Draft Starting 7:00 pm EST on 11/29
Falcon 7:00 8:06 8:07
The ULCAN 7:04 8:03 8:08
OrangeJuice 7:08 8:00 8:09
The Breakfast Company 7:12 7:57 8:10
Koko's X-Cats 7:16 7:54 8:11
Bobo Brigade 7:20 7:51 8:12
Rotten Fruit Alliance 7:24 7:48 8:13
FIRST Pick 7:28 7:45 8:14
Swamp Life 7:32 7:42 8:15
Broconnor 7:36 7:39 8:16
44 610 746 1075 1114 1241 1246 1285
1305 1310 1325 1547 2013 2056 2185 2198
2228 2340 2634 2935 3117 3541 3710 4015
4152 4248 4252 4308 4343 4476 4525 4704
4732 4783 4939 4976 5031 5036 5076 5094
5428 5580 5596 5652 5719 5807 5861 6046
6070 6125 6140 6141
November 29, 2015, 12:05am
Ya know, sometimes I think it’s easier to do any regional that my first pick is at by just putting them in the first spot, regardless of what player is there.
2056, if you haven’t figured it out.
Draft Starting 7:00 pm EST on 11/29
Falcon 2056 8:06 8:07
The ULCAN 7:04 8:03 8:08
OrangeJuice 7:08 8:00 8:09
The Breakfast Company 7:12 7:57 8:10
Koko's X-Cats 7:16 7:54 8:11
Bobo Brigade 7:20 7:51 8:12
Rotten Fruit Alliance 7:24 7:48 8:13
FIRST Pick 7:28 7:45 8:14
Swamp Life 7:32 7:42 8:15
Broconnor 7:36 7:39 8:16
610 746 1075 1114 1241 1246 1285
1305 1310 1325 1547 2013 2185 2198
2228 2340 2634 2935 3117 3541 3710 4015
4152 4248 4252 4308 4343 4476 4525 4704
4732 4783 4939 4976 5031 5036 5076 5094
5428 5580 5596 5652 5719 5807 5861 6046
6070 6125 6140 6141
I will be on the road until 2pm so I wouldn’t expect this thread to be updated until then.
Draft Starting 7:00 pm EST on 11/29
Falcon 2056 8:06 8:07
The ULCAN 1114 8:03 8:08
OrangeJuice 1241 8:00 8:09
The Breakfast Company 7:12 7:57 8:10
Koko's X-Cats 7:16 7:54 8:11
Bobo Brigade 7:20 7:51 8:12
Rotten Fruit Alliance 7:24 7:48 8:13
FIRST Pick 7:28 7:45 8:14
Swamp Life 7:32 7:42 8:15
Broconnor 7:36 7:39 8:16
610 746 1075 1246 1285
1305 1310 1325 1547 2013 2185 2198
2228 2340 2634 2935 3117 3541 3710 4015
4152 4248 4252 4308 4343 4476 4525 4704
4732 4783 4939 4976 5031 5036 5076 5094
5428 5580 5596 5652 5719 5807 5861 6046
6070 6125 6140 6141
Draft Starting 7:00 pm EST on 11/29
Falcon 2056 8:06 8:07
The ULCAN 1114 8:03 8:08
OrangeJuice 1241 8:00 8:09
The Breakfast Company 610 7:57 8:10
Koko's X-Cats 7:16 7:54 8:11
Bobo Brigade 7:20 7:51 8:12
Rotten Fruit Alliance 7:24 7:48 8:13
FIRST Pick 7:28 7:45 8:14
Swamp Life 7:32 7:42 8:15
Broconnor 7:36 7:39 8:16
746 1075 1246 1285
1305 1310 1325 1547 2013 2185 2198
2228 2340 2634 2935 3117 3541 3710 4015
4152 4248 4252 4308 4343 4476 4525 4704
4732 4783 4939 4976 5031 5036 5076 5094
5428 5580 5596 5652 5719 5807 5861 6046
6070 6125 6140 6141
November 29, 2015, 6:02pm
Falcon 2056 8:06 8:07
The ULCAN 1114 8:03 8:08
OrangeJuice 1241 8:00 8:09
The Breakfast Company 610 7:57 8:10
Koko's X-Cats 1310 7:54 8:11
Bobo Brigade 7:20 7:51 8:12
Rotten Fruit Alliance 7:24 7:48 8:13
FIRST Pick 7:28 7:45 8:14
Swamp Life 7:32 7:42 8:15
Broconnor 7:36 7:39 8:16
746 1075 1246 1285
1305 1325 1547 2013 2185 2198
2228 2340 2634 2935 3117 3541 3710 4015
4152 4248 4252 4308 4343 4476 4525 4704
4732 4783 4939 4976 5031 5036 5076 5094
5428 5580 5596 5652 5719 5807 5861 6046
6070 6125 6140 6141
RFA will take 1325.
Guess we’re doubling down this season on the Paradox.
FIRST Pick will take 1305.
Falcon 2056 8:06 8:07
The ULCAN 1114 8:03 8:08
OrangeJuice 1241 8:00 8:09
The Breakfast Company 610 7:57 8:10
Koko's X-Cats 1310 7:54 8:11
Bobo Brigade 2198 7:51 8:12
Rotten Fruit Alliance 1325 7:48 8:13
FIRST Pick 1305 7:45 8:14
Swamp Life 7:32 7:42 8:15
Broconnor 7:36 7:39 8:16
746 1075 1246 1285
1547 2013 2185
2228 2340 2634 2935 3117 3541 3710 4015
4152 4248 4252 4308 4343 4476 4525 4704
4732 4783 4939 4976 5031 5036 5076 5094
5428 5580 5596 5652 5719 5807 5861 6046
6070 6125 6140 6141
Broconnor would like to select team 2013 and 2228
Falcon 2056 8:06 8:07
The ULCAN 1114 8:03 8:08
OrangeJuice 1241 8:00 8:09
The Breakfast Company 610 7:57 8:10
Koko's X-Cats 1310 7:54 8:11
Bobo Brigade 2198 7:51 8:12
Rotten Fruit Alliance 1325 7:48 8:13
FIRST Pick 1305 7:45 8:14
Swamp Life 5428 7:42 8:15
Broconnor 2013 7:39 8:16
746 1075 1246 1285
1547 2185
2228 2340 2634 2935 3117 3541 3710 4015
4152 4248 4252 4308 4343 4476 4525 4704
4732 4783 4939 4976 5031 5036 5076 5094
5580 5596 5652 5719 5807 5861 6046
6070 6125 6140 6141
sorry forgot we were last and 2228
Falcon 2056 8:06 8:07
The ULCAN 1114 8:03 8:08
OrangeJuice 1241 8:00 8:09
The Breakfast Company 610 7:57 8:10
Koko's X-Cats 1310 7:54 8:11
Bobo Brigade 2198 7:51 8:12
Rotten Fruit Alliance 1325 7:48 8:13
FIRST Pick 1305 7:45 8:14
Swamp Life 5428 5094 8:15
Broconnor 2013 2228 8:16
746 1075 1246 1285
1547 2185
2340 2634 2935 3117 3541 3710 4015
4152 4248 4252 4308 4343 4476 4525 4704
4732 4783 4939 4976 5031 5036 5076
5580 5596 5652 5719 5807 5861 6046
6070 6125 6140 6141
FIRST Pick will take 4476.
Falcon 2056 8:06 8:07
The ULCAN 1114 8:03 8:08
OrangeJuice 1241 8:00 8:09
The Breakfast Company 610 7:57 8:10
Koko's X-Cats 1310 7:54 8:11
Bobo Brigade 2198 7:51 8:12
Rotten Fruit Alliance 1325 7:48 8:13
FIRST Pick 1305 4476 8:14
Swamp Life 5428 5094 8:15
Broconnor 2013 2228 8:16
746 1075 1246 1285
1547 2185
2340 2634 2935 3117 3541 3710 4015
4152 4248 4252 4308 4343 4525 4704
4732 4783 4939 4976 5031 5036 5076
5580 5596 5652 5719 5807 5861 6046
6070 6125 6140 6141