[FF]: 2015 Fantasy First in Michigan (FFiM): Interested?

I am someone who is very interested in joining SLFF, but do not know enough about the regions outside of Michigan to be able to field my own team. Because of this, I would like to start a seperate FF league that I would run (I asked, its okay) for anyone else in Michigan (or outside) that might be in the same predicament. It would have a singular initial block draft, but you would have to choose 3 teams a week from your selected teams to play to get points. I will write up a full set of rules (open to change) and post them if I get enough interest. I feel like 6 teams would be enough to start a league, please join if interested!

  1. (3175student17)

I might be interested. Im pretty much in the same boat. Know many Mi teams but none out of state.

I wouldnt mind this.

Count me in

I started doing FF a couple years ago to specifically learn more about teams outside of Michigan. I have learned a lot more about MAR, and I am learning a lot more about PNW and California thanks to FF.
For instance, I would have not likely known much about 4488 had I not been doing FF.

I’ll do it.

This is a preliminary set of rules, please give any suggestions for change, I will probably make most changes.