[FF]: 2016 Bayou Regional

Bobo Brigade		       7:00	8:08	8:10
Swamp Life	               7:05	8:06	8:11
Rotten Fruit Alliance          7:10	8:04	8:12
Koko's X-Cats		       7:15	8:02	8:13
Falcon		               7:20	8:00	8:14
Broconnor	               7:25	7:58	8:15
The Breakfast Company          7:30     7:56	8:16
OrangeJuice	               7:35	7:54	8:17
The ULCAN	               7:52	7:33	8:18
First Pick                     7:45	7:50	8:19

233 281 364 456 590 1319 1398 1421 1649 1818
1912 1920 1927 2080 2183 2221 2341 2587 2950
2992 3039 3337 3410 3481 3606 3616 3753 3847
3946 3961 3991 4053 4063 4087 4107 4179 4209
4316 4353 4805 4978 5168 5325 5785 5819 5829
5863 5864 5953 5965 5971 5997 6103
Lists from:
FIRST Pick,  OrangeJuice
Bobo Brigade		       364	8:08	8:10
Swamp Life	               233	8:06	8:11
Rotten Fruit Alliance          7:10	8:04	8:12
Koko's X-Cats		       7:15	8:02	8:13
Falcon		               7:20	8:00	8:14
Broconnor	               7:25	7:58	8:15
The Breakfast Company          7:30     7:56	8:16
OrangeJuice	               7:35	7:54	8:17
The ULCAN	               7:52	7:33	8:18
First Pick                     7:45	7:50	8:19

281 456 590 1319 1398 1421 1649 1818
1912 1920 1927 2080 2183 2221 2341 2587 2950
2992 3039 3337 3410 3481 3606 3616 3753 3847
3946 3961 3991 4053 4063 4087 4107 4179 4209
4316 4353 4805 4978 5168 5325 5785 5819 5829
5863 5864 5953 5965 5971 5997 6103

RFA selects 456

Bobo Brigade		       364	8:08	8:10
Swamp Life	               233	8:06	8:11
Rotten Fruit Alliance          456	8:04	8:12
Koko's X-Cats		       7:15	8:02	8:13
Falcon		               7:20	8:00	8:14
Broconnor	               7:25	7:58	8:15
The Breakfast Company          7:30     7:56	8:16
OrangeJuice	               7:35	7:54	8:17
The ULCAN	               7:52	7:33	8:18
First Pick                     7:45	7:50	8:19

281 590 1319 1398 1421 1649 1818
1912 1920 1927 2080 2183 2221 2341 2587 2950
2992 3039 3337 3410 3481 3606 3616 3753 3847
3946 3961 3991 4053 4063 4087 4107 4179 4209
4316 4353 4805 4978 5168 5325 5785 5819 5829
5863 5864 5953 5965 5971 5997 6103
Bobo Brigade		       364	8:08	8:10
Swamp Life	               233	8:06	8:11
Rotten Fruit Alliance          456	8:04	8:12
Koko's X-Cats		       5829	8:02	8:13
Falcon		               7:20	8:00	8:14
Broconnor	               7:25	7:58	8:15
The Breakfast Company          7:30     7:56	8:16
OrangeJuice	               7:35	7:54	8:17
The ULCAN	               7:52	7:33	8:18
First Pick                     7:45	7:50	8:19

281 590 1319 1398 1421 1649 1818
1912 1920 1927 2080 2183 2221 2341 2587 2950
2992 3039 3337 3410 3481 3606 3616 3753 3847
3946 3961 3991 4053 4063 4087 4107 4179 4209
4316 4353 4805 4978 5168 5325 5785 5819
5863 5864 5953 5965 5971 5997 6103

Falcon takes 1912.

Bobo Brigade		       364	8:08	8:10
Swamp Life	               233	8:06	8:11
Rotten Fruit Alliance          456	8:04	8:12
Koko's X-Cats		       5829	8:02	8:13
Falcon		               1912	8:00	8:14
Broconnor	               2587	7:58	8:15
The Breakfast Company          3337     7:56	8:16
OrangeJuice	               4063	7:54	8:17
The ULCAN	               7:40	7:52	8:18
First Pick                     7:45	7:50	8:19

281 590 1319 1398 1421 1649 1818
1920 1927 2080 2183 2221 2341 2950
2992 3039 3410 3481 3606 3616 3753 3847
3946 3961 3991 4053 4087 4107 4179 4209
4316 4353 4805 4978 5168 5325 5785 5819
5863 5864 5953 5965 5971 5997 6103
Bobo Brigade		       364	8:08	8:10
Swamp Life	               233	8:06	8:11
Rotten Fruit Alliance          456	8:04	8:12
Koko's X-Cats		       5829	8:02	8:13
Falcon		               1912	8:00	8:14
Broconnor	               2587	7:58	8:15
The Breakfast Company          3337     7:56	8:16
OrangeJuice	               4063	7:54	8:17
The ULCAN	               1319	7:52	8:18
First Pick                     3847	4179	8:19

281 590 1398 1421 1649 1818
1920 1927 2080 2183 2221 2341 2950
2992 3039 3410 3481 3606 3616 3753
3946 3961 3991 4053 4087 4107 4209
4316 4353 4805 4978 5168 5325 5785 5819
5863 5864 5953 5965 5971 5997 6103

ULCAN takes 3481

Bobo Brigade		       364	8:08	8:10
Swamp Life	               233	8:06	8:11
Rotten Fruit Alliance          456	8:04	8:12
Koko's X-Cats		       5829	8:02	8:13
Falcon		               1912	8:00	8:14
Broconnor	               2587	1421	8:15
The Breakfast Company          3337     4805	8:16
OrangeJuice	               4063	3039	8:17
The ULCAN	               1319	3481	8:18
First Pick                     3847	4179	8:19

281 590 1398 1649 1818
1920 1927 2080 2183 2221 2341 2950
2992 3410 3606 3616 3753
3946 3961 3991 4053 4087 4107 4209
4316 4353 4978 5168 5325 5785 5819
5863 5864 5953 5965 5971 5997 6103
Bobo Brigade		       364	8:08	8:10
Swamp Life	               233	8:06	8:11
Rotten Fruit Alliance          456	8:04	8:12
Koko's X-Cats		       5829	5864	8:13
Falcon		               1912	5819	8:14
Broconnor	               2587	1421	8:15
The Breakfast Company          3337     4805	8:16
OrangeJuice	               4063	3039	8:17
The ULCAN	               1319	3481	8:18
First Pick                     3847	4179	8:19

281 590 1398 1649 1818
1920 1927 2080 2183 2221 2341 2950
2992 3410 3606 3616 3753
3946 3961 3991 4053 4087 4107 4209
4316 4353 4978 5168 5325 5785
5863 5953 5965 5971 5997 6103

RFA will take 3616

Bobo Brigade		       364	3946	6103
Swamp Life	               233	2080	5965
Rotten Fruit Alliance          456	3616	8:12
Koko's X-Cats		       5829	5864	8:13
Falcon		               1912	5819	8:14
Broconnor	               2587	1421	8:15
The Breakfast Company          3337     4805	8:16
OrangeJuice	               4063	3039	8:17
The ULCAN	               1319	3481	8:18
First Pick                     3847	4179	8:19

281 590 1398 1649 1818
1920 1927 2183 2221 2341 2950
2992 3410 3606 3753
3946 3961 3991 4053 4087 4107 4209
4316 4353 4978 5168 5325 5785
5863 5953 5965 5971 5997 6103

RFA will take 1927

Bobo Brigade		       364	3946	6103
Swamp Life	               233	2080	5965
Rotten Fruit Alliance          456	3616	1927
Koko's X-Cats		       5829	5864	5168
Falcon		               1912	5819	4316
Broconnor	               2587	1421	3753
The Breakfast Company          3337     4805	8:16
OrangeJuice	               4063	3039	2341
The ULCAN	               1319	3481	3606
First Pick                     3847	4179	5997

281 590 1398 1649 1818
1920 2183 2221 2950
2992 3410 3606 
3946 3961 3991 4053 4087 4107 4209
4316 4353 4978 5325 5785
5863 5953 5965 5971

What’s TBC’s last pick? I’m seeing ‘8:16’ still in that spot.

Bobo Brigade		       364	3946	6103
Swamp Life	               233	2080	5965
Rotten Fruit Alliance          456	3616	1927
Koko's X-Cats		       5829	5864	5168
Falcon		               1912	5819	4316
Broconnor	               2587	1421	3753
The Breakfast Company          3337     4805	3606
OrangeJuice	               4063	3039	2341
The ULCAN	               1319	3481	3410
First Pick                     3847	4179	5997

281 590 1398 1649 1818
1920 2183 2221 2950
3946 3961 3991 4053 4087 4107 4209
4316 4353 4978 5325 5785
5863 5953 5965 5971

TBC swaps 4805 for 1649

Bobo Brigade		       364	3946	6103
Swamp Life	               233	2080	5965
Rotten Fruit Alliance          456	3616	1927
Koko's X-Cats		       5829	5864	5168
Falcon		               1912	5819	4316
Broconnor	               2587	1421	3753
The Breakfast Company          3337     1649	3606
OrangeJuice	               4063	3039	2341
The ULCAN	               1319	3481	3410
First Pick                     3847	4179	5997

281 590 1398 1818
1920 2183 2221 2950
3946 3961 3991 4053 4087 4107 4209
4316 4353 4805 4978 5325 5785
5863 5953 5965 5971
Swamp Life	               233	2080	5965
Rotten Fruit Alliance          456	3616	1927
Falcon		               1912	5819	364
Broconnor	               2587	1421	3753
The Breakfast Company          3337     1649	3606
OrangeJuice	               4063	3039	2341
The ULCAN	               1319	3481	3410
First Pick                     3847	4179	5997

281 590 1398 1818
1920 2183 2221 2950
3946 3961 3991 3946 4053 4087 4107 4209
4316 4353 4805 4978 5325 5785
5863 5953 5965 5971 6103