[FF]: Gull Lake Tier 2

Koko's X-Cats 	                7:00	8:15	8:16
Automated Scoring 	        7:05	8:12	8:17
Team Awesome Blossom 	        7:10	8:09	8:18
Team Hindsight 	                7:15	8:06	8:19
The Phantom Zone 	        7:20	8:03	8:20
TeamRUSH27 	                7:25	8:00	8:21
Deus X 	                        7:30	7:57	8:22
Curiosity 	                7:35	7:54	8:23
Peach Alliance 	                7:40	7:51	8:24
Falcon 	                        7:45	7:48	8:25

74	830	858	1025	1528	1677	1896	1918
2054	2611	2767	2771	3234	3452	3656	3658
4003	4004	4216	4325	4327	4368	4377	4381
4395	4408	4453	4482	4483	4568	4956	4967
5152	5161	5194	5204	5205	5227	5244	5256

It appears to be our time? Awesome Blossom would like Team 1918.

List will be coming soon.

Whoops totally forgot to change the start time. The whole draft started late and we are still getting things figured out…

Koko's X-Cats 	                4327	8:15	8:16
Automated Scoring 	        2611	8:12	8:17
Team Awesome Blossom 	        1918	8:09	8:18
Team Hindsight 	                7:15	8:06	8:19
The Phantom Zone 	        7:20	8:03	8:20
TeamRUSH27 	                7:25	8:00	8:21
Deus X 	                        7:30	7:57	8:22
Curiosity 	                7:35	7:54	8:23
Peach Alliance 	                7:40	7:51	8:24
Falcon 	                        7:45	7:48	8:25

74	830	858	1025	1528	1677	1896
2054	2767	2771	3234	3452	3656	3658
4003	4004	4216	4325	4368	4377	4381
4395	4408	4453	4482	4483	4568	4956	4967
5152	5161	5194	5204	5205	5227	5244	5256

I guess we just shift the entire draft time down 30 mins

Koko's X-Cats 	                4327	8:15	8:16
Automated Scoring 	        2611	8:12	8:17
Team Awesome Blossom 	        1918	8:09	8:18
Team Hindsight 	                2054	8:06	8:19
The Phantom Zone 	        7:20	8:03	8:20
TeamRUSH27 	                7:25	8:00	8:21
Deus X 	                        7:30	7:57	8:22
Curiosity 	                7:35	7:54	8:23
Peach Alliance 	                7:40	7:51	8:24
Falcon 	                        7:45	7:48	8:25

74	830	858	1025	1528	1677	1896
	2767	2771	3234	3452	3656	3658
4003	4004	4216	4325	4368	4377	4381
4395	4408	4453	4482	4483	4568	4956	4967
5152	5161	5194	5204	5205	5227	5244	5256
Koko's X-Cats 	                4327	8:15	8:16
Automated Scoring 	        2611	8:12	8:17
Team Awesome Blossom 	        1918	8:09	8:18
Team Hindsight 	                2054	8:06	8:19
The Phantom Zone 	        2627	8:03	8:20
TeamRUSH27 	                2771	8:00	8:21
Deus X 	                        4381	7:57	8:22
Curiosity 	                3656	7:54	8:23
Peach Alliance 	                3234	7:51	8:24
Falcon 	                        7:45	7:48	8:25

74	830	858	1025	1528	1677	1896
3234	3452	3656	3658
4003	4004	4216	4325	4368	4377
4395	4408	4453	4482	4483	4568	4956	4967
5152	5161	5194	5204	5205	5227	5244	5256

2627 isn’t in Gull. Should be 2767

Koko's X-Cats 	                4327	8:15	8:16
Automated Scoring 	        2611	8:12	8:17
Team Awesome Blossom 	        1918	8:09	8:18
Team Hindsight 	                2054	8:06	8:19
The Phantom Zone 	        2767	8:03	8:20
TeamRUSH27 	                2771	8:00	8:21
Deus X 	                        4381	7:57	8:22
Curiosity 	                3656	7:54	8:23
Peach Alliance 	                3234	7:51	8:24
Falcon 	                        7:45	7:48	8:25

74	830	858	1025	1528	1677	1896
3234	3452	3656	3658
4003	4004	4216	4325	4368	4377
4395	4408	4453	4482	4483	4568	4956	4967
5152	5161	5194	5204	5205	5227	5244	5256

Falcon claims 830 and 74.

Koko's X-Cats 	                4327	8:15	8:16
Automated Scoring 	        2611	8:12	8:17
Team Awesome Blossom 	        1918	8:09	8:18
Team Hindsight 	                2054	8:06	8:19
The Phantom Zone 	        2767	8:03	8:20
TeamRUSH27 	                2771	8:00	8:21
Deus X 	                        4381	7:57	8:22
Curiosity 	                3656	4377	8:23
Peach Alliance 	                3234	4325	8:24
Falcon 	                        830	74	8:25

858	1025	1528	1677	1896
3234	3452	3656	3658
4003	4004	4216	4368
4395	4408	4453	4482	4483	4568	4956	4967
5152	5161	5194	5204	5205	5227	5244	5256
Koko's X-Cats 	                4327	8:45	8:46
Automated Scoring 	        2611	8:42	8:47
Team Awesome Blossom 	        1918	8:39	8:48
Team Hindsight 	                2054	8:36	8:49
The Phantom Zone 	        2767	8:33	8:40
TeamRUSH27 	                2771	8:30	8:51
Deus X 	                        4381	8:27	8:52
Curiosity 	                3656	4377	8:53
Peach Alliance 	                3234	4325	8:54
Falcon 	                        830	74	8:55

858	1025	1528	1677	1896
3234	3452	3656	3658
4003	4004	4216	4368
4395	4408	4453	4482	4483	4568	4956	4967
5152	5161	5194	5204	5205	5227	5244	5256

Times are now corrected to be the actual ones.

Koko's X-Cats 	                4327	8:45	8:46
Automated Scoring 	        2611	8:42	8:47
Team Awesome Blossom 	        1918	4956	8:48
Team Hindsight 	                2054	4216	8:49
The Phantom Zone 	        2767	3452	8:40
TeamRUSH27 	                2771	858	8:51
Deus X 	                        4381	4568	8:52
Curiosity 	                3656	4377	8:53
Peach Alliance 	                3234	4325	8:54
Falcon 	                        830	74	8:55

858	1025	1528	1677	1896
3234	3656	3658
4003	4004	4368
4395	4408	4453	4482	4483	4956	4967
5152	5161	5194	5204	5205	5227	5244	5256
Koko's X-Cats 	                4327	4453	5244
Automated Scoring 	        2611	5204	4956
Team Awesome Blossom 	        1918	4956	8:48
Team Hindsight 	                2054	4216	8:49
The Phantom Zone 	        2767	3452	8:40
TeamRUSH27 	                2771	858	8:51
Deus X 	                        4381	4568	8:52
Curiosity 	                3656	4377	8:53
Peach Alliance 	                3234	4325	8:54
Falcon 	                        830	74	8:55

858	1025	1528	1677	1896
3234	3658
4003	4004	4368
4395	4408	4482	4483	4967
5152	5161	5194	5205	5227	5256

Can we swap 5204 for 4003?

Koko's X-Cats 	                4327	4453	5244
Automated Scoring 	        2611	5204	4956
Team Awesome Blossom 	        1918	4956	4967
Team Hindsight 	                2054	4216	4395
The Phantom Zone 	        2767	3452	4003
TeamRUSH27 	                2771	858	1025
Deus X 	                        4381	4568	5161
Curiosity 	                3656	4377	4482
Peach Alliance 	                3234	4325	4004
Falcon 	                        830	74	8:55

858	1528	1677	1896
3234	3658	4368	4408	4483
5152	5194	5205	5227	5256

Automated Scoring asked for 4003 before you assigned them.

Can you also swap out last pick for EDIT: 4004?

Can you also remove the teams selected from the pool? Specifically 858 and 3234?

Koko's X-Cats 	                4327	4453	5244
Automated Scoring 	        2611	4003	1528
Team Awesome Blossom 	        1918	4956	4967
Team Hindsight 	                2054	4216	4395
The Phantom Zone 	        2767	3452	4325
TeamRUSH27 	                2771	858	1025
Deus X 	                        4381	4568	5161
Curiosity 	                3656	4377	4482
Peach Alliance 	                3234	4325	4004
Falcon 	                        830	74	4368

1677	1896 3658	4408	4483
5152	5194	5204  5205	5227	5256

Assigned 4004 before posted so do you still get them?

I’ll let Peach Alliance have this one. I’m fine with the selections we currently have.

If Automated Scoring wants to trade their 4003 for our 4004, we’ll be fine with that.


We picked up 4325 first.