Here you are you vultures. Make some picks.

Drwhorx	8:00	8:27	8:29				
Golfer4	8:03	8:25	8:31				
BMFC	8:06	8:23	8:33				
SnapDra	8:09	8:21	8:35				
JosephC	8:12	8:19	8:37				
LukeB	8:15	8:17	8:39				
27	51	68	226	240	302	548	818
1504	1528	1718	2834	3322	3414	3538	3641
3668	4130	4384	4395	5530	5577	9130	

i’ll take 3641, please

3538 please.

Lets rush through the draft with team 27

Drwhorx	3641	8:27	8:29			
Golfer	3538	8:25	8:31			
BMFC	27	8:23	8:33			
SnapDra	2834	8:21	8:35			
JosephC	8:12	8:19	8:37			
LukeB	8:15	8:17	8:39			
51	68	226	240	302	548	818
1504	1528	1718	3322	3414		
3668	4130	4384	4395	5530	5577	9130

302 and 1718

Drwhorx	3641	8:27	8:29			
Golfer	3538	8:25	8:31			
BMFC	27	8:23	8:33			
SnapDra	2834	3414	8:35			
JosephC	51	1528	8:37			
LukeB	302	1718	8:39			
68	226	240	548	818		
1504	3322					
3668	4130	4384	4395	5530	5577	9130

548 plz

68 please.

is it bad if i pick my own team, anyways put me down for 5530

Why not?

oh and 3322

4130 for me please.

I would like to hammer through my competition with the hammerheads 226

Drwhorx	3641	5530	3322
Golfer	3538	68	4130
BMFC	27	548	226
SnapDra	2834	3414	240
JosephC	51	1528	4384
LukeB	302	1718	8:39
3668	4395	5577	9130

Swap 4130 for 3668 please.


Drwhorx	3641	5530	3322
Golfer	3538	68	3668
BMFC	27	548	226
SnapDra	2834	3414	240
JosephC	51	1528	4384
LukeB	302	1718	1504
4130	4395	5577	9130

Drafts lock at 9 EST


Rank	Score	Drafter
1	142	pchild
2	132	BMFC
3	117	Tmpoles
4	117	Breb
5	115	Spang
6	113	Thayer
7	112	SnapDra
8	110	Abby
9	105	Hailey
10	105	Golfer
11	102	Brian
12	93	LukeB
13	92	Nik
14	88	Kevin
15	86	Drwhorx
16	83	JosephC
17	82	Danny
18	77	Attent
19	68	Miklast