[FF]: [OFF] Texas Robot Roundup Tier 2

I’ll be running this one. BrennanB is on the clock

BrennanB                      	9:00	9:27	9:29				
Brian Maher                   	9:03	9:25	9:31				
SnapDragon                    	9:06	9:23	9:33				
Conmaster1018                 	9:09	9:21	9:35				
nomythicalbeast               	9:12	9:19	9:37				
Golfer4646                    	9:15	9:17	9:39				
418	653	1296	2158	2468	2583	2789	2848
2881	3240	3366	3481	3735	3999	4192	4295
4610	5052	5417	5930	6321	6357	6377	


Brian is up

BrennanB                      	2848	9:27	9:29				
Brian Maher                   	9:03	9:25	9:31				
SnapDragon                    	9:06	9:23	9:33				
Conmaster1018                 	9:09	9:21	9:35				
nomythicalbeast               	9:12	9:19	9:37				
Golfer4646                    	9:15	9:17	9:39				
418	653	1296	2158	2468	2583	2789	
2881	3240	3366	3481	3735	3999	4192	4295
4610	5052	5417	5930	6321	6357	6377	


Snapdragon is up

BrennanB                      	2848	9:27	9:29				
Brian Maher                   	1296	9:25	9:31				
SnapDragon                    	9:06	9:23	9:33				
Conmaster1018                 	9:09	9:21	9:35				
nomythicalbeast               	9:12	9:19	9:37				
Golfer4646                    	9:15	9:17	9:39				
418	653	2158	2468	2583	2789		
2881	3240	3366	3481	3735	3999	4192	4295
4610	5052	5417	5930	6321	6357	6377	


Conmaster is up

BrennanB                      	2848	9:27	9:29			
Brian Maher                   	1296	9:25	9:31			
SnapDragon                    	3999	9:23	9:33			
Conmaster1018                 	9:09	9:21	9:35			
nomythicalbeast               	9:12	9:19	9:37			
Golfer4646                    	9:15	9:17	9:39			
418	653	2158	2468	2583	2789	
2881	3240	3366	3481	3735	4192	4295
4610	5052	5417	5930	6321	6357	6377


Danny you up

BrennanB                      	2848	9:27	9:29			
Brian Maher                   	1296	9:25	9:31			
SnapDragon                    	3999	9:23	9:33			
Conmaster1018                 	3481	9:21	9:35			
nomythicalbeast               	418	9:19	9:37			
Golfer4646                    	9:15	9:17	9:39			
	653	2158	2468	2583	2789	
2881	3240	3366	3735	4192	4295	
4610	5052	5417	5930	6321	6357	6377

418, please.

3735 and 6377 please.

2468, please.

New Name, New Pick, I am going to go with the RoboLobos, 5052

OHHHH Snap (dragon it’s your pick)

BrennanB                      	2848	9:27	9:29	
Brian Maher                   	1296	9:25	9:31	
SnapDragon                    	3999	9:23	9:33	
Stryker          	3481	5052	9:35	
nomythicalbeast               	418	2468	9:37	
Golfer4646                    	3735	6377	9:39	
653	2158	2583	2789	
2881	3240	3366	4192	4295
4610	5417	5930	6321	6357


Actually can I swap for 5417?

The man, the myth, the legend (in the eyes of the BMFC is up)

BrennanB                      	2848	9:27	9:29	
Brian Maher                   	1296	9:25	9:31	
SnapDragon                    	3999	5417	9:33	
Stryker          	        3481	5052	9:35	
nomythicalbeast               	418	2468	9:37	
Golfer4646                    	3735	6377	9:39	
653	2158	2583	2789	
2881	3240	3366	4192	4295
4610	5930	6321	6357	


2881 and 2789