[FF]: Greater Kansas City Regional

MIA: Bobo Brigade, ULCAN

The ULCAN	        1806	5082	938				
Falcon	                1987	1802	2357				
FIRST Pick	        1730	1939	1810				
OrangeJuice	        4522	1764	1763				
Broconnor	        3528	2457	5730				
The Breakfast Company	1775	1785	8:12				
Swamp Life	         1108 1825	8:13				
Bobo Brigade	        3172	5809	8:14				
Rotten Fruit Alliance	1723	2410	8:15				
Koko's X-Cats	        937	5918	8:16				
31						1737	
	1769		1777				
	1827	1847		1982	1984		1994
1997	2001	2164	2167	2335	2345	2346	2353
			2560	2874		3485	
4455		4809	4959	5013		5119	5126
5141	5189	5268		5801			5925

MIA: Bobo Brigade, ULCAN

The ULCAN	        1806	5082	938				
Falcon	                1987	1802	2357				
FIRST Pick	        1730	1939	1810				
OrangeJuice	        4522	1764	1763				
Broconnor	        3528	2457	5730				
The Breakfast Company	1775	1785	1847				
Swamp Life	         1108 1825	8:13				
Bobo Brigade	        3172	5809	8:14				
Rotten Fruit Alliance	1723	2410	8:15				
Koko's X-Cats	        937	5918	8:16				
31						1737	
	1769		1777				
	1827			1982	1984		1994
1997	2001	2164	2167	2335	2345	2346	2353
			2560	2874		3485	
4455		4809	4959	5013		5119	5126
5141	5189	5268		5801			5925

5126 for TBC

MIA: Bobo Brigade, ULCAN

The ULCAN	        1806	5082	938				
Falcon	                1987	1802	2357				
FIRST Pick	        1730	1939	1810				
OrangeJuice	        4522	1764	1763				
Broconnor	        3528	2457	5730				
The Breakfast Company	1775	1785	5126				
Swamp Life	         1108 1825	1847				
Bobo Brigade	        3172	5809	1994				
Rotten Fruit Alliance	1723	2410	8:15				
Koko's X-Cats	        937	5918	8:16				
31						1737	
	1769		1777				
	1827			1982	1984		
1997	2001	2164	2167	2335	2345	2346	2353
			2560	2874		3485	
4455		4809	4959	5013		5119	
5141	5189	5268		5801			5925

RFA selects 1777.

MIA: Bobo Brigade, ULCAN

The ULCAN	        1806	5082	938				
Falcon	                1987	1802	2357				
FIRST Pick	        1730	1939	1810				
OrangeJuice	        4522	1764	1763				
Broconnor	        3528	2457	5730				
The Breakfast Company	1775	1785	5126				
Swamp Life	         1108 1825	1847				
Bobo Brigade	        3172	5809	1994				
Rotten Fruit Alliance	1723	2410	1777			
Koko's X-Cats	        937	5918	2345				
31						1737	
	1827			1982	1984		
1997	2001	2164	2167	2335		2346	2353
			2560	2874		3485	
4455		4809	4959	5013		5119	
5141	5189	5268		5801			5925

Thanks for running the draft Roger, good luck everyone.

The ULCAN	        1806	5082	938				
Falcon	                1987	1802	2357				
FIRST Pick	        1730	1939	1810				
OrangeJuice	        4522	1764	1763				
Broconnor	        3528	2457	5730				
The Breakfast Company	1775	1785	5126				
Swamp Life	        1108    1825	1847								
Rotten Fruit Alliance	1723	2410	1777				
31 937 1737 1769 1827 1982 1984 
1994 1997 2001 2164 2167 2335 2345		
2346 2353 2560 2874 3172 3485 4455		
4809 4959 5013 5119 5149 5189 5268		
5801 5809 5918 5925 5968

We’ll take a free trade on 2202, swapping out 1777. GKC roster looks like this: