Draft Starts 12/13 @ 7:00pm
The ULCAN 7:00 8:07 8:08
Bobo Brigade 7:05 8:04 8:09
Falcon 7:10 8:01 8:10
Rotten Fruit Alliance 7:15 7:58 8:11
OrangeJuice 7:20 7:55 8:12
Broconnor 7:25 7:52 8:13
FIRST Pick 7:30 7:49 8:14
Swamp Life 7:35 7:46 8:15
The Breakfast Company 7:40 7:43 8:16
192 269 537 706 930 1091 1259 1306
1396 1675 1714 1716 1732 1792 2062 2077
2194 2202 2358 2498 2500 2506 2530 2574
2826 2830 3102 3197 3381 3418 3596 3692
3734 4241 4247 4531 4549 4786 4804 5003
5096 5148 5552 5586 5595 5773 5855 5903
5976 6038 6058 6064 6165 6223
Lists from: Rotten Fruit Alliance, Bobo Brigade, OrangeJuice, Swamp Life
The ULCAN 2194 8:07 8:08
Bobo Brigade 2826 8:04 8:09
Falcon 7:10 8:01 8:10
Rotten Fruit Alliance 7:15 7:58 8:11
OrangeJuice 7:20 7:55 8:12
Broconnor 7:25 7:52 8:13
FIRST Pick 7:30 7:49 8:14
Swamp Life 7:35 7:46 8:15
The Breakfast Company 7:40 7:43 8:16
192 269 537 706 930 1091 1259 1306
1396 1675 1714 1716 1732 1792 2062 2077
2202 2358 2498 2500 2506 2530 2574
2830 3102 3197 3381 3418 3596 3692
3734 4241 4247 4531 4549 4786 4804 5003
5096 5148 5552 5586 5595 5773 5855 5903
5976 6038 6058 6064 6165 6223
Lists from: Rotten Fruit Alliance, Bobo Brigade, OrangeJuice, Swamp Life
The ULCAN 2194 8:07 8:08
Bobo Brigade 2826 8:04 8:09
Falcon 1732 8:01 8:10
Rotten Fruit Alliance 2062 7:58 8:11
OrangeJuice 1714 7:55 8:12
Broconnor 5148 7:52 8:13
FIRST Pick 7:30 7:49 8:14
Swamp Life 7:35 7:46 8:15
The Breakfast Company 7:40 7:43 8:16
192 269 537 706 930 1091 1259 1306
1396 1675 1716 1792 2077
2202 2358 2498 2500 2506 2530 2574
2830 3102 3197 3381 3418 3596 3692
3734 4241 4247 4531 4549 4786 4804 5003
5096 5148 5552 5586 5595 5773 5855 5903
5976 6038 6058 6064 6165 6223
Lists from: Rotten Fruit Alliance, Bobo Brigade, OrangeJuice, Swamp Life
MIA: The ULCAN, Broconnor
The ULCAN 2194 8:07 8:08
Bobo Brigade 2826 8:04 8:09
Falcon 1732 8:01 8:10
Rotten Fruit Alliance 2062 7:58 8:11
OrangeJuice 1714 7:55 8:12
Broconnor 5148 7:52 8:13
FIRST Pick 192 7:49 8:14
Swamp Life 537 7:46 8:15
The Breakfast Company 7:40 7:43 8:16
269 706 930 1091 1259 1306
1396 1675 1716 1792 2077
2202 2358 2498 2500 2506 2530 2574
2830 3102 3197 3381 3418 3596 3692
3734 4241 4247 4531 4549 4786 4804 5003
5096 5552 5586 5595 5773 5855 5903
5976 6038 6058 6064 6165 6223
Lists from: Rotten Fruit Alliance, Bobo Brigade, OrangeJuice, Swamp Life
MIA: The ULCAN, Broconnor
2500 and 2077 for TBC, please.
Broconnor swapped, and updated:
The ULCAN 2194 8:07 8:08
Bobo Brigade 2826 8:04 8:09
Falcon 1732 8:01 8:10
Rotten Fruit Alliance 2062 7:58 8:11
OrangeJuice 1714 7:55 8:12
Broconnor 706 7:52 8:13
FIRST Pick 192 7:49 8:14
Swamp Life 537 269 8:15
The Breakfast Company 2500 2077 8:16
269 930 1091 1259 1306
1396 1675 1716 1792 2077
2202 2358 2498 2500 2506 2530 2574
2830 3102 3197 3381 3418 3596 3692
3734 4241 4247 4531 4549 4786 4804 5003
5096 5148 5552 5586 5595 5773 5855 5903
5976 6038 6058 6064 6165 6223
Lists from: Rotten Fruit Alliance, Bobo Brigade, OrangeJuice, Swamp Life
The ULCAN 2194 8:07 8:08
Bobo Brigade 2826 8:04 8:09
Falcon 1732 8:01 8:10
Rotten Fruit Alliance 2062 7:58 8:11
OrangeJuice 1714 7:55 8:12
Broconnor 706 7:52 8:13
FIRST Pick 192 2202 8:14
Swamp Life 537 269 8:15
The Breakfast Company 2500 2077 8:16
269 930 1091 1259 1306
1396 1675 1716 1792 2077
2202 2358 2498 2500 2506 2530 2574
2830 3102 3197 3381 3418 3596 3692
3734 4241 4247 4531 4549 4786 4804 5003
5096 5148 5552 5586 5595 5773 5855 5903
5976 6038 6058 6064 6165 6223
Lists from: Rotten Fruit Alliance, Bobo Brigade, OrangeJuice, Swamp Life
Swao for 3418 for FIRST Pick, please.
The ULCAN 2194 8:07 8:08
Bobo Brigade 2826 8:04 8:09
Falcon 1732 8:01 8:10
Rotten Fruit Alliance 2062 7:58 8:11
OrangeJuice 1714 7:55 8:12
Broconnor 706 7:52 8:13
FIRST Pick 192 3418 8:14
Swamp Life 537 269 8:15
The Breakfast Company 2500 2077 8:16
269 930 1091 1259 1306
1396 1675 1716 1792 2077
2202 2358 2498 2500 2506 2530 2574
2830 3102 3197 3381 3418 3596 3692
3734 4241 4247 4531 4549 4786 4804 5003
5096 5148 5552 5586 5595 5773 5855 5903
5976 6038 6058 6064 6165 6223
Lists from: Rotten Fruit Alliance, Bobo Brigade, OrangeJuice, Swamp Life
2202 for Broconnor please.
The ULCAN 2194 8:07 8:08
Bobo Brigade 2826 8:04 8:09
Falcon 1732 8:01 8:10
Rotten Fruit Alliance 2062 1675 8:11
OrangeJuice 1714 2506 8:12
Broconnor 706 2202 8:13
FIRST Pick 192 3418 8:14
Swamp Life 537 269 8:15
The Breakfast Company 2500 2077 8:16
930 1091 1259 1306
1396 1716 1792
2358 2498 2530 2574
2830 3102 3197 3381 3596 3692
3734 4241 4247 4531 4549 4786 4804 5003
5096 5148 5552 5586 5595 5773 5855 5903
5976 6038 6058 6064 6165 6223
Lists from: Rotten Fruit Alliance, Bobo Brigade, OrangeJuice, Swamp Life
The ULCAN 2194 8:07 8:08
Bobo Brigade 2826 1259 8:09
Falcon 1732 930 8:10
Rotten Fruit Alliance 2062 1675 8:11
OrangeJuice 1714 2506 8:12
Broconnor 706 2202 8:13
FIRST Pick 192 3418 8:14
Swamp Life 537 269 8:15
The Breakfast Company 2500 2077 8:16
1091 1306
1396 1716 1792
2358 2498 2530 2574
2830 3102 3197 3381 3596 3692
3734 4241 4247 4531 4549 4786 4804 5003
5096 5148 5552 5586 5595 5773 5855 5903
5976 6038 6058 6064 6165 6223
Lists from: Rotten Fruit Alliance, Bobo Brigade, OrangeJuice, Swamp Life
The ULCAN 2194 5148 4786
Bobo Brigade 2826 1259 5855
Falcon 1732 930 8:10
Rotten Fruit Alliance 2062 1675 8:11
OrangeJuice 1714 2506 8:12
Broconnor 706 2202 8:13
FIRST Pick 192 3418 8:14
Swamp Life 537 269 8:15
The Breakfast Company 2500 2077 8:16
1091 1306
1396 1716 1792
2358 2498 2530 2574
2830 3102 3197 3381 3596 3692
3734 4241 4247 4531 4549 4786 4804 5003
5096 5148 5552 5586 5595 5773 5855 5903
5976 6038 6058 6064 6165 6223
Lists from: Rotten Fruit Alliance, Bobo Brigade, OrangeJuice, Swamp Life