[FF]: 2014 St. Joseph Tier 2

Team 3…7:00…8:08…8:10
Sour Patch Nerds…7:05…8:06…8:11
Automated Scoring…7:10…8:04…8:12
LTown Throwdown…7:15…8:02…8:13
Team Hindsight…7:20…8:00…8:14
The Phantom Zone…7:25…7:58…8:15
The Fighting Calculators…7:30…7:56…8:16
Team Spark…7:35…7:54…8:17
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…7:40…7:52…8:18

27 141 468 904 1254 1502 1940 2075 2405 2474 2959 3452 3458 3509 3547 3617 3620 3658 4237 4325 4337 4377 4389 4408 4409 4855 5056 5069 5152 5173 5182 5192 5246


Team 3…27…8:08…8:10
Sour Patch Nerds…2474…8:06…8:11
Automated Scoring…7:10…8:04…8:12
LTown Throwdown…7:15…8:02…8:13
Team Hindsight…7:20…8:00…8:14
The Phantom Zone…7:25…7:58…8:15
The Fighting Calculators…7:30…7:56…8:16
Team Spark…7:35…7:54…8:17
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…7:40…7:52…8:18
Falcon…7:45…7:50… 8:19

141 468 904 1254 1502 1940 2075 2405 2959 3452 3458 3509 3547 3617 3620 3658 4237 4325 4337 4377 4389 4408 4409 4855 5056 5069 5152 5173 5182 5192 5246

We’ll take 141. (That was a rather hard decision…)

I’m sending you our list.

Team 3…27…8:08…8:10
Sour Patch Nerds…2474…8:06…8:11
Automated Scoring…141…8:04…8:12
LTown Throwdown…7:15…8:02…8:13
Team Hindsight…7:20…8:00…8:14
The Phantom Zone…7:25…7:58…8:15
The Fighting Calculators…7:30…7:56…8:16
Team Spark…7:35…7:54…8:17
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…7:40…7:52…8:18
Falcon…7:45…7:50… 8:19

468 904 1254 1502 1940 2075 2405 2959 3452 3458 3509 3547 3617 3620 3658 4237 4325 4337 4377 4389 4408 4409 4855 5056 5069 5152 5173 5182 5192 5246

2959 please.

Team 3…27…8:08…8:10
Sour Patch Nerds…2474…8:06…8:11
Automated Scoring…141…8:04…8:12
LTown Throwdown…2959…8:02…8:13
Team Hindsight…4325…8:00…8:14
The Phantom Zone…4237…7:58…8:15
The Fighting Calculators…904…7:56…8:16
Team Spark…7:35…7:54…8:17
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…7:40…7:52…8:18
Falcon…7:45…7:50… 8:19

468 1254 1502 1940 2075 2405 3452 3458 3509 3547 3617 3620 3658 4337 4377 4389 4408 4409 4855 5056 5069 5152 5173 5182 5192 5246

Team 3…27…8:08…8:10
Sour Patch Nerds…2474…8:06…8:11
Automated Scoring…141…8:04…8:12
LTown Throwdown…2959…8:02…8:13
Team Hindsight…4325…8:00…8:14
The Phantom Zone…4237…7:58…8:15
The Fighting Calculators…904…7:56…8:16
Team Spark…3458…7:54…8:17
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…7:40…7:52…8:18
Falcon…7:45…7:50… 8:19

468 1254 1502 1940 2075 2405 3452 3509 3547 3617 3620 3658 4337 4377 4389 4408 4409 4855 5056 5069 5152 5173 5182 5192 5246


Team 3…27…8:08…8:10
Sour Patch Nerds…2474…8:06…8:11
Automated Scoring…141…8:04…8:12
LTown Throwdown…2959…8:02…8:13
Team Hindsight…4325…8:00…8:14
The Phantom Zone…4237…7:58…8:15
The Fighting Calculators…904…7:56…8:16
Team Spark…3458…7:54…8:17
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…3547…7:52…8:18
Falcon…468…4855… 8:19

1254 1502 1940 2075 2405 2612 3452 3509 3617 3620 3658 4337 4377 4389 4408 4409 5056 5069 5152 5173 5182 5192 5246


FYI - 2612 isn’t competing here.

Team 3…27…8:08…8:10
Sour Patch Nerds…2474…8:06…8:11
Automated Scoring…141…8:04…8:12
LTown Throwdown…2959…8:02…8:13
Team Hindsight…4325…8:00…8:14
The Phantom Zone…4237…7:58…8:15
The Fighting Calculators…904…7:56…8:16
Team Spark…3458…7:54…8:17
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…3547…3452…8:18
Falcon…468…4855… 8:19

1254 1502 1940 2075 2405 3452 3509 3617 3620 3658 4337 4377 4389 4408 4409 5056 5069 5152 5173 5182 5192 5246

That’s what I thought and then someone picked them in the other draft and I got confused and thought they just signed up. Thank you for the clarification.

Team 3…27…8:08…8:10
Sour Patch Nerds…2474…4377…8:11
Automated Scoring…141…1502…8:12
LTown Throwdown…2959…5192…8:13
Team Hindsight…4325…5173…8:14
The Phantom Zone…4237…3620…8:15
The Fighting Calculators…904…3617…8:16
Team Spark…3458…3509…8:17
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…3547…3452…8:18
Falcon…468…4855… 8:19

1254 1940 2075 2405 3658 4337 4389 4408 4409 5056 5069 5152 5182 5246

Team 3…27…5152…1254
Sour Patch Nerds…2474…4377…2075
Automated Scoring…141…1502…5056
LTown Throwdown…2959…5192…5069
Team Hindsight…4325…5173…4337
The Phantom Zone…4237…3620…4409
The Fighting Calculators…904…3617…2405
Team Spark…3458…3509…4408
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…3547…3452…5246

1940 3658 4389

Not sure what you were waiting on here, I sent you our list. We should not have received randoms

Team 3…27…4409…1254
Sour Patch Nerds…2474…4377…2075
Automated Scoring…141…1502…5056
LTown Throwdown…2959…5192…5069
Team Hindsight…4325…5173…4337
The Phantom Zone…4237…3620…5152
The Fighting Calculators…904…3617…2405
Team Spark…3458…3509…4408
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…3547…3452…5246
Falcon…468…4855…5 182

1940 3658 4389

Neither were random, I simply mistyped your second pick. You should find those following your list now.

They were still signed up when I did my list this morning. Are you sure?
