Here we go! Times are enforced on Thursday, July 19th at 10PM EST. Picks may be made starting now, and you may pick before your timeslot if it is your turn. If you do not see your name here, you are in Tier 1, linked here.
nomythicalbeast 3130 10:27 10:29
MikLast 10:03 10:25 10:31
Thayer McCollum 10:06 10:23 10:33
Jeremy Germita 10:09 10:21 10:35
BrennanB 10:12 10:19 10:37
tmpoles 10:15 10:17 10:39
1732 1816 2169 2175 2177 2491 2500 2512
2846 3102 3244 3275 4009 4230 4607
6047 7886
I hope I’m making no error by selecting team 3130. Now are you ready, MikLast?
nomythicalbeast 3130 10:27 10:29
MikLast 2491 10:25 10:31
Thayer McCollum 10:06 10:23 10:33
Jeremy Germita 10:09 10:21 10:35
BrennanB 10:12 10:19 10:37
tmpoles 10:15 10:17 10:39
1732 1816 2169 2175 2177 2500 2512
2846 3102 3244 3275 4009 4230 4607
6047 7886
Thayer is up.
nomythicalbeast 3130 10:27 10:29
MikLast 2491 10:25 10:31
Thayer McCollum 2169 10:23 10:33
Jeremy Germita 10:09 10:21 10:35
BrennanB 10:12 10:19 10:37
tmpoles 10:15 10:17 10:39
1732 1816 2175 2177 2500 2512
2846 3102 3244 3275 4009 4230 4607
6047 7886
Your turn, Jeremy.
nomythicalbeast 3130 10:27 10:29
MikLast 2491 10:25 10:31
Thayer McCollum 2169 10:23 10:33
Jeremy Germita 4607 10:21 10:35
BrennanB 10:12 10:19 10:37
tmpoles 10:15 10:17 10:39
1732 1816 2175 2177 2500 2512
2846 3102 3244 3275 4009 4230
6047 7886
Your move, Breb.
nomythicalbeast 3130 10:27 10:29
MikLast 2491 10:25 10:31
Thayer McCollum 2169 10:23 10:33
Jeremy Germita 4607 10:21 10:35
BrennanB 4230 1732 10:37
tmpoles 2175 1816 10:39
2177 2500 2512
2846 3102 3244 3275 4009
6047 7886
Jeremy, you’re up.
nomythicalbeast 3130 10:27 10:29
MikLast 2491 10:25 10:31
Thayer McCollum 2169 10:23 10:33
Jeremy Germita 4607 2846 10:35
BrennanB 4230 1732 10:37
tmpoles 2175 1816 10:39
2177 2500 2512
3102 3244 3275 4009
6047 7886
Thayer is up next.
nomythicalbeast 3130 10:27 10:29
MikLast 2491 10:25 10:31
Thayer McCollum 2169 3244 10:33
Jeremy Germita 4607 2846 10:35
BrennanB 4230 1732 10:37
tmpoles 2175 1816 10:39
2177 2500 2512
3102 3275 4009
6047 7886
Time for the second Mik pick.
nomythicalbeast 3130 4009 3102
MikLast 2491 2512 10:31
Thayer McCollum 2169 3244 10:33
Jeremy Germita 4607 2846 10:35
BrennanB 4230 1732 10:37
tmpoles 2175 1816 10:39
2177 2500
6047 7886
Make your final pick, Mik.
risk it for the biscuit, 7886
nomythicalbeast 3130 4009 3102
MikLast 2491 2512 7886
Thayer McCollum 2169 3244 10:33
Jeremy Germita 4607 2846 10:35
BrennanB 4230 1732 10:37
tmpoles 2175 1816 10:39
2177 2500
Thayer is on the clock for his final pick.
yeah he’s real low on time I don’t know if he’ll make it