The Breakfast Company 11 8:15 8:16
Team Flippin' The Greatest 7:05 8:12 8:17
LTown Throwdown 7:10 8:09 8:18
PureMichigan 7:15 8:06 8:19
Team Spark 7:20 8:03 8:20
Koko's X-Cats 7:25 8:00 8:21
Team Hindsight 7:30 7:57 8:22
Team 3 7:35 7:54 8:23
Automated Scoring 7:40 7:51 8:24
TeamRUSH27 7:45 7:48 8:25
56 203 204 222 225 293 304 316
321 357 365 423 433 484 486 1168
1218 1495 1712 2016 2180 2234 2495 2539
3929 3974 4342 4454 4575 4637 5080 5181
Randoms for me please.
1218 please!
The Breakfast Company 11 8:15 8:16
Team Flippin' The Greatest 1218 8:12 8:17
LTown Throwdown 3974 8:09 8:18
PureMichigan 2016 8:06 8:19
Team Spark 7:20 8:03 8:20
Koko's X-Cats 7:25 8:00 8:21
Team Hindsight 7:30 7:57 8:22
Team 3 7:35 7:54 8:23
Automated Scoring 7:40 7:51 8:24
TeamRUSH27 7:45 7:48 8:25
56 203 204 222 225 293 304 316
321 357 365 423 433 484 486 1168
1495 1712 2180 2234 2495 2539
3929 4342 4454 4575 4637 5080 5181
I’ll be doing the rest of Automated Scoring’s draft live.
The Breakfast Company 11 8:15 8:16
Team Flippin' The Greatest 1218 8:12 8:17
LTown Throwdown 3974 8:09 8:18
PureMichigan 2016 8:06 8:19
Team Spark 316 8:03 8:20
Koko's X-Cats 2234 8:00 8:21
Team Hindsight 3929 7:57 8:22
Team 3 225 7:54 8:23
Automated Scoring 7:40 7:51 8:24
TeamRUSH27 7:45 7:48 8:25
56 203 204 222 293 304
321 357 365 423 433 484 486 1168
1495 1712 2180 2495 2539
4342 4454 4575 4637 5080 5181
The Breakfast Company 11 8:15 8:16
Team Flippin' The Greatest 1218 8:12 8:17
LTown Throwdown 3974 8:09 8:18
PureMichigan 2016 8:06 8:19
Team Spark 316 8:03 8:20
Koko's X-Cats 2234 8:00 8:21
Team Hindsight 3929 7:57 8:22
Team 3 225 7:54 8:23
Automated Scoring 365 7:51 8:24
TeamRUSH27 7:45 7:48 8:25
56 203 204 222 293 304
321 357 423 433 484 486 1168
1495 1712 2180 2495 2539
4342 4454 4575 4637 5080 5181
The Breakfast Company 11 8:15 8:16
Team Flippin' The Greatest 1218 8:12 8:17
LTown Throwdown 3974 8:09 8:18
PureMichigan 2016 8:06 8:19
Team Spark 316 8:03 8:20
Koko's X-Cats 2234 8:00 8:21
Team Hindsight 3929 7:57 8:22
Team 3 225 7:54 8:23
Automated Scoring 365 7:51 8:24
TeamRUSH27 204 1712 8:25
56 203 222 293 304
321 357 423 433 484 486 1168
1495 2180 2495 2539
4342 4454 4575 4637 5080 5181
433, and trade 365 for 222
The Breakfast Company 11 8:15 8:16
Team Flippin' The Greatest 1218 8:12 8:17
LTown Throwdown 3974 8:09 8:18
PureMichigan 2016 56 8:19
Team Spark 316 2539 8:20
Koko's X-Cats 2234 4342 8:21
Team Hindsight 3929 365 8:22
Team 3 225 293 8:23
Automated Scoring 222 433 8:24
TeamRUSH27 204 1712 8:25
56 203 293 304
321 357 423 484 486 1168
1495 2180 2495
4454 4575 4637 5080 5181
The Breakfast Company 11 5080 5081
Team Flippin' The Greatest 1218 357 8:17
LTown Throwdown 3974 4575 8:18
PureMichigan 2016 56 8:19
Team Spark 316 2539 8:20
Koko's X-Cats 2234 4342 8:21
Team Hindsight 3929 365 8:22
Team 3 225 293 8:23
Automated Scoring 222 433 8:24
TeamRUSH27 204 1712 8:25
56 203 293 304
321 423 484 486 1168
1495 2180 2495
4454 4637
The Breakfast Company 11 5080 5181
Team Flippin' The Greatest 1218 357 321
LTown Throwdown 3974 4575 203
PureMichigan 2016 56 486
Team Spark 316 2539 1495
Koko's X-Cats 2234 4342 2495
Team Hindsight 3929 365 4454
Team 3 225 293 1168
Automated Scoring 222 433 2180
TeamRUSH27 204 1712 423
304 484 4637
5081 should be 5181 I think… It was a typo in our list…
New additions:
The Breakfast Company 11 5080 5181
Team Flippin' The Greatest 1218 357 321
LTown Throwdown 3974 4575 203
PureMichigan 2016 56 486
Team Spark 316 2539 1495
Koko's X-Cats 2234 4342 2495
Team Hindsight 3929 365 4454
Team 3 225 293 1168
Automated Scoring 222 433 2180
The Breakfast Company 11 5080 5181 = 47
Team Flippin' The Greatest 1218 357 321 = 92
LTown Throwdown 3974 4575 203 = 17
PureMichigan 2016 56 486 = 86
Team Spark 316 2539 1495 = 113
Koko's X-Cats 2234 4342 2495 = -18
Team Hindsight 3929 365 4454 = 24
Team 3 225 293 1168 = 58
Automated Scoring 222 433 2180 = 118