Daedalite InVAders 4125 8:47 8:48
Koko's X-Cats 7:05 8:44 8:49
Falcon 7:10 8:41 8:50
PureMichigan 7:15 8:38 8:51
Brolliance Beta 7:20 8:35 8:52
Swamp Life 7:25 8:32 8:53
SHARP Cheddar 7:30 8:29 8:54
Team SuperPowerMatic 7:35 8:26 8:55
The Breakfast Company 7:40 8:23 8:56
Frog Farce 7:45 8:20 8:57
Orange Juice 7:50 8:17 8:58
LTown Throwdown 7:55 8:14 8:59
Rotten Peach Alliance 8:00 8:11 9:00
The Yellow Alliance 8:05 8:08 9:01
**1571** 492 753 847 956 1258 1359 1510
1899 2002 2093 2147 2148 2149 2192 2374
2411 2412 2517 2550 2555 2605 2635 2660
2733 2811 2903 2906 2910 2915 2923
2927 2929 2930 2942 2944 2976 2980 3024
3049 3131 3192 3220 3221 3223 3237 3268
3574 3575 3576 3586 3588 3636 3663 3673
3674 3681 3693 3711 3712 3781 3786 3787
3789 3826 3831 3876 3968 4030 4051 4082
4089 4104 4110 4120 4127 4131 4132 4173
4180 4205 4304 4309 4450 4461 4469 4495
4512 4579 4608 4654 4662 4681 4682 4683
4692 4726 4980 5085 5111 5198 5295 5450
5468 5495 5497 5588 5683 5748 5779
Please send me lists. If I don’t get a new list I will use the same one from the first day.
Rotten Peach Alliance will be live drafting PNW, Day 2.
Daedalite InVAders 2980 8:47 8:48
Koko's X-Cats 5111 8:44 8:49
Falcon 492 8:41 8:50
PureMichigan 3588 8:38 8:51
Brolliance Beta 2412 8:35 8:52
Swamp Life 2550 8:32 8:53
SHARP Cheddar 7:30 8:29 8:54
Team SuperPowerMatic 7:35 8:26 8:55
The Breakfast Company 7:40 8:23 8:56
Frog Farce 7:45 8:20 8:57
Orange Juice 7:50 8:17 8:58
LTown Throwdown 7:55 8:14 8:59
Rotten Peach Alliance 8:00 8:11 9:00
The Yellow Alliance 8:05 8:08 9:01
**1571** 753 847 956 1258 1359 1510
1899 2002 2093 2147 2148 2149 2192 2374
2411 2517 2555 2605 2635 2660
2733 2811 2903 2906 2910 2915 2923
2927 2929 2930 2942 2944 2976 3024
3049 3131 3192 3220 3221 3223 3237 3268
3574 3575 3576 3586 3636 3663 3673
3674 3681 3693 3711 3712 3781 3786 3787
3789 3826 3831 3876 3968 4030 4051 4082
4089 4104 4110 4120 4127 4131 4132 4173
4180 4205 4304 4309 4450 4461 4469 4495
4512 4579 4608 4654 4662 4681 4682 4683
4692 4726 4980 5085 5198 5295 5450
5468 5495 5497 5588 5683 5748 5779
Daedalite InVAders 2980 8:47 8:48
Koko's X-Cats 5111 8:44 8:49
Falcon 492 8:41 8:50
PureMichigan 3588 8:38 8:51
Brolliance Beta 2412 8:35 8:52
Swamp Life 2550 8:32 8:53
SHARP Cheddar 847 8:29 8:54
Team SuperPowerMatic 5468 8:26 8:55
The Breakfast Company 4089 8:23 8:56
Frog Farce 3663 8:20 8:57
Orange Juice 753 8:17 8:58
LTown Throwdown 956 8:14 8:59
Rotten Peach Alliance 8:00 8:11 9:00
The Yellow Alliance 8:05 8:08 9:01
**1571** 1258 1359 1510
1899 2002 2093 2147 2148 2149 2192 2374
2411 2517 2555 2605 2635 2660
2733 2811 2903 2906 2910 2915 2923
2927 2929 2930 2942 2944 2976 3024
3049 3131 3192 3220 3221 3223 3237 3268
3574 3575 3576 3586 3636 3673
3674 3681 3693 3711 3712 3781 3786 3787
3789 3826 3831 3876 3968 4030 4051 4082
4104 4110 4120 4127 4131 4132 4173
4180 4205 4304 4309 4450 4461 4469 4495
4512 4579 4608 4654 4662 4681 4682 4683
4692 4726 4980 5085 5198 5295 5450
5495 5497 5588 5683 5748 5779
Rotten Peach Alliance will take 4450
Daedalite InVAders 2980 8:47 8:48
Koko's X-Cats 5111 8:44 8:49
Falcon 492 8:41 8:50
PureMichigan 3588 8:38 8:51
Brolliance Beta 2412 8:35 8:52
Swamp Life 2550 8:32 8:53
SHARP Cheddar 847 8:29 8:54
Team SuperPowerMatic 5468 8:26 8:55
The Breakfast Company 4089 8:23 8:56
Frog Farce 3663 8:20 8:57
Orange Juice 753 8:17 8:58
LTown Throwdown 956 8:14 8:59
Rotten Peach Alliance 4450 8:11 9:00
The Yellow Alliance 3789 4127 9:01
**1571** 1258 1359 1510
1899 2002 2093 2147 2148 2149 2192 2374
2411 2517 2555 2605 2635 2660
2733 2811 2903 2906 2910 2915 2923
2927 2929 2930 2942 2944 2976 3024
3049 3131 3192 3220 3221 3223 3237 3268
3574 3575 3576 3586 3636 3673
3674 3681 3693 3711 3712 3781 3786 3787
3826 3831 3876 3968 4030 4051 4082
4104 4110 4120 4131 4132 4173
4180 4205 4304 4309 4461 4469 4495
4512 4579 4608 4654 4662 4681 4682 4683
4692 4726 4980 5085 5198 5295 5450
5495 5497 5588 5683 5748 5779
Daedalite InVAders 2980 2903 2910
Koko's X-Cats 5111 2927 4579
Falcon 492 2733 1510
PureMichigan 3588 3131 4980
Brolliance Beta 2412 3574 4469
Swamp Life 2550 5085 2411
SHARP Cheddar 847 1899 1359
Team SuperPowerMatic 5468 5495 3786
The Breakfast Company 4089 5497 2942
Frog Farce 3663 3711 2930
Orange Juice 753 4101 3223
LTown Throwdown 956 1571 3674
Rotten Peach Alliance 4450 2811 9:00
The Yellow Alliance 3789 4127 9:01
2002 2093 2147 2148 2149 2192 2374
2517 2555 2605 2635 2660
2906 2915 2923
2929 2944 2976 3024
3049 3192 3220 3221 3237 3268
3575 3576 3586 3636 3673
3681 3693 3712 3781 3787
3826 3831 3876 3968 4030 4051 4082
4110 4120 4131 4132 4173
4180 4205 4304 4309 4461 4495
4512 4608 4654 4662 4681 4682 4683
4692 4726 5198 5295 5450
5588 5683 5748 5779
Daedalite InVAders 2980 2903 2910
Koko's X-Cats 5111 2927 4579
Falcon 492 2733 1510
PureMichigan 3588 3131 4980
Brolliance Beta 2412 3574 4469
Swamp Life 2550 5085 2411
SHARP Cheddar 847 1899 1359
Team SuperPowerMatic 5468 5495 3786
The Breakfast Company 4089 5497 2942
Frog Farce 3663 3711 2930
Orange Juice 753 4101 3223
LTown Throwdown 956 1571 3674
Rotten Peach Alliance 4450 2811 4030
The Yellow Alliance 3789 4127 2923
2002 2093 2147 2148 2149 2192 2374
2517 2555 2605 2635 2660
2906 2915
2929 2944 2976 3024
3049 3192 3220 3221 3237 3268
3575 3576 3586 3636 3673
3681 3693 3712 3781 3787
3826 3831 3876 3968 4051 4082
4110 4120 4131 4132 4173
4180 4205 4304 4309 4461 4495
4512 4608 4654 4662 4681 4682 4683
4692 4726 5198 5295 5450
5588 5683 5748 5779
I will get around to posting the entire list sometime soon
Swap all picks for 2002, 2149, and 4131.
Apologizes for the absence, thought I had sent the list in but didn’t.
Daedalite InVAders 2980 2903 2910
Koko's X-Cats 5111 2927 4579
Falcon 492 2733 1510
PureMichigan 3588 3131 4980
Brolliance Beta 2412 3574 4469
Swamp Life 2550 5085 2411
SHARP Cheddar 847 1899 1359
Team SuperPowerMatic 5468 5495 3786
The Breakfast Company 2002 2149 4131
Frog Farce 3663 3711 2930
Orange Juice 753 4101 3223
LTown Throwdown 956 1571 3674
Rotten Peach Alliance 4450 2811 4030
The Yellow Alliance 3789 4127 2923
2093 2147 2148 2192 2374
2517 2555 2605 2635 2660
2906 2915
2929 2944 2976 3024
3049 3192 3220 3221 3237 3268
3575 3576 3586 3636 3673
3681 3693 3712 3781 3787
3826 3831 3876 3968 4051 4082
4110 4120 4132 4173
4180 4205 4304 4309 4461 4495
4512 4608 4654 4662 4681 4682 4683
4692 4726 5198 5295 5450
5588 5683 5748 5779
4089 5497 2942
Replacing 4101 with 2147
Fixing an issue with a team that doesn’t exist anymore.
Daedalite InVAders 2980 2903 2910
Koko's X-Cats 5111 2927 4579
Falcon 492 2733 1510
PureMichigan 3588 3131 4980
Brolliance Beta 2412 3574 4469
Swamp Life 2550 5085 2411
SHARP Cheddar 847 1899 1359
Team SuperPowerMatic 5468 5495 3786
The Breakfast Company 2002 2149 4131
Frog Farce 3663 3711 2930
Orange Juice 753 2147 3223
LTown Throwdown 956 1571 3674
Rotten Peach Alliance 4450 2811 4030
The Yellow Alliance 3789 4127 2923
2093 2148 2192 2374
2517 2555 2605 2635 2660
2906 2915
2929 2944 2976 3024
3049 3192 3220 3221 3237 3268
3575 3576 3586 3636 3673
3681 3693 3712 3781 3787
3826 3831 3876 3968 4051 4082
4110 4120 4132 4173
4180 4205 4304 4309 4461 4495
4512 4608 4654 4662 4681 4682 4683
4692 4726 5198 5295 5450
5588 5683 5748 5779
4089 5497 2942
Rotten Peach Alliance would like to swap 4030 for 2605.
Combined the drafts and swapped RPA’s picks.
The Yellow Alliance 4488 955 3238 3789 4127 2923
Rotten Peach Alliance 1983 2557 2928 4450 2811 2605
LTown Throwdown 4911 1778 4513 956 1571 3674
Orange Juice 2471 4918 2521 753 2147 3223
Frog Farce 2046 948 3812 3663 3711 2930
The Breakfast Company 4125 2907 3588 2002 2149 4131
Team SuperPowerMatic 4060 4043 3070 5468 5495 3786
SHARP Cheddar 488 997 957 847 1899 1359
Swamp Life 1425 4061 4915 2550 5085 2411
Brolliance Beta 1540 2522 4077 2412 3574 4469
PureMichigan 3393 1595 1294 3588 3131 4980
Falcon 1318 1432 360 492 2733 1510
Koko's X-Cats 3684 3218 949 5111 2927 4579
Daedalite InVAders 4057 2990 3219 2980 2903 2910
1258 2093 2148 2192 2374 2517 2555 2635 2660 2906 2915 2929 2944 2976 3024 3049
3192 3220 3221 3237 3268 3575 3576 3586 3636 3673 3681 3693 3712 3781 3787 3826
3831 3876 3968 4030 4051 4082 4110 4120 4132 4173 4180 4205 4304 4309 4461 4495
4512 4608 4654 4662 4681 4682 4683 4692 4726 5198 5295 5450 5588 5683 5748 5779
4089 5497 2942
The Breakfast Company doing some swaps.
2002 for 5683 (1 event)
2149 for 3787 (1 event)
4131 for 3681 (1 event)
Updated listing
The Yellow Alliance 4488 955 3238 3789 4127 2923
Rotten Peach Alliance 1983 2557 2928 4450 2811 2605
LTown Throwdown 4911 1778 4513 956 1571 3674
Orange Juice 2471 4918 2521 753 2147 3223
Frog Farce 2046 948 3812 3663 3711 2930
The Breakfast Company 4125 2907 3588 5683 3787 3681
Team SuperPowerMatic 4060 4043 3070 5468 5495 3786
SHARP Cheddar 488 997 957 847 1899 1359
Swamp Life 1425 4061 4915 2550 5085 2411
Brolliance Beta 1540 2522 4077 2412 3574 4469
PureMichigan 3393 1595 1294 3588 3131 4980
Falcon 1318 1432 360 492 2733 1510
Koko's X-Cats 3684 3218 949 5111 2927 4579
Daedalite InVAders 4057 2990 3219 2980 2903 2910
1258 2002 2093 2148 2149 2192 2374 2517 2555 2635 2660 2906 2915 2929 2944 2942 2976
3024 3049 3192 3220 3221 3237 3268 3575 3576 3586 3636 3673 3693 3712 3781 3826 3831
3876 3968 4030 4051 4082 4089 4110 4120 4131 4132 4173 4180 4205 4304 4309 4461 4495
4512 4608 4654 4662 4681 4682 4683 4692 4726 5198 5295 5450 5588 5748 5779 5497