[FF]: [SLFF]: 2017 Arizona North

The Regal Falcons would like 1160

Untitled Team	                1011	6656	2478
Questionable Decisionmakers	2486	3009	1492
NE Way You Want It	        842	498	6017
The Breakfast Company           4183	6697	1165
The Regal Falcons	        3309	1280	1160
FIRST Pick	                1197	4146	1828
Swamp Life	                60	115	6413
F3	                        3669	4135	8:15
Falcon	                        192	2375	8:16

991	996					
2647	3019	3187	3785			
4153	4355	4565	4841	4985		
5059	5200	5207	5539	5869	5897	6127
6221	6314	6482	6518	6530	6585	6641						

F3 will take 1661

Untitled Team	                1011	6656	2478
Questionable Decisionmakers	2486	3009	1492
NE Way You Want It	        842	498	6017
The Breakfast Company           4183	6697	1165
The Regal Falcons	        3309	1280	1160
FIRST Pick	                1197	4146	1828
Swamp Life	                60	115	6413
F3	                        3669	4135	1661
Falcon	                        192	2375	8:16

991	996					
2647	3019	3187	3785			
4153	4355	4565	4841	4985		
5059	5200	5207	5539	5869	5897	6127
6221	6314	6482	6518	6530	6585	6641						

Falcon takes 991.

Untitled Team	                1011	6656	2478
Questionable Decisionmakers	2486	3009	1492
NE Way You Want It	        842	498	6017
The Breakfast Company           4183	6697	1165
The Regal Falcons	        3309	1280	1160
FIRST Pick	                1197	4146	1828
Swamp Life	                60	115	6413
F3	                        3669	4135	1661
Falcon	                        192	2375	991

2647	3019	3187	3785			
4153	4355	4565	4841	4985		
5059	5200	5207	5539	5869	5897	6127
6221	6314	6482	6518	6530	6585	6641						

We’ll replace our waiver 1661 with 4153