TSIMFD 7:00 8:02 8:04
NASUH 7:03 8:00 8:06
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 7:06 7:58 8:08
Hammerheads 7:09 7:56 8:10
The Breakfast Company 7:12 7:54 8:12
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 7:15 7:52 8:14
Falcon 7:18 7:50 8:16
First Pick 7:21 7:48 8:18
DFrostU 7:24 7:46 8:20
Blucifer 7:27 7:44 8:22
Questionable Decisionmakers 7:30 7:42 8:24
The Lunch Company 7:33 7:40 8:26
Cup Of Joe 7:36 7:38 8:28
597 624 812 1266 1280 1538 1572 1622
1661 1972 2102 2485 2543 2576 2613 2658
2659 2827 2839 2984 3021 3045 3128 3255
3256 3328 3341 3473 3647 3704 3749 3882
3953 3965 3970 4014 4139 4160 4201 4270
4486 4583 4616 4738 4919 4984 5012 5025
5137 5199 5209 5429 5474 5477 5514 5627
6382 6515 6659 6695 6755 6821 6885 6920
6995 7249
1538, please.
TSIMFD 1538 8:02 8:04
NASUH 624 8:00 8:06
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 3256 7:58 8:08
Hammerheads 7:09 7:56 8:10
The Breakfast Company 7:12 7:54 8:12
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 7:15 7:52 8:14
Falcon 7:18 7:50 8:16
First Pick 7:21 7:48 8:18
DFrostU 7:24 7:46 8:20
Blucifer 7:27 7:44 8:22
Questionable Decisionmakers 7:30 7:42 8:24
The Lunch Company 7:33 7:40 8:26
Cup Of Joe 7:36 7:38 8:28
597 812 1266 1280 1572 1622
1661 1972 2102 2485 2543 2576 2613 2658
2659 2827 2839 2984 3021 3045 3128 3255
3328 3341 3473 3647 3704 3749 3882
3953 3965 3970 4014 4139 4160 4201 4270
4486 4583 4616 4738 4919 4984 5012 5025
5137 5199 5209 5429 5474 5477 5514 5627
6382 6515 6659 6695 6755 6821 6885 6920
6995 7249
Hammerheads would like 2485 W.A.R Lords
TSIMFD 1538 8:02 8:04
NASUH 624 8:00 8:06
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 3256 7:58 8:08
Hammerheads 2485 7:56 8:10
The Breakfast Company 7:12 7:54 8:12
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 7:15 7:52 8:14
Falcon 7:18 7:50 8:16
First Pick 7:21 7:48 8:18
DFrostU 7:24 7:46 8:20
Blucifer 7:27 7:44 8:22
Questionable Decisionmakers 7:30 7:42 8:24
The Lunch Company 7:33 7:40 8:26
Cup Of Joe 7:36 7:38 8:28
597 812 1266 1280 1572 1622
1661 1972 2102 2543 2576 2613 2658
2659 2827 2839 2984 3021 3045 3128 3255
3328 3341 3473 3647 3704 3749 3882
3953 3965 3970 4014 4139 4160 4201 4270
4486 4583 4616 4738 4919 4984 5012 5025
5137 5199 5209 5429 5474 5477 5514 5627
6382 6515 6659 6695 6755 6821 6885 6920
6995 7249
3255 pls
TSIMFD 1538 8:02 8:04
NASUH 624 8:00 8:06
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 3256 7:58 8:08
Hammerheads 2485 7:56 8:10
The Breakfast Company 3255 7:54 8:12
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 3021 7:52 8:14
Falcon 5012 7:50 8:16
First Pick 4201 7:48 8:18
DFrostU 7:24 7:46 8:20
Blucifer 7:27 7:44 8:22
Questionable Decisionmakers 7:30 7:42 8:24
The Lunch Company 7:33 7:40 8:26
Cup Of Joe 7:36 7:38 8:28
597 812 1266 1280 1572 1622
1661 1972 2102 2543 2576 2613 2658
2659 2827 2839 2984 3045 3128
3328 3341 3473 3647 3704 3749 3882
3953 3965 3970 4014 4139 4160 4270
4486 4583 4616 4738 4919 4984 5025
5137 5199 5209 5429 5474 5477 5514 5627
6382 6515 6659 6695 6755 6821 6885 6920
6995 7249
597 please.
TSIMFD 1538 8:02 8:04
NASUH 624 8:00 8:06
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 3256 7:58 8:08
Hammerheads 2485 7:56 8:10
The Breakfast Company 3255 7:54 8:12
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 597 7:52 8:14
Falcon 5012 7:50 8:16
First Pick 4201 7:48 8:18
DFrostU 3021 7:46 8:20
Blucifer 2576 7:44 8:22
Questionable Decisionmakers 7:30 7:42 8:24
The Lunch Company 7:33 7:40 8:26
Cup Of Joe 7:36 7:38 8:28
812 1266 1280 1572 1622
1661 1972 2102 2543 2613 2658
2659 2827 2839 2984 3045 3128
3328 3341 3473 3647 3704 3749 3882
3953 3965 3970 4014 4139 4160 4270
4486 4583 4616 4738 4919 4984 5025
5137 5199 5209 5429 5474 5477 5514 5627
6382 6515 6659 6695 6755 6821 6885 6920
6995 7249
MIA - DFrostU
Our next out of this world pick is 5199!
TSIMFD 1538 8:02 8:04
NASUH 624 8:00 8:06
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 3256 7:58 8:08
Hammerheads 2485 7:56 8:10
The Breakfast Company 3255 7:54 8:12
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 597 7:52 8:14
Falcon 5012 7:50 8:16
First Pick 4201 7:48 8:18
DFrostU 3021 7:46 8:20
Blucifer 2576 7:44 8:22
Questionable Decisionmakers 5199 7:42 8:24
The Lunch Company 7:33 7:40 8:26
Cup Of Joe 7:36 7:38 8:28
812 1266 1280 1572 1622
1661 1972 2102 2543 2613 2658
2659 2827 2839 2984 3045 3128
3328 3341 3473 3647 3704 3749 3882
3953 3965 3970 4014 4139 4160 4270
4486 4583 4616 4738 4919 4984 5025
5137 5209 5429 5474 5477 5514 5627
6382 6515 6659 6695 6755 6821 6885 6920
6995 7249
MIA - DFrostU
Tlc would like 3647
TSIMFD 1538 8:02 8:04
NASUH 624 8:00 8:06
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 3256 7:58 8:08
Hammerheads 2485 7:56 8:10
The Breakfast Company 3255 7:54 8:12
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 597 7:52 8:14
Falcon 5012 7:50 8:16
First Pick 4201 7:48 8:18
DFrostU 3021 7:46 8:20
Blucifer 2576 7:44 8:22
Questionable Decisionmakers 5199 7:42 8:24
The Lunch Company 3647 7:40 8:26
Cup Of Joe 5137 2102 8:28
812 1266 1280 1572 1622
1661 1972 2543 2613 2658
2659 2827 2839 2984 3045 3128
3328 3341 3473 3704 3749 3882
3953 3965 3970 4014 4139 4160 4270
4486 4583 4616 4738 4919 4984 5025
5209 5429 5474 5477 5514 5627
6382 6515 6659 6695 6755 6821 6885 6920
6995 7249
MIA - DFrostU
5429 please
TSIMFD 1538 8:02 8:04
NASUH 624 8:00 8:06
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 3256 7:58 8:08
Hammerheads 2485 7:56 8:10
The Breakfast Company 3255 7:54 8:12
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 597 7:52 8:14
Falcon 5012 7:50 8:16
First Pick 4201 7:48 8:18
DFrostU 3021 7:46 8:20
Blucifer 2576 7:44 8:22
Questionable Decisionmakers 5199 7:42 8:24
The Lunch Company 3647 5429 8:26
Cup Of Joe 5137 2102 8:28
812 1266 1280 1572 1622
1661 1972 2543 2613 2658
2659 2827 2839 2984 3045 3128
3328 3341 3473 3704 3749 3882
3953 3965 3970 4014 4139 4160 4270
4486 4583 4616 4738 4919 4984 5025
5209 5474 5477 5514 5627
6382 6515 6659 6695 6755 6821 6885 6920
6995 7249
MIA - DFrostU
We would like to hammer in our next pick, 1572.
TSIMFD 1538 8:02 8:04
NASUH 624 8:00 8:06
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 3256 7:58 8:08
Hammerheads 2485 7:56 8:10
The Breakfast Company 3255 7:54 8:12
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 597 4738 8:14
Falcon 5012 3882 8:16
First Pick 4201 812 8:18
DFrostU 3021 5209 8:20
Blucifer 2576 1622 8:22
Questionable Decisionmakers 5199 1572 8:24
The Lunch Company 3647 5429 8:26
Cup Of Joe 5137 2102 8:28
1266 1280
1661 1972 2543 2613 2658
2659 2827 2839 2984 3045 3128
3328 3341 3473 3704 3749
3953 3965 3970 4014 4139 4160 4270
4486 4583 4616 4919 4984 5025
5474 5477 5514 5627
6382 6515 6659 6695 6755 6821 6885 6920
6995 7249
MIA - DFrostU
3128 for TBC please
TSIMFD 1538 8:02 8:04
NASUH 624 8:00 8:06
The Kellen Hill Fan Club 3256 7:58 8:08
Hammerheads 2485 7:56 8:10
The Breakfast Company 3255 3128 8:12
Wheat Coast Neat Coast 597 4738 8:14
Falcon 5012 3882 8:16
First Pick 4201 812 8:18
DFrostU 3021 5209 8:20
Blucifer 2576 1622 8:22
Questionable Decisionmakers 5199 1572 8:24
The Lunch Company 3647 5429 8:26
Cup Of Joe 5137 2102 8:28
1266 1280
1661 1972 2543 2613 2658
2659 2827 2839 2984 3045
3328 3341 3473 3704 3749
3953 3965 3970 4014 4139 4160 4270
4486 4583 4616 4919 4984 5025
5474 5477 5514 5627
6382 6515 6659 6695 6755 6821 6885 6920
6995 7249
MIA - DFrostU
Hammerheads would like 6920