[FF]: Idaho 2018 Tier 2

The Lunch Company          	7:00	7:27	7:29
TSIMFD                     	7:06	7:23	7:31
The Breakfast Company      	7:03	7:25	7:33
Cup of Joe                 	7:09	7:21	7:35
Hammerheads                	7:12	7:19	7:37
Questionable Decisionmakers	7:15	7:17	7:39

115	1566	1569	1619	1891	1983	2102	2122
2130	2594	3006	3128	3145	3166	3230	3243
3245	3256	3288	3513	3562	3598	4175	4585
4598	4944	5430	5461	5496	5871	5933	6358
6680	7148	7301					

2122 for TBC please

The Lunch Company          	3006	7:27	7:29
TSIMFD                     	1619	7:23	7:31
The Breakfast Company      	2122	7:25	7:33
Cup of Joe                 	1983	7:21	7:35
Hammerheads                	7:12	7:19	7:37
Questionable Decisionmakers	7:15	7:17	7:39

115	1566	1569	1891	2102			
2130	2594	3128	3145	3166	3230	3243	
3245	3256	3288	3513	3562	3598	4175	4585
4598	4944	5430	5461	5496	5871	5933	6358
6680	7148	7301					



The Lunch Company          	3006	7:27	7:29
TSIMFD                     	1619	7:23	7:31
The Breakfast Company      	2122	7:25	7:33
Cup of Joe                 	1983	7:21	7:35
Hammerheads                	3256	7:19	7:37
Questionable Decisionmakers	7:15	7:17	7:39

115	1566	1569	1891	2102			
2130	2594	3128	3145	3166	3230	3243	
3245	3288	3513	3562	3598	4175	4585	
4598	4944	5430	5461	5496	5871	5933	6358
6680	7148	7301					


QD selects 3230, PrototypeX, and 3245, Ravens.

The Lunch Company          	3006	7:27	7:29
TSIMFD                     	1619	7:23	7:31
The Breakfast Company      	2122	7:25	7:33
Cup of Joe                 	1983	7:21	7:35
Hammerheads                	3256	7:19	7:37
Questionable Decisionmakers	3230	3245	7:39

115	1566	1569	1891	2102			
2130	2594	3128	3145	3166	3243		
3288	3513	3562	3598	4175	4585		
4598	4944	5430	5461	5496	5871	5933	6358
6680	7148	7301		


The Lunch Company          	3006	7:27	7:29
TSIMFD                     	1619	115	7:31
The Breakfast Company      	2122	7:25	7:33
Cup of Joe                 	1983	3562	7:35
Hammerheads                	3256	5461	7:37
Questionable Decisionmakers	3230	3245	7:39

1566	1569	1891	2102		
2130	2594	3128	3145	3166	3243	
3288	3513	3598	4175	4585		
4598	4944	5430	5496	5871	5933	6358
6680	7148	7301				


2130 for TBC

The Lunch Company          	3006	5430	5496
TSIMFD                     	1619	115	4944
The Breakfast Company      	2122	2130	7:33
Cup of Joe                 	1983	3562	7:35
Hammerheads                	3256	5461	7:37
Questionable Decisionmakers	3230	3245	7:39

1566	1569	1891	2102	
2594	3128	3145	3166	3243
3288	3513	3598	4175	4585
4598	5871	5933	6358	
6680	7148	7301		

MIA - TLC, HH(2)

Can we swap for 4944 please

Nevermind 7148

We’ll take 2102

The Lunch Company          	3006	5430	5496
TSIMFD                     	1619	115	4944
The Breakfast Company      	2122	2130	2102
Cup of Joe                 	1983	3562	6680
Hammerheads                	3256	7148	7:37
Questionable Decisionmakers	3230	3245	7:39

1566	1569	1891		
2594	3128	3145	3166	3243
3288	3513	3598	4175	4585
4598	5461	5871	5933	6358



The Lunch Company          	3006	5430	5496
TSIMFD                     	1619	115	4944
The Breakfast Company      	2122	2130	2102
Cup of Joe                 	1983	3562	6680
Hammerheads                	3256	7148	7301
Questionable Decisionmakers	3230	3245	7:39

1566	1569	1891		
2594	3128	3145	3166	3243
3288	3513	3598	4175	4585
4598	5461	5871	5933	6358


TLC would like to swap for 3166 3128 and keep 3006

The Lunch Company          	3006	3166	3128
TSIMFD                     	1619	115	4944
The Breakfast Company      	2122	2130	2102
Cup of Joe                 	1983	3562	6680
Hammerheads                	3256	7148	7301
Questionable Decisionmakers	3230	3245	5461

1566	1569	1891				
2594	3145	3243				
3288	3513	3598	4175	4585		
4598	5430	5496	5871	5933	6358

MIA - QD(3)

Swap 5461 for 3562
