Blossom.1023…1…201
The Fighting Calculators.862…247…1504
The Breakfast Company…3098…51…5008
Prestige Taco…573…4384…7:55

94 470 835 1188 2145 2960 3548 3604 4380 4840 5053 5086

2960 for Prestige Taco.

Team Spark…2834…1701…3548
Schrodinger’s Cat…107…1250…1504
Koko’s X-Cats…2224…4680…4405
Team Awesome Blossom.1023…1…201
The Fighting Calculators.862…247…1504
The Breakfast Company…3098…51…5008
Prestige Taco…573…4384…2960

94 470 835 1188 2145 3548 3604 4380 4840 5053 5086

Team Spark…2834…1701…3548
Schrodinger’s Cat…107…1250…1504
Koko’s X-Cats…2224…4680…4405
Team Awesome Blossom.1023…1…201
The Fighting Calculators.862…247…1504
The Breakfast Company…3098…3414…2474
Prestige Taco…573…4384…33

51 94 470 835 1188 1502 2145 3547 3548 3604 3620 4380 4398 4840 5053 5086

Waivers: 2960

Breakfast Company drop 5008 for 2474(Free Agent) and drop 51 for 3414 (Free Agent)

Oooh if that’s the case can Awesome Blossom pick up 51 from the team pool in exchange for 1?