[FF]: 2017 PNW DCMP

Ne Way You Want It	        7:00	8:07	8:08
Questionable Decisionmakers	7:05	8:04	8:09
The Breakfast Company	        7:10	8:01	8:10
FIRST Pick	                7:15	7:58	8:11
F3	                        7:20	7:55	8:12
The Regal Falcons	        7:25	7:52	8:13
Untitled Team	                7:30	7:49	8:14
Swamp Life	                7:35	7:46	8:15
Falcon	                        7:40	7:43	8:16

488	492	753	948	955	957	997	1294
1318	1425	1540	1595	1778	2046	2147	2374
2471	2521	2550	2557	2811	2907	2910	2928
2930	2980	2990	3024	3070	3219	3223	3238
3393	3663	3674	3693	3711	4061	4125	4131
4173	4450	4469	4488	4495	4513	4662	4911
4915	4918	5085	5198	5295	5450	5468	5588
5803	5827	5920	5970	5975	6343	6350	6445

1595 please.

QD would like to select 4488.

Ne Way You Want It	        1595	8:07	8:08
Questionable Decisionmakers	4488	8:04	8:09
The Breakfast Company	        2471	8:01	8:10
FIRST Pick	                4915	7:58	8:11
F3	                        2046	7:55	8:12
The Regal Falcons	        7:25	7:52	8:13
Untitled Team	                7:30	7:49	8:14
Swamp Life	                7:35	7:46	8:15
Falcon	                        7:40	7:43	8:16

488	492	753	948	955	957	997	1294
1318	1425	1540	1778	2147	2374
2521	2550	2557	2811	2907	2910	2928
2930	2980	2990	3024	3070	3219	3223	3238
3393	3663	3674	3693	3711	4061	4125	4131
4173	4450	4469	4495	4513	4662	4911
4918	5085	5198	5295	5450	5468	5588
5803	5827	5920	5970	5975	6343	6350	6445


TRF have until 7:30 CD time to make their pick.

Ne Way You Want It	        1595	8:07	8:08
Questionable Decisionmakers	4488	8:04	8:09
The Breakfast Company	        2471	8:01	8:10
FIRST Pick	                4915	7:58	8:11
F3	                        2046	7:55	8:12
The Regal Falcons	        2557	7:52	8:13
Untitled Team	                1425	7:49	8:14
Swamp Life	                3238	7:46	8:15
Falcon	                        7:40	7:43	8:16

488	492	753	948	955	957	997	1294
1318	1540	1778	2147	2374
2521	2550	2811	2907	2910	2928
2930	2980	2990	3024	3070	3219	3223
3393	3663	3674	3693	3711	4061	4125	4131
4173	4450	4469	4495	4513	4662	4911
4918	5085	5198	5295	5450	5468	5588
5803	5827	5920	5970	5975	6343	6350	6445

5803 and 2930 for Falcon.

Ne Way You Want It	        1595	8:07	8:08
Questionable Decisionmakers	4488	8:04	8:09
The Breakfast Company	        2471	8:01	8:10
FIRST Pick	                4915	7:58	8:11
F3	                        2046	7:55	8:12
The Regal Falcons	        2557	7:52	8:13
Untitled Team	                1425	7:49	8:14
Swamp Life	                3238	3024	8:15
Falcon	                        5803	2930	8:16

488	492	753	948	955	957	997	1294
1318	1540	1778	2147	2374
2521	2550	2811	2907	2910	2928
2980	2990	3070	3219	3223
3393	3663	3674	3693	3711	4061	4125	4131
4173	4450	4469	4495	4513	4662	4911
4918	5085	5198	5295	5450	5468	5588
5827	5920	5970	5975	6343	6350	6445



TRF would like 1318

Ne Way You Want It	        1595	8:07	8:08
Questionable Decisionmakers	4488	8:04	8:09
The Breakfast Company	        2471	1540	8:10
FIRST Pick	                4915	4911	8:11
F3	                        2046	2907	8:12
The Regal Falcons	        2557	1318	8:13
Untitled Team	                1425	492	8:14
Swamp Life	                3238	3024	8:15
Falcon	                        5803	2930	8:16

488	753	948	955	957	997	1294
1778	2147	2374
2521	2550	2811	2910	2928
2980	2990	3070	3219	3223
3393	3663	3674	3693	3711	4061	4125	4131
4173	4450	4469	4495	4513	4662
4918	5085	5198	5295	5450	5468	5588
5827	5920	5970	5975	6343	6350	6445

QD would like to pick 4125, please.

Ne Way You Want It	        1595	4918	5198
Questionable Decisionmakers	4488	4125	4513
The Breakfast Company	        2471	1540	3663
FIRST Pick	                4915	4911	8:11
F3	                        2046	2907	8:12
The Regal Falcons	        2557	1318	8:13
Untitled Team	                1425	492	8:14
Swamp Life	                3238	3024	8:15
Falcon	                        5803	2930	8:16

488	753	948	955	957	997	1294
1778	2147	2374
2521	2550	2811	2910	2928
2980	2990	3070	3219	3223
3393	3674	3693	3711	4061	4131
4173	4450	4469	4495	4662
5085	5295	5450	5468	5588
5827	5920	5970	5975	6343	6350	6445

2990, please.

Ne Way You Want It	        1595	4918	5198
Questionable Decisionmakers	4488	4125	2990
The Breakfast Company	        2471	1540	3663
FIRST Pick	                4915	4911	8:11
F3	                        2046	2907	8:12
The Regal Falcons	        2557	1318	8:13
Untitled Team	                1425	492	8:14
Swamp Life	                3238	3024	8:15
Falcon	                        5803	2930	8:16

488	753	948	955	957	997	1294
1778	2147	2374				
2521	2550	2811	2910	2928		
2980	3070	3219	3223			
3393	3674	3693	3711	4061	4131	
4173	4450	4469	4495	4513	4662	
5085	5295	5450	5468	5588		
5827	5920	5970	5975	6343	6350	6445

TRF would like to swap 2557 and 1318 for 2550 and 3663

Ne Way You Want It	        1595	4918	5198
Questionable Decisionmakers	4488	4125	2990
The Breakfast Company	        2471	1540	3663
FIRST Pick	                4915	4911	6445
F3	                        2046	2907	3219
The Regal Falcons	        2550	1318	8:13
Untitled Team	                1425	492	8:14
Swamp Life	                3238	3024	8:15
Falcon	                        5803	2930	8:16

488	753	948	955	957	997	1294
1778	2147	2374				
2521	2557	2811	2910	2928		
2980	3070	3219	3223			
3393	3674	3693	3711	4061	4131	
4173	4450	4469	4495	4513	4662	
5085	5295	5450	5468	5588		
5827	5920	5970	5975	6343	6350	6445

6445 to finish up FIRST Pick, please.
EDIT - Already put in, awesome

3663 was taken by TBC at their alloted pick time, 2990 was assigned to QD as thats what you had before you ninja editted.