[FF]: ONT DCMP 2017

Beep Boop. Still short 7 teams, will add them if they sign up pre draft! cough1114cough

Questionable Decisionmakers	7:00	8:07	8:08
FIRST Pick	                7:05	8:04	8:09
The Regal Falcons	        7:10	8:01	8:10
The Breakfast Company	        7:15	7:58	8:11
F3	                        7:20	7:55	8:12
NE Way You Want It	        7:25	7:52	8:13
Swamp Life	                7:30	7:49	8:14
Falcon	                        7:35	7:46	8:15
Untitled Team	                7:40	7:43	8:16

188	610	772	781	854	865	1075	1241
1285	1305	1325	1360	2056	2200	2386	2609
2706	2935	3560	3683	4001	4039	4152	4343
4476	4525	4678	4814	4907	4917	4939	4946
5024	5036	5076	5428	5596	5719	5885	6009
6070	6110	6323	6331	6336	6347	6378	6387
6461	6481	6513	6544	6564			


Gonna delay this one for now.

QD would like 4039.

How long is the draft being delayed/ if delay is done we’d like 2056

Questionable Decisionmakers	4039	8:07	8:08
FIRST Pick	                2056	8:04	8:09
The Regal Falcons	        7:10	8:01	8:10
The Breakfast Company	        7:15	7:58	8:11
F3	                        7:20	7:55	8:12
NE Way You Want It	        7:25	7:52	8:13
Swamp Life	                7:30	7:49	8:14
Falcon	                        7:35	7:46	8:15
Untitled Team	                7:40	7:43	8:16

188	610	772	781	854	865	1075	1241
1285	1305	1325	1360	2200	2386	2609
2706	2935	3560	3683	4001	4152	4343
4476	4525	4678	4814	4907	4917	4939	4946
5024	5036	5076	5428	5596	5719	5885	6009
6070	6110	6323	6331	6336	6347	6378	6387
6461	6481	6513	6544	6564			

Till we have more teams sign up :o If you want to pick a team that ain’t on the list, wait.

We haven’t posted yet because of the delay, but we’re here :stuck_out_tongue:

Le updated

Questionable Decisionmakers	4039	8:07	8:08
FIRST Pick	                2056	8:04	8:09
The Regal Falcons	        7:10	8:01	8:10
The Breakfast Company	        7:15	7:58	8:11
F3	                        7:20	7:55	8:12
NE Way You Want It	        7:25	7:52	8:13
Swamp Life	                7:30	7:49	8:14
Falcon	                        7:35	7:46	8:15
Untitled Team	                7:40	7:43	8:16

188	610	772	781	854	865	1075	1241
1285	1305	1325	1360	2200	2386	2609
2706	2935	3560	3683	4001	4152	4343
4476	4525	4678	4814	4907	4917	4939	4946
5024	5036	5076	5428	5596	5719	5885	6009
6070	6110	6323	6331	6336	6347	6378	6387
6461	6481	6513	6544	6564			

Till we have more teams sign up :o If you want to pick a team that ain’t on the list, wait.

TRF would like 1305 please

Questionable Decisionmakers	4039	8:07	8:08
FIRST Pick	                2056	8:04	8:09
The Regal Falcons	        1305	8:01	8:10
The Breakfast Company	        1241	7:58	8:11
F3	                        7:20	7:55	8:12
NE Way You Want It	        7:25	7:52	8:13
Swamp Life	                7:30	7:49	8:14
Falcon	                        7:35	7:46	8:15
Untitled Team	                7:40	7:43	8:16

188	610	772	781	854	865	1075
1285	1325	1360	2200	2386	2609
2706	2935	3560	3683	4001	4152	4343
4476	4525	4678	4814	4907	4917	4939	4946
5024	5036	5076	5428	5596	5719	5885	6009
6070	6110	6323	6331	6336	6347	6378	6387
6461	6481	6513	6544	6564			

Till we have more teams sign up :o If you want to pick a team that ain’t on the list, wait.

610 please.

Draft is still on hold due to a list selecting a team who is not officially registered, though I am rather confident they will be attending the event.

Questionable Decisionmakers	4039	8:07	8:08
FIRST Pick	                2056	8:04	8:09
The Regal Falcons	        1305	8:01	8:10
The Breakfast Company	        1241	7:58	8:11
F3	                        1114	7:55	8:12
NE Way You Want It	        610	7:52	8:13
Swamp Life	                5024	7:49	8:14
Falcon	                        4678	7:46	8:15
Untitled Team	                7:40	7:43	8:16

188	772	781	854	865	1075
1285	1325	1360	2200	2386	2609
2706	2935	3683	4001	4152	4343
4476	4525	4814	4907	4917	4939	4946 4976  5032
5036	5076	5428	5596	5719	5885	6009
6070	6110	6323	6331	6336	6347	6378	6387
6461	6481	6513	6544	6564			

semi delayed till we have more teams sign up :o If you want to pick a team that ain’t on the list, wait.

55/60 teams registered.

Going to un-suspend the draft and resume with +2 hrs remaining on all the times the clock. Seeing as the event starts tomorrow.

4939 and 4976, please

Questionable Decisionmakers	4039	8:07	8:08
FIRST Pick	                2056	8:04	8:09
The Regal Falcons	        1305	8:01	8:10
The Breakfast Company	        1241	7:58	8:11
F3	                        1114	7:55	8:12
NE Way You Want It	        610	7:52	8:13
Swamp Life	                5024	4917	8:14
Falcon	                        4678	1285	8:15
Untitled Team	                4976	4939	8:16

188	772	781	854	865	1075
1325	1360	2200	2386	2609
2706	2935	3683	4001	4152	4343
4476	4525	4814	4907	4946 5032
5036	5076	5428	5596	5719	5885	6009
6070	6110	6323	6331	6336	6347	6378	6387
6461	6481	6513	6544	6564			

Ahhh got caught up in something!

NEWYWI on the clock. 5 more minutes

Questionable Decisionmakers	4039	8:07	8:08
FIRST Pick	                2056	8:04	8:09
The Regal Falcons	        1305	8:01	8:10
The Breakfast Company	        1241	1325	8:11
F3	                        1114	772	8:12
NE Way You Want It	        610	2706	8:13
Swamp Life	                5024	4917	8:14
Falcon	                        4678	1285	8:15
Untitled Team	                4976	4939	8:16

188	781	854	865	1075
1360	2200	2386	2609
2935	3683	4001	4152	4343
4476	4525	4814	4907	4946 5032
5036	5076	5428	5596	5719	5885	6009
6070	6110	6323	6331	6336	6347	6378	6387
6461	6481	6513	6544	6564			

TRF on the clock 5 minutes.

TRF would like 3683

Questionable Decisionmakers	4039	8:07	8:08
FIRST Pick	                2056	6378	8:09
The Regal Falcons	        1305	3683	8:10
The Breakfast Company	        1241	1325	8:11
F3	                        1114	772	8:12
NE Way You Want It	        610	2706	8:13
Swamp Life	                5024	4917	8:14
Falcon	                        4678	1285	8:15
Untitled Team	                4976	4939	8:16

188	781	854	865	1075
1360	2200	2386	2609
2935	4001	4152	4343
4476	4525	4814	4907	4946 5032
5036	5076	5428	5596	5719	5885	6009
6070	6110	6323	6331	6336	6347	6387
6461	6481	6513	6544	6564			

QD on the clock 7 minutes.

188 and 2200, please.

Questionable Decisionmakers	4039	188	2200
FIRST Pick	                2056	6378	4525
The Regal Falcons	        1305	3683	8:10
The Breakfast Company	        1241	1325	8:11
F3	                        1114	772	8:12
NE Way You Want It	        610	2706	8:13
Swamp Life	                5024	4917	8:14
Falcon	                        4678	1285	8:15
Untitled Team	                4976	4939	8:16

781	854	865	1075
1360	2386	2609
2935	4001	4152	4343
4476	4814	4907	4946 5032
5036	5076	5428	5596	5719	5885	6009
6070	6110	6323	6331	6336	6347	6387
6461	6481	6513	6544	6564			

TRF on the clock 3 minutes.

6481 please