The Breakfast Company 7:00 8:07 8:08
FIRST Pick 7:05 8:04 8:09
F3 7:10 8:01 8:10
Questionable Decisionmakers 7:15 7:58 8:11
The Regal Falcons 7:20 7:55 8:12
Swamp Life 7:25 7:52 8:13
NE Way You Want It 7:30 7:49 8:14
Falcon 7:35 7:46 8:15
Untitled Team 7:40 7:43 8:16
346 384 401 422 449 540 612 619
620 623 836 1080 1086 1111 1123 1137
1262 1389 1418 1522 1598 1599 1610 1629
1731 1793 1885 1895 2199 2363 2377 2421
2534 2537 2849 2964 3258 3359 3373 3793
3941 4242 4456 4464 4472 4514 4541 4638
5115 5279 5338 5587 5945 5950 5957 6239
6326 6334
FIRST Pick would like 2363!
The Breakfast Company 1885 8:07 8:08
FIRST Pick 2363 8:04 8:09
F3 1111 8:01 8:10
Questionable Decisionmakers 7:15 7:58 8:11
The Regal Falcons 7:20 7:55 8:12
Swamp Life 7:25 7:52 8:13
NE Way You Want It 7:30 7:49 8:14
Falcon 7:35 7:46 8:15
Untitled Team 7:40 7:43 8:16
346 384 401 422 449 540 612 619
620 623 836 1080 1086 1123 1137
1262 1389 1418 1522 1598 1599 1610 1629
1731 1793 1895 2199 2377 2421
2534 2537 2849 2964 3258 3359 3373 3793
3941 4242 4456 4464 4472 4514 4541 4638
5115 5279 5338 5587 5945 5950 5957 6239
6326 6334
I’m proud to select 1086, Blue Cheese, with our first pick.
The Breakfast Company 1885 8:07 8:08
FIRST Pick 2363 8:04 8:09
F3 1111 8:01 8:10
Questionable Decisionmakers 1086 7:58 8:11
The Regal Falcons 1389 7:55 8:12
Swamp Life 384 7:52 8:13
NE Way You Want It 7:30 7:49 8:14
Falcon 7:35 7:46 8:15
Untitled Team 7:40 7:43 8:16
346 401 422 449 540 612 619
620 623 836 1080 1123 1137
1262 1418 1522 1598 1599 1610 1629
1731 1793 1895 2199 2377 2421
2534 2537 2849 2964 3258 3359 3373 3793
3941 4242 4456 4464 4472 4514 4541 4638
5115 5279 5338 5587 5945 5950 5957 6239
6326 6334
Lists: Swamp Life, F3
1610, Please.
The Breakfast Company 1885 8:07 8:08
FIRST Pick 2363 8:04 8:09
F3 1111 8:01 8:10
Questionable Decisionmakers 1086 7:58 8:11
The Regal Falcons 1389 7:55 8:12
Swamp Life 384 7:52 8:13
NE Way You Want It 1610 7:49 8:14
Falcon 1731 7:46 8:15
Untitled Team 7:40 7:43 8:16
346 401 422 449 540 612 619
620 623 836 1080 1123 1137
1262 1418 1522 1598 1599 1629
1793 1895 2199 2377 2421
2534 2537 2849 2964 3258 3359 3373 3793
3941 4242 4456 4464 4472 4514 4541 4638
5115 5279 5338 5587 5945 5950 5957 6239
6326 6334
Lists: Swamp Life, F3
540 and 836, please
The Breakfast Company 1885 8:07 8:08
FIRST Pick 2363 8:04 8:09
F3 1111 8:01 8:10
Questionable Decisionmakers 1086 7:58 8:11
The Regal Falcons 1389 7:55 8:12
Swamp Life 384 7:52 8:13
NE Way You Want It 1610 7:49 8:14
Falcon 1731 1629 8:15
Untitled Team 540 836 8:16
346 401 422 449 612 619
620 623 1080 1123 1137
1262 1418 1522 1598 1599
1793 1895 2199 2377 2421
2534 2537 2849 2964 3258 3359 3373 3793
3941 4242 4456 4464 4472 4514 4541 4638
5115 5279 5338 5587 5945 5950 5957 6239
6326 6334
Lists: Swamp Life, F3
The Breakfast Company 1885 8:07 8:08
FIRST Pick 2363 8:04 8:09
F3 1111 8:01 8:10
Questionable Decisionmakers 1086 7:58 8:11
The Regal Falcons 1389 4472 8:12
Swamp Life 384 5115 8:13
NE Way You Want It 1610 401 8:14
Falcon 1731 1629 8:15
Untitled Team 540 836 8:16
346 422 449 612 619
620 623 1080 1123 1137
1262 1418 1522 1598 1599
1793 1895 2199 2377 2421
2534 2537 2849 2964 3258 3359 3373 3793
3941 4242 4456 4464 4514 4541 4638
5279 5338 5587 5945 5950 5957 6239
6326 6334
Lists: Swamp Life, F3
We would like to take team 1418
The Breakfast Company 1885 8:07 8:08
FIRST Pick 2363 8:04 8:09
F3 1111 612 8:10
Questionable Decisionmakers 1086 1418 8:11
The Regal Falcons 1389 4472 8:12
Swamp Life 384 5115 8:13
NE Way You Want It 1610 401 8:14
Falcon 1731 1629 8:15
Untitled Team 540 836 8:16
346 422 449 619
620 623 1080 1123 1137
1262 1522 1598 1599
1793 1895 2199 2377 2421
2534 2537 2849 2964 3258 3359 3373 3793
3941 4242 4456 4464 4514 4541 4638
5279 5338 5587 5945 5950 5957 6239
6326 6334
Lists: Swamp Life, F3
Meh… early clock is a thing again
Now it’s time! 620 and 4242 please
The Breakfast Company 1885 620 4242
FIRST Pick 2363 4464 4541
F3 1111 612 2199
Questionable Decisionmakers 1086 1418 8:11
The Regal Falcons 1389 4472 8:12
Swamp Life 384 5115 8:13
NE Way You Want It 1610 401 8:14
Falcon 1731 1629 8:15
Untitled Team 540 836 8:16
346 422 449 619
623 1080 1123 1137
1262 1522 1598 1599
1793 1895 2377 2421
2534 2537 2849 2964 3258 3359 3373 3793
3941 4456 4514 4638
5279 5338 5587 5945 5950 5957 6239
6326 6334
Lists: Swamp Life, F3
422 as our last pick
Swap our second for 3941, please and thank you!
QD selects 346
I think it’s our time to pick, so 346, please.
Sniped by a few seconds, so make that 1262.
Alright, third time is the charm… 1598!