[FF]: [OFF]: Beach Blitz Tier 2

Caleb Skyes    	3309	21:52	21:54				
tmpoles        	21:03	21:50	21:56				
pchild         	21:06	21:48	21:58				
Akod           	21:09	21:46	22:00				
nomythicalbeast	21:12	21:44	22:02				
KaranY         	21:15	21:42	22:04				
ThatSoftwareGuy	21:18	21:40	22:06				
abbymarie      	21:21	21:38	22:08				
CupofJoe       	21:24	21:36	22:10				
drwhorx        	21:27	21:34	22:12				
BrennanB       	21:30	21:32	22:14				
4	294	330	399	597	599	687	696
968	1160	1197	1836	2122	2493	2659	
3473	3476	4079	4201	4276	4322	4619	4999
5012	5124	5157	5199	5810	5857	5966	6072
6220	6535	7025	7230				

Kicking off this tier will be no one other than the birthday girl Taegan!!

I’m hungry so I’ll pick the tators. 2122 please :slight_smile:

Caleb Skyes    	3309	21:52	21:54				
tmpoles        	2122	21:50	21:56				
pchild         	21:06	21:48	21:58				
Akod           	21:09	21:46	22:00				
nomythicalbeast	21:12	21:44	22:02				
KaranY         	21:15	21:42	22:04				
ThatSoftwareGuy	21:18	21:40	22:06				
abbymarie      	21:21	21:38	22:08				
CupofJoe       	21:24	21:36	22:10				
drwhorx        	21:27	21:34	22:12				
BrennanB       	21:30	21:32	22:14				
4	294	330	399	597	599	687	696
968	1160	1197	1836	2493	2659		
3473	3476	4079	4201	4276	4322	4619	4999
5012	5124	5157	5199	5810	5857	5966	6072
6220	6535	7025	7230				


Can I change my pick to 254? Thx

I guess I’ll copy Brian and take 330


Sub for 254 if they come.

Caleb Skyes    	3309	21:52	21:54				
tmpoles        	2122	21:50	21:56				
pchild         	330	21:48	21:58				
Akod           	3476	21:46	22:00				
nomythicalbeast	21:12	21:44	22:02				
KaranY         	21:15	21:42	22:04				
ThatSoftwareGuy	21:18	21:40	22:06				
abbymarie      	21:21	21:38	22:08				
CupofJoe       	21:24	21:36	22:10				
drwhorx        	21:27	21:34	22:12				
BrennanB       	21:30	21:32	22:14				
4	294	399	597	599	687	696	
968	1160	1197	1836	2493	2659		
3473	4079	4201	4276	4322	4619	4999	
5012	5124	5157	5199	5810	5857	5966	6072
6220	6535	7025	7230				

968, please.

1197 pls

Caleb Skyes    	3309	21:52	21:54				
tmpoles        	2122	21:50	21:56				
pchild         	330	21:48	21:58				
Akod           	3476	21:46	22:00				
nomythicalbeast	968	21:44	22:02				
KaranY         	1197	21:42	22:04				
ThatSoftwareGuy	399	21:40	22:06				
abbymarie      	294	21:38	22:08				
CupofJoe       	21:24	21:36	22:10				
drwhorx        	21:27	21:34	22:12				
BrennanB       	21:30	21:32	22:14				
4	597	599	687	696			
1160	1836	2493	2659				
3473	4079	4201	4276	4322	4619	4999	
5012	5124	5157	5199	5810	5857	5966	6072
6220	6535	7025	7230				

Swap 968 for 5012

Caleb Skyes    	3309	21:52	21:54			
tmpoles        	2122	21:50	21:56			
pchild         	330	21:48	21:58			
Akod           	3476	21:46	22:00			
nomythicalbeast	5012	21:44	22:02			
KaranY         	1197	21:42	22:04			
ThatSoftwareGuy	399	21:40	22:06			
abbymarie      	294	21:38	22:08			
CupofJoe       	21:24	21:36	22:10			
drwhorx        	21:27	21:34	22:12			
BrennanB       	21:30	21:32	22:14			
4	597	599	687	696		
968	1160	1836	2493	2659		
3473	4079	4201	4276	4322	4619	4999
5124	5157	5199	5810	5857	5966	6072
6220	6535	7025	7230			


Caleb Skyes    	3309	21:52	21:54			
tmpoles        	2122	21:50	21:56			
pchild         	330	21:48	21:58			
Akod           	3476	21:46	22:00			
nomythicalbeast	5012	21:44	22:02			
KaranY         	1197	21:42	22:04			
ThatSoftwareGuy	399	21:40	22:06			
abbymarie      	294	21:38	22:08			
CupofJoe       	5199	21:36	22:10			
drwhorx        	21:27	21:34	22:12			
BrennanB       	21:30	21:32	22:14			
4	597	599	687	696		
968	1160	1836	2493	2659		
3473	4079	4201	4276	4322	4619	4999
5124	5157	5810	5857	5966	6072	
6220	6535	7025	7230			


scratch that, 687

Caleb Skyes    	3309	21:52	21:54			
tmpoles        	2122	21:50	21:56			
pchild         	330	21:48	21:58			
Akod           	3476	21:46	22:00			
nomythicalbeast	5012	21:44	22:02			
KaranY         	1197	21:42	22:04			
ThatSoftwareGuy	399	21:40	22:06			
abbymarie      	294	21:38	22:08			
CupofJoe       	5199	21:36	22:10			
drwhorx        	687	21:34	22:12			
BrennanB       	21:30	21:32	22:14			
4	597	599	696			
968	1160	1836	2493	2659		
3473	4079	4201	4276	4322	4619	4999
5124	5157	5810	5857	5966	6072	
6220	6535	7025	7230			

Caleb Skyes    	3309	21:52	21:54		
tmpoles        	2122	21:50	21:56		
pchild         	330	21:48	21:58		
Akod           	3476	21:46	22:00		
nomythicalbeast	5012	21:44	22:02		
KaranY         	1197	21:42	22:04		
ThatSoftwareGuy	399	21:40	22:06		
abbymarie      	294	21:38	22:08		
CupofJoe       	5199	21:36	22:10		
drwhorx        	687	21:34	22:12		
BrennanB       	7025	4322	22:14		
4	597	599	696		
968	1160	1836	2493	2659	
3473	4079	4201	4276	4619	4999
5124	5157	5810	5857	5966	6072
6220	6535	7230