Team Guh... 7:05 9:08 9:09
Swamp Life 7:10 9:05 9:10
Daedalite InVAders 7:15 9:02 9:11
Rotten Peach Alliance 7:20 8:59 9:12
Team SuperPowerMatic 7:25 8:56 9:13
PureMichigan 7:30 8:53 9:14
Frog Farce 7:35 8:50 9:15
Team Mastermind 7:40 8:47 9:16
The Breakfast Company 7:45 8:44 9:17
LTown Throwdown 7:50 8:41 9:18
Falcon 7:55 8:38 9:19
Orange Juice 8:00 8:35 9:20
The Yellow Alliance 8:05 8:32 9:21
Koko's X-Cats 8:10 8:29 9:22
Brolliance Beta 8:15 8:26 9:23
SHARP Cheddar 8:20 8:23 9:24
11 21 59 87 108 159 179 180
192 263 348 384 386 612 744 1065
1251 1522 1523 1592 1649 2016 2152 2234
2383 2641 2658 3164 3233 3242 3259 3410
3502 3653 3932 3992 4013 4471 4516 4517
4562 4592 4953 5196 5243 5329 5410 5472
5557 5591 5655
List sent in for LTown Throwdown.
You should also have Rotten Peach Alliance’s list.
- Sunny G.
List sent in for SHARP Cheddar.
Team Guh... 1592 9:08 9:09
Swamp Life 180 9:05 9:10
Daedalite InVAders 7:15 9:02 9:11
Rotten Peach Alliance 7:20 8:59 9:12
Team SuperPowerMatic 7:25 8:56 9:13
PureMichigan 7:30 8:53 9:14
Frog Farce 7:35 8:50 9:15
Team Mastermind 7:40 8:47 9:16
The Breakfast Company 7:45 8:44 9:17
LTown Throwdown 7:50 8:41 9:18
Falcon 7:55 8:38 9:19
Orange Juice 8:00 8:35 9:20
The Yellow Alliance 8:05 8:32 9:21
Koko's X-Cats 8:10 8:29 9:22
Brolliance Beta 8:15 8:26 9:23
SHARP Cheddar 8:20 8:23 9:24
11 21 59 87 108 159 179
192 263 348 384 386 612 744 1065
1251 1522 1523 1649 2016 2152 2234
2383 2641 2658 3164 3233 3242 3259 3410
3502 3653 3932 3992 4013 4471 4516 4517
4562 4592 4953 5196 5243 5329 5410 5472
5557 5591 5655
11 please
Team Guh... 1592 9:08 9:09
Swamp Life 180 9:05 9:10
Daedalite InVAders 11 9:02 9:11
Rotten Peach Alliance 179 8:59 9:12
Team SuperPowerMatic 7:25 8:56 9:13
PureMichigan 7:30 8:53 9:14
Frog Farce 7:35 8:50 9:15
Team Mastermind 7:40 8:47 9:16
The Breakfast Company 7:45 8:44 9:17
LTown Throwdown 7:50 8:41 9:18
Falcon 7:55 8:38 9:19
Orange Juice 8:00 8:35 9:20
The Yellow Alliance 8:05 8:32 9:21
Koko's X-Cats 8:10 8:29 9:22
Brolliance Beta 8:15 8:26 9:23
SHARP Cheddar 8:20 8:23 9:24
21 59 87 108 159
192 263 348 384 386 612 744 1065
1251 1522 1523 1649 2016 2152 2234
2383 2641 2658 3164 3233 3242 3259 3410
3502 3653 3932 3992 4013 4471 4516 4517
4562 4592 4953 5196 5243 5329 5410 5472
5557 5591 5655
1523 and randoms for rest
Team Guh... 1592 9:08 9:09
Swamp Life 180 9:05 9:10
Daedalite InVAders 11 9:02 9:11
Rotten Peach Alliance 179 8:59 9:12
Team SuperPowerMatic 1523 8:56 9:13
PureMichigan 384 8:53 9:14
Frog Farce 744 8:50 9:15
Team Mastermind 5196 8:47 9:16
The Breakfast Company 2016 8:44 9:17
LTown Throwdown 1251 8:41 9:18
Falcon 7:55 8:38 9:19
Orange Juice 8:00 8:35 9:20
The Yellow Alliance 8:05 8:32 9:21
Koko's X-Cats 8:10 8:29 9:22
Brolliance Beta 8:15 8:26 9:23
SHARP Cheddar 8:20 8:23 9:24
21 59 87 108 159
192 263 348 384 386 612 1065
1522 1649 2152 2234
2383 2641 2658 3164 3233 3242 3259 3410
3502 3653 3932 3992 4013 4471 4516 4517
4562 4592 4953 5243 5329 5410 5472
5557 5591 5655
Falcon would like 192.
Team Guh... 1592 9:08 9:09
Swamp Life 180 9:05 9:10
Daedalite InVAders 11 9:02 9:11
Rotten Peach Alliance 179 8:59 9:12
Team SuperPowerMatic 1523 8:56 9:13
PureMichigan 384 8:53 9:14
Frog Farce 744 8:50 9:15
Team Mastermind 5196 8:47 9:16
The Breakfast Company 2016 8:44 9:17
LTown Throwdown 1251 8:41 9:18
Falcon 192 8:38 9:19
Orange Juice 4013 5557 9:20
The Yellow Alliance 108 3932 9:21
Koko's X-Cats 3242 5472 9:22
Brolliance Beta 2234 1065 9:23
SHARP Cheddar 2641 21 9:24
59 87 159
263 348 386 612
1522 1649 2152
2383 2658 3164 3233 3259 3410
3502 3653 3992 4471 4516 4517
4562 4592 4953 5243 5329 5410
5591 5655
Falcon will see if some High Voltage can put a spark in their alliance by taking 386.
Random rookie if available for third pick, otherwise random.
Team Guh... 1592 9:08 9:09
Swamp Life 180 9:05 9:10
Daedalite InVAders 11 9:02 9:11
Rotten Peach Alliance 179 348 9:12
Team SuperPowerMatic 1523 1522 9:13
PureMichigan 384 2383 9:14
Frog Farce 744 3410 9:15
Team Mastermind 5196 2658 9:16
The Breakfast Company 2016 612 9:17
LTown Throwdown 1251 2152 9:18
Falcon 192 386 9:19
Orange Juice 4013 5557 9:20
The Yellow Alliance 108 3932 9:21
Koko's X-Cats 3242 5472 9:22
Brolliance Beta 2234 1065 9:23
SHARP Cheddar 2641 21 9:24
59 87 159
3164 3233 3259
3502 3653 3992 4471 4516 4517
4562 4592 4953 5243 5329 5410
5591 5655
Team Guh... 1592 9:08 9:09
Swamp Life 180 9:05 9:10
Daedalite InVAders 11 3992 9:11
Rotten Peach Alliance 179 348 9:12
Team SuperPowerMatic 1523 1522 9:13
PureMichigan 384 2383 9:14
Frog Farce 744 3410 9:15
Team Mastermind 5196 2658 9:16
The Breakfast Company 2016 612 9:17
LTown Throwdown 1251 2152 9:18
Falcon 192 386 9:19
Orange Juice 4013 5557 9:20
The Yellow Alliance 108 3932 9:21
Koko's X-Cats 3242 5472 9:22
Brolliance Beta 2234 1065 9:23
SHARP Cheddar 2641 21 9:24
59 87 159
3164 3233 3259
3502 3653 4471 4516 4517
4562 4592 4953 5243 5329 5410
5591 5655
Team Guh... 1592 4471 4953
Swamp Life 180 263 5410
Daedalite InVAders 11 3992 9:11
Rotten Peach Alliance 179 348 9:12
Team SuperPowerMatic 1523 1522 9:13
PureMichigan 384 2383 9:14
Frog Farce 744 3410 9:15
Team Mastermind 5196 2658 9:16
The Breakfast Company 2016 612 9:17
LTown Throwdown 1251 2152 9:18
Falcon 192 386 9:19
Orange Juice 4013 5557 9:20
The Yellow Alliance 108 3932 9:21
Koko's X-Cats 3242 5472 9:22
Brolliance Beta 2234 1065 9:23
SHARP Cheddar 2641 21 9:24
59 87 159
3164 3233 3259
3502 3653 4516 4517
4562 4592 5243 5329
5591 5655
Team Guh... 1592 4471 4953
Swamp Life 180 263 5410
Daedalite InVAders 11 3992 4592
Rotten Peach Alliance 179 348 9:12
Team SuperPowerMatic 1523 1522 9:13
PureMichigan 384 2383 9:14
Frog Farce 744 3410 9:15
Team Mastermind 5196 2658 9:16
The Breakfast Company 2016 612 9:17
LTown Throwdown 1251 2152 9:18
Falcon 192 386 9:19
Orange Juice 4013 5557 9:20
The Yellow Alliance 108 3932 9:21
Koko's X-Cats 3242 5472 9:22
Brolliance Beta 2234 1065 9:23
SHARP Cheddar 2641 21 9:24
59 87 159
3164 3233 3259
3502 3653 4516 4517
4562 5243 5329
5591 5655
Team Guh... 1592 4471 4953
Swamp Life 180 263 5410
Daedalite InVAders 11 3992 4592
Rotten Peach Alliance 179 348 3259
Team SuperPowerMatic 1523 1522 1649
PureMichigan 384 2383 159
Frog Farce 744 3410 5591
Team Mastermind 5196 2658 5329
The Breakfast Company 2016 612 87
LTown Throwdown 1251 2152 3502
Falcon 192 386 9:19
Orange Juice 4013 5557 9:20
The Yellow Alliance 108 3932 9:21
Koko's X-Cats 3242 5472 9:22
Brolliance Beta 2234 1065 9:23
SHARP Cheddar 2641 21 9:24
3164 3233 3259
3653 4516 4517
4562 5243 5655
Could you please replace 87 with 5243?
Team Guh... 1592 4471 4953
Swamp Life 180 263 5410
Daedalite InVAders 11 3992 4592
Rotten Peach Alliance 179 348 3259
Team SuperPowerMatic 1523 1522 1649
PureMichigan 384 2383 159
Frog Farce 744 3410 5591
Team Mastermind 5196 2658 5329
The Breakfast Company 2016 612 5243
LTown Throwdown 1251 2152 3502
Falcon 192 386 4562
Orange Juice 4013 5557 5655
The Yellow Alliance 108 3932 3259
Koko's X-Cats 3242 5472 4516
Brolliance Beta 2234 1065 3164
SHARP Cheddar 2641 21 3653
59 87
3233 4517
Looks like 11 dropped the event, swapping them out for 5196