[FF]: [OOF] Peak Performance Tier 1

Tier one! Times enforced tonight on EST non Chief time.

edit: yeah no i’m dumb new tier is below

Taegen is the worst. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

never mind i lied here’s the new tier 1

abbymarie	9:00	9:32	9:34				
thatsoftwareguy	9:03	9:30	9:36				
max boord	9:06	9:28	9:38				
spant	        9:09	9:26	9:40				
cupofjoe	9:12	9:24	9:42				
lukeb	        9:15	9:22	9:44				
brennanb	9:18	9:20	9:46				
360	948	1294	1318	1778	1983	2046	2522
2557	2733	2811	2910	2928	2930	2976	3145
3238	3663	4131	4180	4450	4469	4692	4911
5588	5803	5827	5937	6343	6350		


abbymarie	2910	9:32	9:34				
thatsoftwareguy	2046	9:30	9:36				
max boord	1983	9:28	9:38				
spant	        9:09	9:26	9:40				
cupofjoe	9:12	9:24	9:42				
lukeb	        9:15	9:22	9:44				
brennanb	9:18	9:20	9:46				
360	948	1294	1318	1778		2522
2557	2733	2811		2928	2930	2976	3145
3238	3663	4131	4180	4450	4469	4692	4911
5588	5803	5827	5937	6343	6350

over to Spang now

abbymarie	2910	9:32	9:34				
thatsoftwareguy	2046	9:30	9:36				
max boord	1983	9:28	9:38				
spant	        5937	9:26	9:40				
cupofjoe	5803	9:24	9:42				
lukeb	        4911	9:22	9:44				
brennanb	9:18	9:20	9:46				
360	948	1294	1318	1778		2522
2557	2733	2811		2928	2930	2976	3145
3238	3663	4131	4180	4450	4469	4692	
5588		5827		6343	6350

2557 3663

Swap for 1318.

abbymarie	2910	9:32	9:34				
thatsoftwareguy	2046	9:30	9:36				
max boord	1983	9:28	9:38				
spant	        1318	9:26	9:40				
cupofjoe	5803	9:24	9:42				
lukeb	        4911	948	9:44				
brennanb	2557	3663	9:46				
360	1294	1778		2522
	2733	2811		2928	2930	2976	3145
3238 	4131	4180	4450	4469	4692	
5588		5827	5937	6343	6350

I’ll take 1318 then

1778 please.

abbymarie	2910	9:32	9:34				
thatsoftwareguy	2046	9:30	9:36				
max boord	1983	9:28	9:38				
spant	        1318	9:26	9:40				
cupofjoe	5803	2811	9:42				
lukeb	        4911	948	9:44				
brennanb	2557	3663	9:46				
360	1294	1778		2522
	2733			2928	2930	2976	3145
3238 	4131	4180	4450	4469	4692	
5588		5827	5937	6343	6350
abbymarie	2910	9:32	9:34				
thatsoftwareguy	2046	2976	9:36				
max boord	1983	2522	9:38				
spant	        1318	1778	9:40				
cupofjoe	5803	2811	9:42				
lukeb	        4911	948	9:44				
brennanb	2557	3663	9:46				
360	1294			
	2733			2928	2930		3145
3238 	4131	4180	4450	4469	4692	
5588		5827	5937	6343	6350

2733 and 5588

abbymarie	2910	2733	5588				
thatsoftwareguy	2046	2976	4450				
max boord	1983	2522	360				
spant	        1318	1778	9:40				
cupofjoe	5803	2811	9:42				
lukeb	        4911	948	9:44				
brennanb	2557	3663	9:46				
				2928	2930		3145
3238 	4131	4180	4469	4692	
		5827	5937	6343	6350

4131 please.

abbymarie	2910	2733	5588				
thatsoftwareguy	2046	2976	4450				
max boord	1983	2522	360				
spant	        1318	1778	4131				
cupofjoe	5803	2811	9:42				
lukeb	        4911	948	9:44				
brennanb	2557	3663	9:46				
				2928	2930		3145
3238 		4180	4469	4692	
		5827	5937	6343	6350

6343 for me please

abbymarie	2910	2733	5588				
thatsoftwareguy	2046	2976	4450				
max boord	1983	2522	360				
spant	        1318	1778	4131				
cupofjoe	5803	2811	6343				
lukeb	        4911	948	5937				
brennanb	2557	3663	9:46				
				2928	2930		3145
3238 		4180	4469	4692	
		5827	5937		6350

luke had a list but it ran out