OrangeJuice 148 7:50 7:51
Broconnor 7:04 7:48 7:52
Bobo Brigade 7:08 7:46 7:53
Rotten Fruit Alliance 7:12 7:44 7:54
The ULCAN 7:16 7:42 7:55
Swamp Life 7:20 7:40 7:56
FIRST Pick 7:24 7:38 7:57
Falcon 7:28 7:36 7:58
The Breakfast Company 7:32 7:34 7:59
383 647 704 1296 1745 1860 2613
2789 2815 2848 3005 3037 3282 3350 3355
3370 3676 3802 4076 4192 4300 4378 4610
4641 5057 5242 5297 5307 5411 5417 5431
5437 5454 5682 5739 5775 5820 5873 6133
6171 6233
RFA list sent.
Broconnor would like 1296.
OrangeJuice 148 7:50 7:51
Broconnor 1296 7:48 7:52
Bobo Brigade 7:08 7:46 7:53
Rotten Fruit Alliance 7:12 7:44 7:54
The ULCAN 7:16 7:42 7:55
Swamp Life 7:20 7:40 7:56
FIRST Pick 7:24 7:38 7:57
Falcon 7:28 7:36 7:58
The Breakfast Company 7:32 7:34 7:59
383 647 704 1745 1860 2613
2789 2815 2848 3005 3037 3282 3350 3355
3370 3676 3802 4076 4192 4300 4378 4610
4641 5057 5242 5297 5307 5411 5417 5431
5437 5454 5682 5739 5775 5820 5873 6133
6171 6233
Lists:OrangeJuice, RFA, Broconnor
Dallas News
I have a meeting about college that came up just this afternoon that conflicts directly with this draft. I am hoping someone can take over for me or I will have to run the draft significantly later than normal.
Send me the lists you have and I can run it.
OrangeJuice 148 7:50 7:51
Broconnor 1296 7:48 7:52
Bobo Brigade 2848 7:46 7:53
Rotten Fruit Alliance 1860 7:44 7:54
The ULCAN 7:16 7:42 7:55
Swamp Life 7:20 7:40 7:56
FIRST Pick 7:24 7:38 7:57
Falcon 7:28 7:36 7:58
The Breakfast Company 7:32 7:34 7:59
383 647 704 1745 2613
2789 2815 3005 3037 3282 3350 3355
3370 3676 3802 4076 4192 4300 4378 4610
4641 5057 5242 5297 5307 5411 5417 5431
5437 5454 5682 5739 5775 5820 5873 6133
6171 6233
**Lists:** OrangeJuice, RFA, Broconnor
We’ll take 4300 then randoms
OrangeJuice 148 7:50 7:51
Broconnor 1296 7:48 7:52
Bobo Brigade 2848 7:46 7:53
Rotten Fruit Alliance 1860 7:44 7:54
The ULCAN 4300 7:42 7:55
Swamp Life 7:20 7:40 7:56
FIRST Pick 7:24 7:38 7:57
Falcon 7:28 7:36 7:58
The Breakfast Company 7:32 7:34 7:59
383 647 704 1745 2613
2789 2815 3005 3037 3282 3350 3355
3370 3676 3802 4076 4192 4378 4610
4641 5057 5242 5297 5307 5411 5417 5431
5437 5454 5682 5739 5775 5820 5873 6133
6171 6233
**Lists:** OrangeJuice, RFA, Broconnor, The ULCAN(RAND)
Bobo Brigade will take random for the rest.
OrangeJuice 148 7:50 7:51
Broconnor 1296 7:48 7:52
Bobo Brigade 2848 7:46 7:53
Rotten Fruit Alliance 1860 7:44 7:54
The ULCAN 4300 7:42 7:55
Swamp Life 2815 7:40 7:56
FIRST Pick 7:24 7:38 7:57
Falcon 7:28 7:36 7:58
The Breakfast Company 7:32 7:34 7:59
383 647 704 1745 2613
2789 3005 3037 3282 3350 3355
3370 3676 3802 4076 4192 4378 4610
4641 5057 5242 5297 5307 5411 5417 5431
5437 5454 5682 5739 5775 5820 5873 6133
6171 6233
**Lists:** OrangeJuice, RFA, Broconnor, The ULCAN(RAND), Bobo Brigade(RAND)
OrangeJuice 148 7:50 7:51
Broconnor 1296 7:48 7:52
Bobo Brigade 2848 7:46 7:53
Rotten Fruit Alliance 1860 7:44 7:54
The ULCAN 4300 7:42 7:55
Swamp Life 2815 7:40 7:56
FIRST Pick 383 7:38 7:57
Falcon 7:28 7:36 7:58
The Breakfast Company 7:32 7:34 7:59
647 704 1745 2613
2789 3005 3037 3282 3350 3355
3370 3676 3802 4076 4192 4378 4610
4641 5057 5242 5297 5307 5411 5417 5431
5437 5454 5682 5739 5775 5820 5873 6133
6171 6233
**Lists:** OrangeJuice, RFA, Broconnor, The ULCAN(RAND), Bobo Brigade(RAND)
1745 for Falcon.
OrangeJuice 148 7:50 7:51
Broconnor 1296 7:48 7:52
Bobo Brigade 2848 7:46 7:53
Rotten Fruit Alliance 1860 7:44 7:54
The ULCAN 4300 7:42 7:55
Swamp Life 2815 7:40 7:56
FIRST Pick 383 7:38 7:57
Falcon 1745 7:36 7:58
The Breakfast Company 3802 3005 7:59
647 704 2613
2789 3037 3282 3350 3355
3370 3676 4076 4192 4378 4610
4641 5057 5242 5297 5307 5411 5417 5431
5437 5454 5682 5739 5775 5820 5873 6133
6171 6233
**Lists:** OrangeJuice, RFA, Broconnor, The ULCAN(RAND), Bobo Brigade(RAND)
6233 for Falcon.
OrangeJuice 148 7:50 7:51
Broconnor 1296 7:48 7:52
Bobo Brigade 2848 7:46 7:53
Rotten Fruit Alliance 1860 7:44 7:54
The ULCAN 4300 7:42 7:55
Swamp Life 2815 7:40 7:56
FIRST Pick 383 7:38 7:57
Falcon 1745 6233 7:58
The Breakfast Company 3802 3005 7:59
647 704 2613
2789 3037 3282 3350 3355
3370 3676 4076 4192 4378 4610
4641 5057 5242 5297 5307 5411 5417 5431
5437 5454 5682 5739 5775 5820 5873 6133
**Lists:** OrangeJuice, RFA, Broconnor, The ULCAN(RAND), Bobo Brigade(RAND)
704 then random