Falcon 217 8:02 8:04
The Lunch Company 7:03 8:00 8:06
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 7:06 7:58 8:08
Cup Of Joe 7:09 7:56 8:10
The Breakfast Company 7:12 7:54 8:12
NASUH 7:15 7:52 8:14
DFrostU 7:18 7:50 8:16
TSIMFD 7:21 7:48 8:18
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 7:24 7:46 8:20
Questionable Decisionmakers 7:27 7:44 8:22
Blucifer 7:30 7:42 8:24
Hammerheads 7:33 7:40 8:26
First Pick 7:36 7:38 8:28
48 117 156 303 337 870 1308
1708 1743 1787 2051 2053 2252 2603 2641
2656 3061 3062 3171 3260 3492 3504 3511
3954 3955 3957 4027 4028 4049 4050 4150
4269 4467 4521 4522 4547 4930 4991 5077
5472 5740 5811 5842 6032 6054 6414 6947
7165 7274
Tlc would like 303
Hey, it rhymes.
Falcon 217 8:02 8:04
The Lunch Company 303 8:00 8:06
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 48 7:58 8:08
Cup Of Joe 3260 7:56 8:10
The Breakfast Company 7:12 7:54 8:12
NASUH 7:15 7:52 8:14
DFrostU 7:18 7:50 8:16
TSIMFD 7:21 7:48 8:18
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 7:24 7:46 8:20
Questionable Decisionmakers 7:27 7:44 8:22
Blucifer 7:30 7:42 8:24
Hammerheads 7:33 7:40 8:26
First Pick 7:36 7:38 8:28
117 156 337 870 1308
1708 1743 1787 2051 2053 2252 2603 2641
2656 3061 3062 3171 3492 3504 3511
3954 3955 3957 4027 4028 4049 4050 4150
4269 4467 4521 4522 4547 4930 4991 5077
5472 5740 5811 5842 6032 6054 6414 6947
7165 7274
4028 for TBC please.
Falcon 217 8:02 8:04
The Lunch Company 303 8:00 8:06
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 48 7:58 8:08
Cup Of Joe 3260 7:56 8:10
The Breakfast Company 4028 7:54 8:12
NASUH 4050 7:52 8:14
DFrostU 4522 7:50 8:16
TSIMFD 5842 7:48 8:18
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 2252 7:46 8:20
Questionable Decisionmakers 7:27 7:44 8:22
Blucifer 7:30 7:42 8:24
Hammerheads 7:33 7:40 8:26
First Pick 7:36 7:38 8:28
117 156 337 870 1308
1708 1743 1787 2051 2053 2603 2641
2656 3061 3062 3171 3492 3504 3511
3954 3955 3957 4027 4049 4150
4269 4467 4521 4547 4930 4991 5077
5472 5740 5811 6032 6054 6414 6947
7165 7274
3504 for QD, please.
Falcon 217 8:02 8:04
The Lunch Company 303 8:00 8:06
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 48 7:58 8:08
Cup Of Joe 3260 7:56 8:10
The Breakfast Company 4028 7:54 8:12
NASUH 4050 7:52 8:14
DFrostU 4522 7:50 8:16
TSIMFD 5842 7:48 8:18
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 2252 7:46 8:20
Questionable Decisionmakers 3504 7:44 8:22
Blucifer 870 7:42 8:24
Hammerheads 7:33 7:40 8:26
First Pick 7:36 7:38 8:28
117 156 337 1308
1708 1743 1787 2051 2053 2603 2641
2656 3061 3062 3171 3492 3511
3954 3955 3957 4027 4049 4150
4269 4467 4521 4547 4930 4991 5077
5472 5740 5811 6032 6054 6414 6947
7165 7274
We’ll take 6947
Falcon 217 8:02 8:04
The Lunch Company 303 8:00 8:06
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 48 7:58 8:08
Cup Of Joe 3260 7:56 8:10
The Breakfast Company 4028 7:54 8:12
NASUH 4050 7:52 8:14
DFrostU 4522 7:50 8:16
TSIMFD 5842 7:48 8:18
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 2252 7:46 8:20
Questionable Decisionmakers 3504 7:44 8:22
Blucifer 870 7:42 8:24
Hammerheads 6947 7:40 8:26
First Pick 4991 3171 8:28
117 156 337 1308
1708 1743 1787 2051 2053 2603 2641
2656 3061 3062 3492 3511
3954 3955 3957 4027 4049 4150
4269 4467 4521 4547 4930 5077
5472 5740 5811 6032 6054 6414
7165 7274
We’ll take 3492
Falcon 217 8:02 8:04
The Lunch Company 303 8:00 8:06
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 48 7:58 8:08
Cup Of Joe 3260 7:56 8:10
The Breakfast Company 4028 7:54 8:12
NASUH 4050 7:52 8:14
DFrostU 4522 7:50 8:16
TSIMFD 5842 7:48 8:18
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 2252 7:46 8:20
Questionable Decisionmakers 3504 7:44 8:22
Blucifer 870 337 8:24
Hammerheads 6947 3492 8:26
First Pick 4991 3171 8:28
117 156 1308
1708 1743 1787 2051 2053 2603 2641
2656 3061 3062 3511
3954 3955 3957 4027 4049 4150
4269 4467 4521 4547 4930 5077
5472 5740 5811 6032 6054 6414
7165 7274
We’d like to bring the mayhem with 4930!
Falcon 217 8:02 8:04
The Lunch Company 303 8:00 8:06
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 48 7:58 8:08
Cup Of Joe 3260 7:56 8:10
The Breakfast Company 4028 7:54 8:12
NASUH 4050 4027 8:14
DFrostU 4522 4547 8:16
TSIMFD 5842 2053 8:18
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 2252 5472 8:20
Questionable Decisionmakers 3504 4930 8:22
Blucifer 870 337 8:24
Hammerheads 6947 3492 8:26
First Pick 4991 3171 8:28
117 156 1308
1708 1743 1787 2051 2603 2641
2656 3061 3062 3511
3954 3955 3957 4049 4150
4269 4467 4521 5077
5740 5811 6032 6054 6414
7165 7274
156 for TBC please.
Falcon 217 1708 7274
The Lunch Company 303 7165 4269
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 48 3955 2641
Cup Of Joe 3260 6054 3511
The Breakfast Company 4028 156 8:12
NASUH 4050 4027 8:14
DFrostU 4522 4547 8:16
TSIMFD 5842 2053 8:18
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 2252 5472 8:20
Questionable Decisionmakers 3504 4930 8:22
Blucifer 870 337 8:24
Hammerheads 6947 3492 8:26
First Pick 4991 3171 8:28
117 1308
1743 1787 2051 2603
2656 3061 3062
3954 3957 4049 4150
4467 4521 5077
5740 5811 6032 6414
5811 for TBC please.
Falcon 217 1708 7274
The Lunch Company 303 7165 4269
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 48 3955 2641
Cup Of Joe 3260 6054 3511
The Breakfast Company 4028 156 5811
NASUH 4050 4027 3061
DFrostU 4522 4547 6032
TSIMFD 5842 2053 3954
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 2252 5472 6414
Questionable Decisionmakers 3504 4930 8:22
Blucifer 870 337 8:24
Hammerheads 6947 3492 8:26
First Pick 4991 3171 8:28
117 1308
1743 1787 2051 2603
2656 3062
3957 4049 4150
4467 4521 5077
Falcon 217 1708 7274
The Lunch Company 303 7165 4269
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 48 3955 2641
Cup Of Joe 3260 6054 3511
The Breakfast Company 4028 156 5811
NASUH 4050 4027 3061
DFrostU 4522 4547 6032
TSIMFD 5842 2053 3954
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 2252 5472 6414
Questionable Decisionmakers 3504 4930 117
Blucifer 870 337 3957
Hammerheads 6947 3492 8:26
First Pick 4991 3171 8:28
1743 1787 2051 2603
2656 3062
4049 4150
4467 4521 5077
We’ll take 5740