[FF]: GTR East Tier 2

Deus X…7:03……….8:11……….8:13
LTown Throwdown…7:08……….8:09… …….8:14
Automated Scoring…7:13……….8:0 7……….8:15
Koko’s X-Cats…7:18……….8:05…… ….8:16
Peach Alliance…7:23…… ….8:03……….8:17
Team 3…7:28………. 8:01……….8:18
Team Spark…7:33……….7:59… …….8:19
Sour Patch Nerds…7:38……….7:57……….8:20
Falcon…7:43……….7:55……….8: 21
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…7:48……….7:53……….8: 22

TEAMS: 216 244 288 746 781 854 886 907 919 1075 1114
1219 1241 1246 1285 1325 1404 1503 1547 2013 2198 2601 2609
2994 3173 3360 3386 3387 3550 3683 3710 3985 3986 3988 4248
4252 4476 4618 4627 4718 4727 4783 4825 5031 5036 5051 5158


Deus X…1114……….8:11……….8:13
LTown Throwdown…1241……….8:09… …….8:14
Automated Scoring…781……….8:0 7……….8:15
Koko’s X-Cats…1503……….8:05…… ….8:16
Peach Alliance…7:23…… ….8:03……….8:17
Team 3…7:28………. 8:01……….8:18
Team Spark…7:33……….7:59… …….8:19
Sour Patch Nerds…7:38……….7:57……….8:20
Falcon…7:43……….7:55……….8: 21
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…7:48……….7:53……….8: 22

TEAMS: 216 244 288 746 854 886 907 919 1075
1219 1246 1285 1325 1404 1547 2013 2198 2601 2609
2994 3173 3360 3386 3387 3550 3683 3710 3985 3986 3988 4248
4252 4476 4618 4627 4718 4727 4783 4825 5031 5036 5051 5158

Peach Alliance will take 3173.

Deus X…1114……….8:11……….8:13
LTown Throwdown…1241……….8:09… …….8:14
Automated Scoring…781……….8:0 7……….8:15
Koko’s X-Cats…1503……….8:05…… ….8:16
Peach Alliance…3173…… ….8:03……….8:17
Team 3…3985………. 8:01……….8:18
Team Spark…1325……….7:59… …….8:19
Sour Patch Nerds…7:38……….7:57……….8:20
Falcon…7:43……….7:55……….8: 21
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…7:48……….7:53……….8: 22

TEAMS: 216 244 288 746 854 886 907 919 1075
1219 1246 1285 1404 1547 2013 2198 2601 2609
2994 3360 3386 3387 3550 3683 3710 3986 3988 4248
4252 4476 4618 4627 4718 4727 4783 4825 5031 5036 5051 5158

Deus X…1114……….8:11……….8:13
LTown Throwdown…1241……….8:09… …….8:14
Automated Scoring…781……….8:0 7……….8:15
Koko’s X-Cats…1503……….8:05…… ….8:16
Peach Alliance…3173…… ….8:03……….8:17
Team 3…3985………. 8:01……….8:18
Team Spark…1325……….7:59… …….8:19
Sour Patch Nerds…1285……….7:57……….8:20
Falcon…2013……….1547……….8: 21
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…4476……….3683……….8: 22

TEAMS: 216 244 288 746 854 886 907 919 1075
1219 1246 1404 2198 2601 2609
2994 3360 3386 3387 3550 3710 3986 3988 4248
4252 4618 4627 4718 4727 4783 4825 5031 5036 5051 5158

Deus X…1114……….8:11……….8:13
LTown Throwdown…1241……….8:09… …….8:14
Automated Scoring…781……….8:0 7……….8:15
Koko’s X-Cats…1503……….8:05…… ….8:16
Peach Alliance…3173…… ….8:03……….8:17
Team 3…3985………. 2994……….8:18
Team Spark…1325………1075… …….8:19
Sour Patch Nerds…1285……….216……….8:20
Falcon…2013……….1547……….8: 21
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…4476……….3683……….8: 22

TEAMS: 244 288 746 854 886 907 919
1219 1246 1404 2198 2601 2609
3360 3386 3387 3550 3710 3986 3988 4248
4252 4618 4627 4718 4727 4783 4825 5031 5036 5051 5158

Peach Alliance will take 4618.

Deus X…1114……….8:11……….8:13
LTown Throwdown…1241……….2601… …….8:14
Automated Scoring…781……….907……….8:15
Koko’s X-Cats…1503……….5158 …… ….8:16
Peach Alliance…3173…… ….4618……….8:17
Team 3…3985………. 2994……….8:18
Team Spark…1325………1075… …….8:19
Sour Patch Nerds…1285……….216……….8:20
Falcon…2013……….1547……….8: 21
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…4476……….3683……….8: 22

TEAMS: 244 288 746 854 886 919
1219 1246 1404 2198 2609
3360 3386 3387 3550 3710 3986 3988 4248
4252 4627 4718 4727 4783 4825 5031 5036 5051

Deus X…1114……….1404……….3988
LTown Throwdown…1241……….2601… …….8:14
Automated Scoring…781……….907……….8:15
Koko’s X-Cats…1503……….5158 …… ….8:16
Peach Alliance…3173…… ….4618……….8:17
Team 3…3985………. 2994……….8:18
Team Spark…1325………1075… …….8:19
Sour Patch Nerds…1285……….216……….8:20
Falcon…2013……….1547……….8: 21
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…4476……….3683……….8: 22

TEAMS: 244 288 746 854 886 919
1219 1246 2198 2609
3360 3386 3387 3550 3710 3986 4248
4252 4627 4718 4727 4783 4825 5031 5036 5051

Deus X…1114……….1404……….3988
LTown Throwdown…1241……….2601… …….3360
Automated Scoring…781……….907……….3386
Koko’s X-Cats…1503……….5158 …… …5051
Peach Alliance…3173…… ….4618……….8:17
Team 3…3985………. 2994……….8:18
Team Spark…1325………1075… …….8:19
Sour Patch Nerds…1285……….216……….8:20
Falcon…2013……….1547……….8: 21
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…4476……….3683……….8: 22

TEAMS: 244 288 746 854 886 919
1219 1246 2198 2609
3387 3550 3710 3986 4248
4252 4627 4718 4727 4783 4825 5031 5036

Deus X…1114……….1404……….3988
LTown Throwdown…1241……….2601… …….3360
Automated Scoring…781……….907……….3386
Koko’s X-Cats…1503……….5158 …… …5051
Peach Alliance…3173…… ….4618……….4727
Team 3…3985………. 2994……….3387
Team Spark…1325………1075… ……1219
Sour Patch Nerds…1285……….216……….8:20
Falcon…2013……….1547……….8: 21
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…4476……….3683……….8: 22

TEAMS: 244 288 746 854 886 919
1246 2198 2609
3550 3710 3986 4248
4252 4627 4718 4783 4825 5031 5036

Deus X…1114……….1404……….3988
LTown Throwdown…1241……….2601… …….3360
Automated Scoring…781……….907……….3386
Koko’s X-Cats…1503……….5158 …… …5051
Peach Alliance…3173…… ….4618……….4727
Team 3…3985………. 2994……….3387
Team Spark…1325………1075… ……1219
Sour Patch Nerds…1285……….216……….244
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…4476……….3683……….288

TEAMS: 746 854 886 919
2198 2609
3550 3710 3986 4248
4252 4627 4718 4783 4825 5031 5036

Trade 4727 for 4718.

Deus X…1114……….1404……….3988
LTown Throwdown…1241……….2601… …….3360
Automated Scoring…781……….907……….3386
Koko’s X-Cats…1503……….5158 …… …5051
Peach Alliance…3173…… ….4618………. 4718
Team 3…3985………. 2994……….3387
Team Spark…1325………1075… ……1219
Sour Patch Nerds…1285……….216……….244
Team Flippin’ The Greatest…4476……….3683……….288

TEAMS: 746 854 886 919
2198 2609
3550 3710 3986 4248
4252 4627 4727 4783 4825 5031 5036

3710 for 3988, and 5031 for 1404 please.

Crap, I was waiting for the rest of my team to reply to me on facebook for this trade when you posted this.

3710 is a really really nice pick.

They were pretty good at Ruckus.