SnapDragon 9:00 9:47 9:49
Caleb Skyes 9:03 9:45 9:51
tmpoles 9:06 9:43 9:53
Niklas701 9:09 9:41 9:55
Spang 9:12 9:39 9:57
ThatSoftwareGuy 9:15 9:37 9:59
Attention 9:18 9:35 10:01
Hailey.faiella 9:21 9:33 10:03
pchild 9:24 9:31 10:05
abbymarie 9:27 9:29 10:07
27 33 51 67 70 217 245 302
314 322 494 503 548 830 862 894
1243 1322 1506 1684 2137 2145 2337 2406
2834 2960 3322 3534 3656 3667 4362 4381
4779 5053 5114 5167 5436 5460 5502 5612
5660 5907 6493
SnapDragon will be kicking us off for Tier 1!
I’ll start us off with one of the HOTtest teams on the block, 67
SnapDragon 67 9:47 9:49
Caleb Skyes 27 9:45 9:51
tmpoles 9:06 9:43 9:53
Niklas701 9:09 9:41 9:55
Spang 9:12 9:39 9:57
ThatSoftwareGuy 9:15 9:37 9:59
Attention 9:18 9:35 10:01
Hailey.faiella 9:21 9:33 10:03
pchild 9:24 9:31 10:05
abbymarie 9:27 9:29 10:07
33 51 70 217 245 302
314 322 494 503 548 830 862 894
1243 1322 1506 1684 2137 2145 2337 2406
2834 2960 3322 3534 3656 3667 4362 4381
4779 5053 5114 5167 5436 5460 5502 5612
5660 5907 6493
SnapDragon 67 9:47 9:49
Caleb Skyes 27 9:45 9:51
tmpoles 217 9:43 9:53
Niklas701 2337 9:41 9:55
Spang 9:12 9:39 9:57
ThatSoftwareGuy 9:15 9:37 9:59
Attention 9:18 9:35 10:01
Hailey.faiella 9:21 9:33 10:03
pchild 9:24 9:31 10:05
abbymarie 9:27 9:29 10:07
33 51 70 245 302
314 322 494 503 548 830 862 894
1243 1322 1506 1684 2137 2145 2604
2834 2960 3322 3534 3656 3667 4362 4381
4779 5053 5114 5167 5436 5460 5502 5612
5660 5907 6493
SnapDragon 67 9:47 9:49
Caleb Skyes 27 9:45 9:51
tmpoles 217 9:43 9:53
Niklas701 2337 9:41 9:55
Spang 302 9:39 9:57
ThatSoftwareGuy 494 9:37 9:59
Attention 33 9:35 10:01
Hailey.faiella 2834 9:33 10:03
pchild 9:24 9:31 10:05
abbymarie 9:27 9:29 10:07
51 70 245
314 322 503 548 830 862 894
1243 1322 1506 1684 2137 2145 2604
2960 3322 3534 3656 3667 4362 4381
4779 5053 5114 5167 5436 5460 5502 5612
5660 5907 6493
SnapDragon 67 9:47 9:49
Caleb Skyes 27 9:45 9:51
tmpoles 217 9:43 9:53
Niklas701 2337 9:41 9:55
Spang 302 9:39 9:57
ThatSoftwareGuy 494 9:37 9:59
Attention 33 9:35 10:01
Hailey.faiella 2834 9:33 10:03
pchild 4362 9:31 10:05
abbymarie 245 1506 10:07
51 70
314 322 503 548 830 862 894
1243 1322 1684 2137 2145 2604
2960 3322 3534 3656 3667 4381
4779 5053 5114 5167 5436 5460 5502 5612
5660 5907 6493
SnapDragon 67 9:47 9:49
Caleb Skyes 27 9:45 9:51
tmpoles 217 9:43 9:53
Niklas701 2337 5436 9:55
Spang 302 3667 9:57
ThatSoftwareGuy 494 3656 9:59
Attention 33 862 10:01
Hailey.faiella 2834 1684 10:03
pchild 4362 5460 10:05
abbymarie 245 1506 10:07
51 70
314 322 503 548 830 894
1243 1322 2137 2145 2604
2960 3322 3534 4381
4779 5053 5114 5167 5502 5612
5660 5907 6493
destination deep space? 70? lets go???
No mine. :mad: :mad: :mad:
SnapDragon 67 9:47 9:49
Caleb Skyes 27 503 9:51
tmpoles 217 70 9:53
Niklas701 2337 5436 9:55
Spang 302 3667 9:57
ThatSoftwareGuy 494 3656 9:59
Attention 33 862 10:01
Hailey.faiella 2834 1684 10:03
pchild 4362 5460 10:05
abbymarie 245 1506 10:07
314 322 548 830 894
1243 1322 2137 2145 2604
2960 3322 3534 4381
4779 5053 5114 5167 5502 5612
5660 5907 6493
SnapDragon 67 5053 5612
Caleb Skyes 27 503 1322
tmpoles 217 70 9:53
Niklas701 2337 5436 9:55
Spang 302 3667 9:57
ThatSoftwareGuy 494 3656 9:59
Attention 33 862 10:01
Hailey.faiella 2834 1684 10:03
pchild 4362 5460 10:05
abbymarie 245 1506 10:07
314 322 548 830 894
1243 2137 2145 2604
2960 3322 3534 4381
4779 5114 5167 5502
5660 5907 6493
SnapDragon 67 5053 5612
Caleb Skyes 27 503 1322
tmpoles 217 70 5114
Niklas701 2337 5436 2960
Spang 302 3667 2137
ThatSoftwareGuy 494 3656 9:59
Attention 33 862 10:01
Hailey.faiella 2834 1684 10:03
pchild 4362 5460 10:05
abbymarie 245 1506 10:07
314 322 548 830 894
1243 2145 2604
3322 3534 4381
4779 5167 5502
5660 5907 6493
I will round off my draft with 314