[FF]: [FF]: [FF]: Indiana District Championship 2018 Tier 2

2018 SLFF Indiana District Final Scores:

182	Blucifer
228	Questionable Decisionmakers
275	Cup Of Joe
97	Falcon
383	The Breakfast Company
365	The Lunch Company
302	Hammerheads
195	First Pick
119	The Kellen Hill Fan Club
96	Wheat Coast Neat Coast
232	DFrostU

**And here is your 2018 SLFF Indiana District Championship draft!!!
** (Tier 2)

Draft slot times are Eastern. (CD time)

(Note: It appears that final registration is not yet complete. The team list that I am using was found here: https://www.firstinspires.org/team-event-search/event?id=28043)

(Additional teams have qualified but have not yet accepted their DCMP spot: 71, 1741, 4580, and 5403. These teams will also be accepted as valid picks.** ONLY PICK THESE TEAMS AT YOUR OWN RISK!** Because they have not yet been accepted to the DCMP, I do not know if they will be attending or not. If the team you pick ends up not attending DCMP, that team will be replaced with a random unpicked team for scoring purposes.)

And one more thing of note:** I will be not running this draft tier, instead, Taegen (CD user: tmpoles ) will be running this tier,** while I will be running tier 1.

The Lunch Company          	10:00	10:32	10:34				
Cup Of Joe                 	10:03	10:30	10:36				
DFrostU                    	10:06	10:28	10:38				
First Pick                 	10:09	10:26	10:40				
Blucifer                   	10:12	10:24	10:42				
Falcon                     	10:15	10:22	10:44				
Wheat Coast Neat Coast     	10:18	10:20	10:46				
135	234	447	461	829	868	1018	1024
1501	1529	1720	1747	2171	2867	3147	3176
3487	3936	3940	3947	4103	4272	4485	5010
5188	5484	6956	7198							

Lists recieved: None.



And we’ll start with:** The Lunch Company**

Update: I have FPs list.


And so it begins.

The Lunch Company          	1747	10:32	10:34				
Cup Of Joe                 	10:03	10:30	10:36				
DFrostU                    	10:06	10:28	10:38				
First Pick                 	10:09	10:26	10:40				
Blucifer                   	10:12	10:24	10:42				
Falcon                     	10:15	10:22	10:44				
Wheat Coast Neat Coast     	10:18	10:20	10:46				
135	234	447	461	829	868	1018	1024
1501	1529	1720	2171	2867	3147	3176	
3487	3936	3940	3947	4103	4272	4485	5010
5188	5484	6956	7198				

I guess Joe didn’t think showing up to draft was the IN(diana) thing to do. He’s MIA now.

The Lunch Company          	1747	10:32	10:34				
Cup Of Joe                 	1501	10:30	10:36				
DFrostU                    	10:06	10:28	10:38				
First Pick                 	10:09	10:26	10:40				
Blucifer                   	10:12	10:24	10:42				
Falcon                     	10:15	10:22	10:44				
Wheat Coast Neat Coast     	10:18	10:20	10:46				
135	234	447	461	829	868	1018	1024
1529	1720	2171	2867	3147	3176		
3487	3936	3940	3947	4103	4272	4485	5010
5188	5484	6956	7198				

Boop beep.

The Lunch Company          	1747	10:32	10:34			
Cup Of Joe                 	1501	10:30	10:36			
DFrostU                    	4272	10:28	10:38			
First Pick                 	868	10:26	10:40			
Blucifer                   	6956	10:24	10:42			
Falcon                     	10:15	10:22	10:44			
Wheat Coast Neat Coast     	10:18	10:20	10:46			
135	234	447	461	829	1018	1024
1529	1720	2171	2867	3147	3176	
3487	3936	3940	3947	4103	4485	5010
5188	5484	7198				

MIA: CoJ, DFrostyu

Falcon makes their first on-time pick of the DCMP season by grabbing Cyber Blue, 234.

I’m glad I’m not alone in my division haha

You’re not alone. You are NEVER alone.

I am when I’m with you

More! randoms! yay!

The Lunch Company          	1747	10:32	10:34			
Cup Of Joe                 	1501	10:30	10:36			
DFrostU                    	4272	10:28	10:38			
First Pick                 	868	10:26	10:40			
Blucifer                   	6956	10:24	10:42			
Falcon                     	234	10:22	10:44			
Wheat Coast Neat Coast     	1529	3487	10:46			
135	447	461	829	1018	1024	
1720	2171	2867	3147	3176		
3936	3940	3947	4103	4485	5010	
5188	5484	7198				

I’ll just change that last 2 in the time to a 4…

1024 for Falcon.

TLC be fast pls I want to take a nap

The Lunch Company          	1747	10:32	10:34		
Cup Of Joe                 	1501	829	10:36		
DFrostU                    	4272	4485	10:38		
First Pick                 	868	1741	10:40		
Blucifer                   	6956	3940	10:42		
Falcon                     	234	1024	10:44		
Wheat Coast Neat Coast     	1529	3487	10:46		
135	447	461	1018		
1720	2171	2867	3147	3176	
3936	3947	4103	5010		
5188	5484	7198			

“TLC be fast pls I want to take a nap”
TLC disappears

The Lunch Company          	1747	3147	135			
Cup Of Joe                 	1501	829	5010			
DFrostU                    	4272	4485	1720			
First Pick                 	868	1741	1018			
Blucifer                   	6956	3940	2171			
Falcon                     	234	1024	10:44			
Wheat Coast Neat Coast     	1529	3487	10:46			
447	461					
2867	3176					
3936	3947	4103				
5188	5484	7198				

7198 for Falcon.





The Lunch Company 1747 3147 135
Cup Of Joe 1501 829 5010
DFrostU 4272 4485 1720
First Pick 868 1741 1018
Blucifer 6956 3940 2171
Falcon 234 1024 7198
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 1529 3487 3936

447 461
2867 3176
3947 4103
5188 5484

1741 for 3147 please

I didn’t realize they’d been picked. 71 instead please

Check the official roster before picking 71.

I believe that this has been discussed in discord between us and the result is that I was allowed 71 due to runner error. Please correct me if that isn’t right