December 12, 2015, 8:41pm
Falcon 4334 8:07 8:08
Orange Juice 2468 8:04 8:09
FIRST Pick 7:10 8:01 8:10
The ULCAN 7:15 7:58 8:11
Rotten Fruit Alliance 7:20 7:55 8:12
Broconnor 7:25 7:52 8:13
Bobo Brigade 7:30 7:49 8:14
Swamp Life 7:35 7:46 8:15
The Breakfast Company 7:40 7:43 8:16
115 329 744 972 1477 1622 1891 2403
2465 2478 2484 2594 2993 3006 3008
3021 3166 3225 3230 3239 3241 3243 3245
3251 3288 3289 3374 4083 4158 4268 4310
4348 4585 4598 4944 5071 5159 5489
5869 5933 5974 6210
**Lists:** Falcon, Orange Juice, Rotten Fruit Alliance, Bobo Brigade (Randoms), The Breakfast Company
Using the team list from firstinspires
As it appears that 329 is in fact attending, and this will (probably) drastically change the landscape of picks, should it just be ran as if the original Utah draft never happened? Also probably a new Random list, unless we want 329 to just be unavailable for random.
As it appears that 329 is in fact attending, and this will (probably) drastically change the landscape of picks, should it just be ran as if the original Utah draft never happened? Also probably a new Random list, unless we want 329 to just be unavailable for random.
I haven’t checked yet, but did you notice if the new list differs in any other way besides the addition of 329?
There are 44 teams on and 45 on the list here
December 12, 2015, 9:16pm
thats my bad, I forgot to remove 2468 from the available teams.
Guess fresh picks and lists are in order?
December 12, 2015, 10:04pm
Up to Eric, thats my personal opinion though.
December 12, 2015, 11:59pm
Rule of the redraft is that original picks and lists get used wherever possible, unless they’re updated. Update as you like.
If 2468 is no longer attending, then it looks like OrangeJuice leads off–Falcon is happy to keep 4334, but OJ will need a new team.
Everything I see on Blue Alliance, FRClinks and firstinspires shows 2468 going…I’d hate to lose out on them with this pick
December 13, 2015, 2:09am
2468 is attending, i was saying i forgot to take them off the available teams list after giving them to OJ, hence having 1 too many teams.
December 13, 2015, 1:54pm
Bobo brigade will stick with random.
We’ll keep our old picks.
December 13, 2015, 6:47pm
I’m not sure which team you’re on
he is on First pick meaning they get 1477
December 13, 2015, 6:54pm
Falcon 4334 8:07 8:08
Orange Juice 2468 8:04 8:09
FIRST Pick 1477 8:01 8:10
The ULCAN 3230 7:58 8:11
Rotten Fruit Alliance 329 7:55 8:12
Broconnor 4158 7:52 8:13
Bobo Brigade 6210 7:49 8:14
Swamp Life 7:35 7:46 8:15
The Breakfast Company 7:40 7:43 8:16
115 744 972 1622 1891 2403
2465 2478 2484 2594 2993 3006 3008
3021 3166 3225 3239 3241 3243 3245
3251 3288 3289 3374 4083 4268 4310
4348 4585 4598 4944 5071 5159 5489
5869 5933 5974
**Lists:** Falcon, Orange Juice, Rotten Fruit Alliance, Bobo Brigade (Randoms), The Breakfast Company
**MIA:** The ULCAN
December 13, 2015, 7:34pm
Falcon 4334 8:07 8:08
Orange Juice 2468 8:04 8:09
FIRST Pick 1477 8:01 8:10
The ULCAN 3230 7:58 8:11
Rotten Fruit Alliance 329 7:55 8:12
Broconnor 4158 7:52 8:13
Bobo Brigade 6210 7:49 8:14
Swamp Life 744 7:46 8:15
The Breakfast Company 3374 5489 8:16
115 972 1622 1891 2403
2465 2478 2484 2594 2993 3006 3008
3021 3166 3225 3239 3241 3243 3245
3251 3288 3289 4083 4268 4310
4348 4585 4598 4944 5071 5159
5869 5933 5974
**Lists:** Falcon, Orange Juice, Rotten Fruit Alliance, Bobo Brigade (Randoms), The Breakfast Company
**MIA:** The ULCAN, Broconnor
can broconnor swap for 3008
December 13, 2015, 7:38pm
Falcon 4334 8:07 8:08
Orange Juice 2468 8:04 8:09
FIRST Pick 1477 8:01 8:10
The ULCAN 3230 7:58 8:11
Rotten Fruit Alliance 329 7:55 8:12
Broconnor 3008 7:52 8:13
Bobo Brigade 6210 7:49 8:14
Swamp Life 744 7:46 8:15
The Breakfast Company 3374 5489 8:16
115 972 1622 1891 2403
2465 2478 2484 2594 2993 3006
3021 3166 3225 3239 3241 3243 3245
3251 3288 3289 4158 4083 4268 4310
4348 4585 4598 4944 5071 5159
5869 5933 5974
**Lists:** Falcon, Orange Juice, Rotten Fruit Alliance, Bobo Brigade (Randoms), The Breakfast Company
**MIA:** The ULCAN