[FF]: 2016 MAR Block Day 1

Falcon                   1640    7:59    8:00                
The Breakfast Company    7:05    7:56    8:01                
Swamp Life               7:10    7:53    8:02                
Rotten Fruit Alliance    7:15    7:50    8:03                
FIRST Pick               7:20    7:47    8:04                
The ULCAN                7:25    7:44    8:05                
OrangeJuice              7:30    7:41    8:06                
Broconnor                7:35    7:38    8:07                
11      25      41      56      75      87      102     103
136     193     203     204     219     222     223     224
225     272     293     303     304     316     321     341
365     423     433     484     486     555     613     708
709     714     752     834     869     896     1089    1143
1168    1218    1228    1257    1279    1370    1391    1403
1495    1626    1647    1672    1676    1712    1791
1807    1811    1923    1989    2016    2070    2095    2180
2191    2234    2458    2495    2539    2554    2559    2577
2590    2600    2607    2729    3142    3151    3167    3314
3340    3515    3637    3929    3974    4035    4281    4285
4342    4361    4373    4454    4460    4475    4573    4575
4637    4653    4750    4954    5113    5181    5310    5401
5404    5407    5420    5438    5457    5490    5624    5666
5684    5732    5895    5938    5992    6015    6016    6203
6216    6226                        


2590 and sending a list

RFA will take 225.

Falcon                   1640    7:59    8:00                
The Breakfast Company    1218    7:56    8:01                
Swamp Life               2590    7:53    8:02                
Rotten Fruit Alliance    225     7:50    8:03                
FIRST Pick               7:20    7:47    8:04                
The ULCAN                7:25    7:44    8:05                
OrangeJuice              7:30    7:41    8:06                
Broconnor                7:35    7:38    8:07                
11      25      41      56      75      87      102     103
136     193     203     204     219     222     223     224
272     293     303     304     316     321     341
365     423     433     484     486     555     613     708
709     714     752     834     869     896     1089    1143
1168    1228    1257    1279    1370    1391    1403
1495    1626    1647    1672    1676    1712    1791
1807    1811    1923    1989    2016    2070    2095    2180
2191    2234    2458    2495    2539    2554    2559    2577
2600    2607    2729    3142    3151    3167    3314
3340    3515    3637    3929    3974    4035    4281    4285
4342    4361    4373    4454    4460    4475    4573    4575
4637    4653    4750    4954    5113    5181    5310    5401
5404    5407    5420    5438    5457    5490    5624    5666
5684    5732    5895    5938    5992    6015    6016    6203
6216    6226                        

Lists: Swamp Life

303 is the desired team


Falcon                   1640    7:59    8:00                
The Breakfast Company    1218    7:56    8:01                
Swamp Life               2590    7:53    8:02                
Rotten Fruit Alliance    225     7:50    8:03                
FIRST Pick               303     7:47    8:04                
The ULCAN                316     7:44    8:05                
OrangeJuice              7:30    7:41    8:06                
Broconnor                7:35    7:38    8:07                
11      25      41      56      75      87      102     103
136     193     203     204     219     222     223     224
272     293     304     321     341
365     423     433     484     486     555     613     708
709     714     752     834     869     896     1089    1143
1168    1228    1257    1279    1370    1391    1403
1495    1626    1647    1672    1676    1712    1791
1807    1811    1923    1989    2016    2070    2095    2180
2191    2234    2458    2495    2539    2554    2559    2577
2600    2607    2729    3142    3151    3167    3314
3340    3515    3637    3929    3974    4035    4281    4285
4342    4361    4373    4454    4460    4475    4573    4575
4637    4653    4750    4954    5113    5181    5310    5401
5404    5407    5420    5438    5457    5490    5624    5666
5684    5732    5895    5938    5992    6015    6016    6203
6216    6226                        

Lists: Swamp Life

OrangeJuice takes 1676

2607 and 1403 for Broconnor.

OJ takes 2016 in 2016.

We’ll like to move it, move it with 11 :stuck_out_tongue:

New year, new team. FIRST Pick would like 5895.

Falcon                   1640    7:59    8:00                
The Breakfast Company    1218    7:56    8:01                
Swamp Life               2590    7:53    8:02                
Rotten Fruit Alliance    225     7:50    8:03                
FIRST Pick               303     5895    8:04                
The ULCAN                316     11      8:05                
OrangeJuice              1676    2016    8:06                
Broconnor                2607    1403    8:07                
25      41      56      75      87      102     103
136     193     203     204     219     222     223     224
272     293     304     321     341
365     423     433     484     486     555     613     708
709     714     752     834     869     896     1089    1143
1168    1228    1257    1279    1370    1391    
1495    1626    1647    1672    1712    1791
1807    1811    1923    1989    2070    2095    2180
2191    2234    2458    2495    2539    2554    2559    2577
2600    2729    3142    3151    3167    3314
3340    3515    3637    3929    3974    4035    4281    4285
4342    4361    4373    4454    4460    4475    4573    4575
4637    4653    4750    4954    5113    5181    5310    5401
5404    5407    5420    5438    5457    5490    5624    5666
5684    5732    5938    5992    6015    6016    6203
6216    6226                        

Lists: Swamp Life

RFA will take 1923.

Falcon                   1640    7:59    8:00                
The Breakfast Company    1218    7:56    8:01                
Swamp Life               2590    341     8:02                
Rotten Fruit Alliance    225     1923    8:03                
FIRST Pick               303     5895    8:04                
The ULCAN                316     11      8:05                
OrangeJuice              1676    2016    8:06                
Broconnor                2607    1403    8:07                
25      41      56      75      87      102     103
136     193     203     204     219     222     223     224
272     293     304     321     
365     423     433     484     486     555     613     708
709     714     752     834     869     896     1089    1143
1168    1228    1257    1279    1370    1391    
1495    1626    1647    1672    1712    1791
1807    1811    1989    2070    2095    2180
2191    2234    2458    2495    2539    2554    2559    2577
2600    2729    3142    3151    3167    3314
3340    3515    3637    3929    3974    4035    4281    4285
4342    4361    4373    4454    4460    4475    4573    4575
4637    4653    4750    4954    5113    5181    5310    5401
5404    5407    5420    5438    5457    5490    5624    5666
5684    5732    5938    5992    6015    6016    6203
6216    6226                        

Lists: Swamp Life

Just as an FYI, I’ll need to not be at a computer at around 7:30 Eastern. If this part of the draft isn’t finished up by then, it will be suspended until I can get to one (probably around midnight Eastern), and will continue until time for Day 2 drafting.


Falcon                   1640    365     25                  
The Breakfast Company    1218    1647    8:01                
Swamp Life               2590    341     8:02                
Rotten Fruit Alliance    225     1923    8:03                
FIRST Pick               303     5895    8:04                
The ULCAN                316     11      8:05                
OrangeJuice              1676    2016    8:06                
Broconnor                2607    1403    8:07                
41      56      75      87      102     103
136     193     203     204     219     222     223     224
272     293     304     321     
423     433     484     486     555     613     708
709     714     752     834     869     896     1089    1143
1168    1228    1257    1279    1370    1391    
1495    1626    1672    1712    1791
1807    1811    1989    2070    2095    2180
2191    2234    2458    2495    2539    2554    2559    2577
2600    2729    3142    3151    3167    3314
3340    3515    3637    3929    3974    4035    4281    4285
4342    4361    4373    4454    4460    4475    4573    4575
4637    4653    4750    4954    5113    5181    5310    5401
5404    5407    5420    5438    5457    5490    5624    5666
5684    5732    5938    5992    6015    6016    6203
6216    6226                        

Lists: Swamp Life